Forever or Never

Oh, F♥ck! Pete, is that You?

After our very fattening feast of delicious desserts, Elsa and Devon went back to their house so Elsa could finish unpacking and all that.
I was in the bathroom changing into my silvery silk pajama shorts and a black tank that said "Oh, Fuck! Pete, is that you?" and it had a little chicken looking at a fried egg.
When I walked back into the main part of the room. Aburn was snoring away with a copy of Tiger Beat lying across her face.
Shenae walked into the room wearing a hooker-ish outfit consisting of a pink pleather mini skirt, white, lacy leggings, a yellow cropped T-Shirt that said "OMG!" in sparkly, pink letters, and white pumps.
"Eww!" I scrunched up my nose.
I ran over to the connecting door and opened it to find Yu, Strify and Shin sitting on the floor watching TV.
"Hey! Which one of you ordered the cheap prostitute?" I asked.
"What the hell, Cherri." Strify laughed and shook his head.
"What? A Barbie doll just walked in wearing a freaking pink pleather mini skirt!" I said.
"Gawd, Cherlin! Stop trying to be funny!" Shenae flipped her hair.
She pulled out a itty-bitty yellow nightgown with pink lacing along the bottom and on the straps then started undressing.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I covered my eyes.
"What?" Shenae snapped.
I uncovered my eyes but looked at the ceiling as I walked over to her and grabbed a handful of ugly blonde extensions then yanked her towards the bathroom.
I pushed her into the small room and shut then locked the door.
I know, why do they have a lock on the OUTSIDE of the door? I don't know and I don't care because at that point, it was very useful.
When I returned to the room all three guys were peeking in through the doorway.
"Go to bed perverts!" I said.
"What did you do to her?" Yu asked.
"Locked her in the bathroom." I shrugged.
"Nice." Strify laughed and high-fived me.
Yu put his hand up for a high-five and I smacked him in the forehead.
"Ow!" He chuckled and held his face.
"Sorry! I missed!" I laughed.
I saw Shin roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.
"What's your problem?" I spat at him.
He looked taken aback at my sudden bitterness towards him.
"Hello? Do you suddenly not speak English?" I hissed.
"Uhm..." Strify and Yu looked at each other then backed out of the room and shut the door.
Shin just continued looking at me with a blank expression.
"L'OH il mio dio! Siete stati tale… uno scatto! Perché non parlate in su per lei?" I growled at him.
"What?" He blinked a few times.
"What?" I mocked, "Why don't you answer me in more than one syllable?"
"Why are you acting like such a-" Shin stopped and bit his lip to keep from continuing.
"A- What, Shin? A bitch?" I hissed and turned on my heel to stomp over to my bed.
"That's not what I was going to say!" Shin sighed and followed me.
"Oh really? It sure sounded like that's what you were leaning towards." I muttered.
"It's not." He glared at me.
"Why don't you just leave me alone?" I growled in a quiet voice.
Shin sat down next to me and grabbed my chin roughly.
"What's up with the attitude?" He growled, glaring straight into my eyes.
I yanked away from him and tried to squeeze the tears back that tried to escape.
"Cherri...” He sighed, "Talk to me."
"Why? I've tried to talk to you before! You just roll your eyes or say some rude comeback! Ever since the k-" Shin cut off my rant by slapping a hand across my mouth.
I fell back, with him still covering my mouth and tried to mumble through his hand.
"Cherri! Shut up about it!" He growled, "As far as the rest of the world is concerned, nothing happened. And I want it to stay that way!"
I pushed his hand away and finally let the tears escape.
"Is that why you've been so mean to me?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"I haven't been mean to you." Shin bit his lip.
"Shin, the airport? Always rolling your eyes at me? And ignoring me every time I try to include you in something?" I sniffed quietly.
"Fine. I admit I've been a little rude. I'm just- really freaked out about what happened." Shin sighed.
"You have no reason to be." I said, my voice cracking.
"Yes. I actually do." He closed his eyes for a second and took a breath then opened them again.
