Forever or Never

You Can't Hit on Your Brother!

The cool silk of my bed felt good against my burning skin.
We had been out ALL DAY exploring the wonders of New York City and stupid me forgot sun screen!
Honestly, you'd think a red head would know not to go out in the burning sun without Sun Screen!
"Are you okay?" Aburn laughed.
I lifted my head, but that only cause me more pain.
"No! It's painful!" I whined.
"You really should have put some sun screen on." Elsa giggled and tossed a little bottle of green gel onto my bed.
I sat up and picked it up. It was the Aloe stuff I usually use when I get sunburned.
I rubbed it on my shoulders, lower back, face, legs, and the back of my neck.
"Ahh..." I smiled and slowly laid back against the pillows.
"Feeling better?" I heard Justin laugh.
"Much." I answered, still having to keep my arms straight since it still burned.
"Ohmigosh!"A voice shrieked.
I looked over to see Shenae standing in the doorway.
"There's a lobster on my bed!" She whined.
"Your bed?" I glared at her.
"Yes, my bed. You can sleep on the floor." Shenae hissed.
"Heeeeelllll no!" I said, holding out the first word.
"Hell yes. I need my beauty sleep and I won't be able to get it if I sleep on the floor." She said.
"You're damn right you need some beauty sleep, but you'll have to sleep for years to even look like a decent human." I retorted.
"What ever. I look waaaayyyy better than you." She smirked.
"It ain't natural though!" Toby fired back at her.
"The hell it isn't!" She said, taken aback.
"Please! The first time I laid eyes on you I saw the implant scars!" Elsa giggled.
I busted up laughing along with everyone else.
"What are you all laughing about?" Kiro asked, walking in.
"Kiro! Would you tell Cherlin to stop being such a biatch?" Shenae whined to him.
"Shenae! He's your brother! You can't put the moves on your brother, adopted or not!" Aburn laughed.
"Eww..." I shook my head laughing.
Kiro back away from Shenae then stepped around her and walked over to sit next to me.
"Cherri..." He chuckled, "Did you forget sunscreen?"
"I would nod but I'm in pain." I said.
"Just lay down and don't touch the burns." He laughed.
"What? Kiro, that's my bed!" Shenae whined.
"No, it's not. Cherri was here first so she gets the bed." Kiro said with authority.
Whoa! That was not Kiro! He must really not like Shenae.
"Bitch." Shenae muttered.
"I may be crippled at the moment but I can still kick your plastic ass!" I threatened.
She glared at me for a second before storming out of the room.
Once we new she was standing outside the door listening in on us I busted up laughing.
She really sucked at pretending to be ninja since I could hear her tapping her manicured nails on the door.
"Stop trying to listen in!" I yelled.
"Gah!" I heard her stomp away.
We all cracked up laughing.
"Are you guys going to order room service?" Kiro asked.
"Well no duh!" I laughed.
Kiro chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Well then, enjoy. I'm going to sleep." He said and stood up.
"'Night, bubby! I would hug you, but my arms hurt." I said.
"It's the thought that counts." He chuckled, "G'night."
He walked back to his room.
"So what does everyone want?" Aburn asked.
She had already whipped out the menu thing.
"Banana Split!" I said.
"Truffle Cake!" Justin added.
"Coffee Cake!" Toby yelled.
"We are going to be so fat tomorrow!" Aburn giggled.
"What do you guys want?" I asked Devon and Elsa.
"Uhm... Chocolate Ice-cream!" Elsa giggled.
"Nothing." Devon shrugged.
"Aww! Come on! It's all on Mr. Suit-Guy! Get whatever!" I said.
"Nah!" Devon shrugged.
"Get the most expensive thing." I said.
"Vanilla ice-cream with eatable gold?" Aburn made a face.
"Yes!" I said.
"Okay..." Aburn shrugged.
"Let's have a movie marathon!" I suggested.
"Awesome!" Toby squealed and clapped.
"Let's go raid your brother's movies!" Justin suggested.
"Perfect!" I giggled and attempted to get up.
"Ugh!" I cringed in pain, "Just bring the black bag with white-out bunnies on it in here."
"White-out bunnies?" Justin raised an eyebrow.
"I got bored." I attempted to shrug. Yeah... It didn't work out to well.
"Okay shh! I'm ordering!" Aburn said.
We all got quiet and waited patiently as Aburn rambled off all the desserts.
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Sorry it's so short!