Forever or Never

Stupid Pop Tart

"Kiro! You stupid retard, get out!" I yelled at my brother.
"Why say 'stupid retard'? If I'm a retard then calling me stupid makes no sense." Kiro said.
"I want to smack you upside the head so badly right now." I said, shaking my head.
"But you won't because you love your bubby." He said walking over and hugging me.
"I love you, but that won't stop me from kicking your stupid ass." I laughed and pushed him away.
"You are a violent little girl, Cherri." Kiro laughed as he walked out of my room.
It was always like this with me and my brother. I loved him more than life itself. Without him, I would probably die.
After our parents got divorced he let me move in with him so that I wouldn't have to deal with them. Kiro was the one that our parents loved. He was talented, famous and the perfect child. I was absolutely nothing to my parents. My dad even told me to my face that I was a waste of space.
It may seem like I've had a bad life, but that's not true. Kiro made everything worth it. He protected me from bullies at school, he protected me from our parents at home, and he protected me from myself.
Unlike everyone else, he didn't desert me when I became a pain. He stuck by me through everything.
"You put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up! You put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up!" A cheerful voice yelled from the livingroom.
I jumped up off my bed, ran out of my room and looked over the railing of my little balcony thing.
"Strify, what the heck are you yelling about?" I asked.
"I'm not sure. I'm just yelling." He said.
I laughed and walked down the stairs to where he was.
"You are retarded." I said.
"Aww!! Thank you for finally realizing that." Strify smiled at me.
"Strify, if you're flirting with my sister I'll kill you." Kiro said walking in.
"Please, she's only 15. That would be illegal." Strify said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, but I'm worth it." I smirked and pulled a pack of gum out of my back pocket.
I unwrapped a piece and shoved it into my mouth.
"Sorry, squirt. I'm not into you like that." Strify said, ruffling my hair and walking into the kitchen.
"Kiro, why do all your friends treat me like a little kid?" I asked.
"They don't treat you like a little kid. Why do you think that?" Kiro asked.
"Kiro, they always ruffle my hair and look down at me and talk to me like I'm a frickin' five year-old." I said.
"Cherri, you just do that to people. You're so small and adorable that they do it without thinking." Kiro said smiling at me.
"I am not small!" I said.
"You're shorter than me, sis. That is small." Kiro said.
"I am petite. Not small." I said.
"Petite means small in French you doorknob." Kiro laughed.
"So? I like Petite better than small." I said.
"Okay, fine. You're petite." Kiro said, "Now, how did our conversation get onto this topic?"
"I don't know. We both have tendency to let our minds wander." I said.
"Point." Kiro said and laughed again.
I rolled my eyes and went over to lay down on the couch.
"Aww.... Is Cherri tired?" Someone asked.
I looked up to see Yu walking in with Romeo.
"Yuki, shut up." I said and laid back down.
"Or what? Are you going to strangle me with your blankie?" He snickered.
I glared at Kiro. He gave me a stupid look like he had never realized the way Yu talked to me.
"I'm 15, dipwad. Not five." I hissed.
"Dipwad?" Yu laughed.
"Yes, Yuki, you are a dipwad." I said and got up.
"She has a thing today for calling people names." Kiro said, "I am apparently 'Stupid Retard'."
"Stupid retard? Why put stupid in there? If you call someone a retard that already means their stupid. How can someone be a stupid stupid?" Yu asked.
"Ugh!" I groaned and stomped up to my room.
I slammed the door as hard as I could and let myself fall face first onto my bed. I rolled over and grabbed a pillow.
I smashed the pillow against my face and screamed into it for a moment then threw it across the room. I know, I have really bad anger issues, but Yu just makes me so frickin' mad.
"Cherri, don't break anything!" Kiro yelled.
I rolled my eyes and picked up a dart from my nightstand. I aimed it at the dart board across the room and threw it, getting it to stick right into the middle.
I opened the drawer to my nightstand and pulled out a few more darts.
Each one of them ended up as close to the middle as they could with all the other darts in it.
Just as I was about to throw the last dart my bedroom door opened and someone walked in. I threw the dart and it knocked one of the other ones to the ground and took it's spot.
"Holy crap!" Whoever it was that walked in, gasped.
I looked over to see Shin, yet another one of Kiro's friends.
"Shin!" I jumped up and fell off my bed.
"Are you okay?" He laughed and walked over to me.
"Uh, yep. You just scared me a little." I said and stood up.
"Alright. Well, Kiro wanted me to tell you to come out and experience what the world outside your room is like." Shin said.
I blushed a faint pink color and rolled my eyes.
"Stupid retarded Kiro." I muttered.
"Stupid retarded? Aren't they the same thi-"
"Ugh! Don't start on that. Please? I've already been made fun of enough about that." I said, turning to look at Shin.
"Okay." He shrugged and walked out of my room with me following him.
"Yay! My sister has decided to venture outside of her own little world!" Kiro said running up to me.