"Really? Why don't you enlighten me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Cherri, you are a fifteen year-old girl. I am a nineteen year-old guy. We kissed. That is a big no-no to the government." Shin said then sighed.
"The government won't find out just by us hanging out as friends, Pop Tart." I rolled my eyes.
Shin smiled and I gave him this weird look.
"What are you smiling about?" I asked.
"You called me Pop Tart again." He smiled wider.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't let it go to your head. Now, finish explaining." I rolled my eyes.
"Well... Uh..." Shin looked at the ceiling then back at me.
He bit his lip then suddenly leaned over and pecked my lips.
"Does that explain it enough?" He asked.
"Err... N-No." I smiled.
Shin sighed and smirked down at me. I was still laying back against the soft bed.
He leaned over and gently pressed his lips to mine.
I smiled against his soft lips and entwined my fingers in his soft, white-blonde hair.
I felt him shift so that he wasn't bending over so uncomfortably.
His hands wondered to my sides as he moved on top of me.
I pulled back for a second to breath then pulled him back roughly and flipped him over so that I was sitting on his stomach.
He chuckled and pulled away.
"Cherri, we're going to wake everyone up." He smirked at me.
"Hmm... And how is that?" I whispered.
"I thought you said you were a big girl and you knew stuff." Shin said in a baby voice.
I playfully smacked his chest and got off of him.
"Aww! I didn't mean leave!" Shin crawled over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso.
I suddenly giggled and earned a strange, "What the fuck?" look from Shin.
"How come three minutes ago I was actually weighing the pros and cons of punching you in the face and now..." I giggled again.
Shin chuckled and kissed my cheek.
"I'm sorry I've been such a jerk." He murmured into my ear.
"It's okay." I smiled and cuddled up next to him.
"I should probably go back to my room now." Shin sighed, "We really don't need one of the guys walking in."
"I don't want you to go!" I pouted and wrapped my arms around his neck.
I reached up and pressed my lips to his.
He chuckled and fell over as I crawled on top of him once again.
"You know," I smiled and blushed a faint pink color, "I've liked you since... Practically since the first time I met you."
Shin smiled and leaned up to kiss one of my pink cheeks.
"You're blushing." He whispered against my face.
"I know." I giggled.
"It's cute." He said then moved to kiss my lips.
I bit his bottom lip lightly as I trailed one of my hands up and down his side.
I giggled quietly as I felt him shiver.
I bit his lip again and he chuckled. I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip and I parted my lips.
Suddenly someone cleared there throat and Shin and I snapped our heads up to see Aburn sitting up on her bed, looking at her magazine.
Shin and I exchanged a worried glance.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone." Aburn smirked at us.
I bit my lip and looked down.
"Shin, shouldn't you be going back to your room now?" Aburn raised an eyebrow.
"Uh... Yeah." Shin nodded slightly.
I rolled off of him and he got up off the bed then walked over to the connecting door.
"I... Uh... I'll see you tomorrow." Shin nodded at me then rushed into his room.
"Aburn!" I whined at her.
"What? It's almost one a.m. He needed to leave." Aburn said.
"No! He didn't!" I grumbled.
"Hon, I know you like him, but you two will have to be more discreet if you don't want to get caught." Aburn said.
"Wait- what?" I blinked.
"You two can't be raping each other with your eyes in front of other people or they'll know something is up." Aburn said, still flipping through her magizine.
"So... You won't tell?" I asked.
"Nope." She smiled at me, "But it won't matter if you guys are going to make out like that. If Strify and Yu were near the door, they would have heard you two."
I blushed and looked down. Aburn giggled at my embarrassment.
"Aburn!" I giggled/shouted.
"What?" She giggled with me, "I'm being serious! You two actually woke me up!"
"Au mein gott!" I grumbled and buried my face in my hands.
Aburn laughed at me, "You might want to get some sleep."
I nodded and climbed under the covers.
Aburn reached over and turned off the light, leaving us in pitch black.
I slowly and peacefully feel into a sleep filled with dreams of... You guessed it, Shin.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go Leibes! Shin and Cherri finally together- or are they??
- Cherri