Forever or Never


I felt Shin's warm arms around me and I giggled quietly as I reached up to kiss his jaw. It was pitch black so I couldn't see anything at all. I struggled to find his lips but every time I thought I had found it would end up being his cheek or nose or jaw.
After a moment Shin chuckled and touched a finger to my chin then guided me to his lips. I smiled and tangled my fingers in his hair.
I was so caught up in being with Shin that I didn't even notice or care that I was some place pitch black and that someplace could be anywhere. I just continued kissing Shin and letting out little giggles.
Shin bit my lip lightly and I parted my lips in shock, but quickly regained myself and crushed myself closer to Shin.
Then suddenly bright, fluorescent lights flicked on and I was blinded. I fell back from Shin in surprise.
My butt crashed onto a cold, metal grate-like floor, causing quite a lot of pain.
"Ow..." I groaned and blinked and squinted my eyes as I looked around.
Shin was sitting in a metal chair in front of me and we were in some kind of space station or something. Everything looked so futuristic and for a moment I actually thought I was sucked into and episode of Star Trek.
"S-Shin?" I asked, "Where are we?"
Shin remained quiet and just looked at me with sad eyes.
"Shin? Answer me," I said and stood up.
The grated flooring cut into my bare feet but I didn't notice as I walked towards Shin. I cupped his chin and leaned down towards him but he pulled away and Looked at the floor.
"Shin, baby? What's going on?" I asked in a quiet voice.
I looked him over and noticed that the 'chair' was some kind of trap. Shin's arms were now strapped to the arms of the chair with metal and his ankles were latched on to the legs of the chair.
I took a deep breath and began to panic.
"What's going on? Shin? Shin, answer me!" I whimpered and tried repeatedly to make him look at me.
I finally got him to look at me by using all my strength to held his head up in one position.
His eyes were glazed over and looked glassy, like he was about to cry and his skin seemed to be dull unlike it's usual, glowy white.
"Shin?" I choked out.
His eyes drooped and he continued to look at me sadly.
"Keine Panik." He muttered before his eyes drooped one last time.
"Shin!" I screamed and began to smack at his cheeks lightly.
He wouldn't wake up. His head just slumped over to the side.
I fell back to the floor and began to sob at his feet.
"Do not shed tears, young one." A strangely familiar voice said.
I looked up through my tears and say a tiny, green midget walking towards me with some old guy standing at his side.
I squinted and looked at him closer.
"Yoda?" I blinked in surprise.
Really? Who wouldn't be surprised if they just saw one of their favorite green midgets from a movie walk towards them.
"Yes, Young One. Yoda, I am." He nodded.
The two were now standing right in front of me.
"But- You're not real." I choked.
"Real, I am. Sad, you are." He pointed at me.
"Really?" I said sarcastically, "My- I guess- boyfriend just died or went into a coma or something!"
"You must not let him get in the way of training, Young One." Yoda said.
"T-Training?" I shook my head.
"Yes, training. Skywalker has built up an army and you are the only one who can save us." The old guy said, finally speaking up.
"Yes. Jedi blood you have." Yoda said.
"Jedi..? What the hell?" I shook my head, "I'm going insane."
Suddenly there was a sound like an air lock being open and some droids walked in.
"Get 'em!" One said and they began shooting.
Yoda and Old Guy were killed, leaving me.
Then, a guy with a black helmet and black cloaks walked in behind the droids. Darth Vader.
"Cherri. You shall join me." He said.
"N-no! What's going on? What happened to Shin?" I questioned.
"The boy is done." Darth Vader said.
"No!" I whimpered.
"You shall join me and at my side we will rule." He said, kneeling down in my face.
"No! I just want to go him!" I screamed.
The droids grabbed me by my arms and lifted me to my feet. I began flailing around, trying to escape.
"You will never return to earth. Your friends were killed in the process of getting you here unharmed." Darth Vader said.
The droids began pulling me towards the door.
"No! I don't want to! I want my friends! I wanted my brother!" I paused, "I want Shin!"

My eyes popped open and I flew into a sitting position. I was now back at the hotel, in my bed.
A cold layer of sweat was dripping from my skin.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked.
I screamed and jumped away from the voice, only to land right on my butt.
The voice chuckled and I noticed it was Shin.
"Shin!" I jumped up, happy that Darth Vader hadn't killed him.
I launched myself at him and engulfed him in a hug.
He chuckled and hugged me back.
"Someone's happy to see me?" He smirked at me.
"Yoda. You. Dead. Me. Crying. Darth Vader. Droids. Scary." I said quickly then planted a huge kiss right on his lips.
He fell back but I wouldn't remove my lips from his.
After thirty seconds- yes, I counted- I pulled back from Shin and smiled.
"That must have been one detailed dream." He said after a moment.
I giggled and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and sat up in a sitting position.
"Where is everyone?" I asked after a minute.
If anyone was still here Shin wouldn't have let me do any of this.
"Aburn was nice enough to convince them to go to Canada for the day," He smiled, "We have until midnight tonight to whatever we want without getting caught."
I smirked at him. Then, my stomach made an embarrassing noise.
Shin chuckled and moved out from under me. I jumped up and as soon as Shin turned his back I jumped onto it.
"Wha-" He chuckled and then hoisted me up.
"To the lobby where they have bagels and doughnuts!" I declared.
Shin shook his head at my peppiness then gave me a piggy back ride down to the lobby.
Shin carried me over to where the breakfast stuff was then let go of my legs so that he could get a bagel.
I clung to his waist with my legs while I reached over his shoulders to pick out a doughnut. I chose one with caramel drizzled over the top and powdered sugar sprinkled across it and cream filling.
"Yum." I licked my lips and took a bite.
"You really don't need that." Shin said.
"Yes I do! How else will I have the energy to come up with insults for Shenae?" I giggled.
Shin turned his head and smiled at me before taking a bite out of my doughnut.
"Hey!" I yelled.
This earned us glares from the old rich people that were in the lobby.
"Teenagers! No manners!" An old lady shook her head as she walked by.
"Ich night mag dich besonders!" I shouted at her.
She looked at me as if I was possessed by Satan and ran off.
I shook my head at her.
"Old people. I hate them." I said as Shin carried me towards the elevator.
More people glared at me and I flipped them off. The huffed and walked away.
"A language everyone knows." I said as I looked at me finger.
Shin laughed at me and set me on my feet when the elevator doors closed.
I took a bite of the doughnut and almost melted.
"Do you do this every time you eat a doughnut?" Shin asked as he took a bite of his bagel.
I thought for a moment then nodded and took another bite of the doughnut.
DING! Went the door and I jumped back onto Shin's back.
A couple in their twenties or something looked at us and the woman smiled.
"Young love." We heard her sighed before the doors closed.
That kind of got me thinking...