Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

In the end I gave my life for you

He followed me back into the house where Edward and Alice now sat on the two seater grinning, Bella stood looking out the window looking her normal worried self, Emmett and Rose sat watching a repeated T.V commercial an Esme and Carlisle stood talking is worried whispers. I felt sick and Jasper must have sensed my worry. He slung an arm round my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze.

“Okay, Alice and Edward have probably already figured it all out and told you all, but I told Lix our secret and he wants to join the family.” I grinned

“Emily, dearest sit down, this is important.” Carlisle smiled sympathetically

“What’s going on?” I asked I thought this would be good news. I was happy, did they not want me happy?

“Emily, Alec is coming to Forks.” Esme sighed

“Alec ,…but I explained back in Italy… he understood” I whispered to my self

“Who’s Alec?” Lix asked confused and unaware of the danger he was in.

“Alec is my friend from the Volturi, he thought I was his mate, but he’s mistaken, I just don’t see him that way.” I huffed. “Why is he coming back, Jane promised me she would talk to him” I continued.

“Emily we will sort this out just calm down.” Rose tried to sooth me

“Ali, is he coming on his own?” I asked

“As far as I can see, but it could change.” she mumbled nervously

“We need to change Lix now!” I exclaimed

“What… Emily… see here these things cannot be rushed.” Carlisle interjected.

“Rushed? What Alec will do to him when he gets here is beyond our control if he is changed then, he can at least … I don’t know hold Alec off.” I rushed

“Holding Alec off, could be costly.” Carlisle explained trying to make me see sense.

“Then I’ll pay the cost, he is my singer and there is nothing Alec nor Jane nor Aro can do about it.” I screeched “I’ll change him myself if I have too.”

Eye’s snapped open as soon as they realised my seriousness.

“Emmy, come on, be realistic, you’ll suck him dry.” Emmett reasoned

“Then someone do something that’s going to help!” I growled

“I will, Emmy, take Lix to the spare bedroom.” Esme smiled

“Really? Esme, I really owe you.” I grinned

I pulled on his hand and took him to the spare room.

“Okay, this is the spare room. I guess your gonna have to stay here until Esme comes.” I smiled as I explained why he was here.

“EMILY, LIX, DOWN HERE NOW! WE DON’T HAVE TIME!” Edward voice boomed through out the house.

“Shit” I cursed and pleaded Lix to stay in that room while I tried to get rid of whoever Alec had brought with him.

Alec didn’t travel on his own. I walked back down stairs to find Alec standing just as I has guessed with Jane and Aro.

“Emily, how nice to see you.” Aro greeted his smile crept me out more than anymore would know.

“Aro, it’s lovely to see you also.” I smiled awkwardly

“Cut the crap Emily, you don’t want us here, I lay my heart on the line for you and you told me that you were still new to this whole vampire thing, that you didn’t want to mess things up.” Alec shouted with fierce anger

“I didn’t want to mess up our friendship Alec, I just … when you kissed me I didn’t feel anything. I’m sorry.” I apologised

I looked at him dead in the eye and then at Jane, Jane looked angrier than Alec. Suddenly a pain so bad went through my body it felt like going the transformation again. I screamed in agony.

“STOP IT!” Rose screamed she looked ready to cry. “Why are you doing this to her?”

“I’m just trying to hurt her like she hurt my brother.” Jane spat

“NO this will end now, I don’t want you hurting her, I want to deal with this.” He growled

I lay on the floor whimpering in pain and then he did something I thought Alec would never do.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay two updates in the space of a few hours damn this new a7x album and lixxy pushing me is doing wonders for my creativity :D

Comments are like PB&J samiges (Increadbly sexxy) ;)

Peace & Love
Natalie Vengeance