Silently Serene

Pre- Wedding

She was rudely awakened by the sound of numerous overly excited women scampering around her house. Even threw her closed and locked door she could hear the clapping of the pointy heels on the cold hard wood floors. She grabbed her pillow and squished it around her face, suffocating her cries for help. It was the day of the wedding. Not hers but her sisters.

Jade was 17 years old. She was small and skinny, but not frail. Her choppy black hair fell into her face as she removed the pillow. Jade opened her decisive green eyes, they glowed almost like a cats eyes in a black room. If there was one thing Jade liked about herself it was her eyes. Which now fall like daggers on the lavender dress, someone had hung over the desk chair the night before. There was a knock at the door and a happy, cheerful, yet paranoid voice that could only belong to that of the bride came trailing into her atmosphere.
“Jay, you up…you better be! You’re going to be late.”

Just for this one day she had to grind her teeth and bare her sister. Nicely answering
“Yes, Kay I’m up.”
“Ok, get your but in the shower.”

Settling back into her pillow she let out one last cry for mercy before heading towards the shower. Jade not only had to go and deal with family and friends that haven’t seen her since she was “This Big” as they all put it, but she was a bride’s mate. Her sister’s best friend Whitney was the maiden of honor. There wasn’t going to be anyone her age there to talk to. Most of the family despised Jade’s taste in well life. They didn’t understand the music, the style, the black, and why I always hung out with boys. This all ran through her head as she painfully picked herself off her bed.

When she opened her door is was as if hell had broken loose and it was purple. Dressed in her black flag t-shirt and skull boxers, she got a look or two of disgust from her sisters friends. With-in ten minutes she was out the shower and in the horrid dress. It was strapless and tight to her torso. For a girl who was used to wearing skinny jeans and t-shirts everyday this was a big change. Not to mention the high heels she was forced to parade around in.

She was given strict orders of “No Black!” so she had to take the black nail polish off her stubby finger nails, and let Kay apply her “Conservative” make-up. But they couldn’t change her long choppy black hair, with snow white and sharpie red highlights, that fell naturally straight. After a minute of using pasty stuff to style the short top pieces and her bangs she was ready to go. Her lip and nose ring gave a glare to the mirror as they reflected the sun light.

They all piled in the limo to drive to the church. It was winter in Jersey, about a week before Christmas, one of Jade’s favorite times of year. Once at the church the hysterical screaming and running around continued, it was driving her insane.