I giggled and smacked him upside the head.
"Your sister is violent. She tried to kill me with a dart when I walked into her room." Shin said.
"You're a stupid pop tart." I said rolling my eyes.
"I'm a what?" He asked, confused.
"A stupid pop tart." I smiled at him.
"Don't ask. She's giving everyone names today." Kiro said.
"Yep! Kiro's new name is Poodle Nose." I giggled.
"I thought I was Stupid Retard?" Kiro said.
"Well, I got made fun of saying stupid retard so now you are Poodle Nose." I said.
"We have the same nose so that's an insult to you, too." Kiro said.
"Well, I'm a girl. Having a poodle nose only makes me cuter. It makes you look like a piggy." I giggled.
"Gasp! I look like a piggy?" Kiro mocked.
"Yes. A piggy." I crossed my arms and nodded.
"Wouldn't it make him look like a poodle?" Shin asked.
"It should, but the way it turns up makes him look like porky the pig." I said.
"I'm going to take that as an insult and make you go to your room." Kiro said.
"I thought you wanted me out of my room." I pointed out.
"Yeah, but now you're annoying me." Kiro said and pushed me towards the stairs.
"Kiro, you're not the boss of me." I said, grabbing the railings on the stairs.
"Yes I am. You live in my house so it's my rules, little sister." Kiro smirked.
"Damn you and your stupid logic." I muttered and stomped up the stairs.
"How can logic be stupid?" Yu asked.
"Yuki, think before you speak! That right there just earned you a week of torture." I said and went into my room.
I went over to my stereo and pressed play. X Japan started blasting as loud as possible.
"Ahh!" I screamed and fell backwards.
I reached up to the volume thing and turned the volume all the way down.
"Cherri?" Kiro walked into my room.
"You've been in my room." I growled.
"Uhh..." Kiro started backing out.
I jumped up and chased him down the stairs, jumping over the last few and landing on Kiro's back.
"Holy crap! Kiro, your sister's a flying monkey!" Romeo laughed.
"Romeo, you are so stupid. I'm a flying squirrel." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Cherri? Will you get offa' me?" Kiro asked.
"No. Now explain why you were in my room." I ordered.
"I was just using your CD player." Kiro said.
"Why not use your own?" I asked.
"Because yours is better." Kiro said.
"If you want a good quality stereo, go buy one yourself!" I said and got off of him.
I walked off into the kitchen like I hadn't just tackled my brother and started making macaroni and cheese.
"You're a violent girl, you know that?" A voice said from the doorway.
I turned around to see Shin smirking at me.
I blushed slightly and let a tiny smile play across my face.
"Uhh... Yeah. Kiro says I have anger issues." I said and turned back to my food so that Shin couldn't see my pink cheeks.
"Are you blushing? Shin chuckled.
"No... I have a sun burn." I said.
"You didn't two minutes ago." Shin said, his voice was closer now.
I turned around and found him only about a foot away from me.
"Why are you in here?" I asked, "Aren’t you here to hang out with Kiro and the others?"
"Whoa. That's kind of harsh. I just came in here to get a drink." Shin said.
"Oh." I said quietly and turned back to stir the Mac N' cheese.
"So... What are you making?" Shin asked, looking over my shoulder.
I felt his breath hit the back of my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine.
"Err... Mac N' Cheese." I said.
"Yum" He said and turned away.
I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw him go over to fridge. He pulled out a can of 7 Up and walked back into the living room.
I sighed and leaned against the counter.
I'm guessing it's obvious that I like Shin. Every time he's around I freeze up or make a complete fool out of myself. I'm pretty sure he thought I was just a stupid little kid.
"Cherri? Are you okay?" Kiro asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I just have a headache." I muttered.
"Do you want to go lay down?" Kiro asked.
"No. I just need some Advil. That's all." I said.
"You sure you're okay?" Kiro asked, putting his hand on my forehead.
I pulled back and nodded.
"I'm fine, okay?" I mumbled and turned back to the pan on the stove.
I picked it up by the handle and walked over to the sink.
"Can you get me a strainer?" I asked Kiro.
"Sure." He said and went over to one of the cabinets.
A moment later he handed me a strainer and I dumped the contents of the pan through it.
A cloud of steam erupted and little water particles gathered on my hand and arm.
I poured the noodles into a bowl and walked into the living room.
"Aww!!! Cherri looks sad!" Yu said and walked over to me.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.
"Explain your feelings." He said.
"Umm... Well, Ich hassen dich." I said and pulled away from him.
"That was a burn to your ego, Yu." Shin laughed.
"Please. I don't care what a 15 year-old girl thinks about me." Yu rolled his eyes.
I walked over to the stairs and was about to go up to my room when someone grabbed my arm to stop me.
"Why don't you hang out with us for once?" Shin asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really don't mean to offend anyone that really is challenged!!
I just mean retarded like how people call others retarded and mean stupid.