Forever or Never

What Did My Tummy Ever Do To You?

I ended up falling asleep on Shin's lap with my face tucked into the side of his neck. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and his cheek leaned against the top of my head.
"We're ba-ack!" Yu shouted.
It was around midnight at that point, a few hours after I had gone to sleep.
"Whoa! Kiro! Your sister and best friend were getting busy while we were gone!" Romeo snickered.
I groaned and smashed my self closer to Shin.
"What the hell?" Kiro's voice said angrily.
I mumbled a few select words and rolled away from Shin to see everyone staring at the sunscreen-coated bed.
"We got into a fight that involved sun screen," I mumbled.
Yu went over and sniffed the bed then nodded, "Sun screen."
"And why were you sitting on top of Shin?" Kiro glowered at me.
"Because he's a comfy pillow, Poodle Nose, and I needed a pillow to sleep," I said sarcasticly.
Kiro rolled his eyes and walked over.
"So, I see you two aren't mad at each other now," Strify said as he walked into the room.
"Nope!" Shin smiled.
"Nada! We are ok-ee dok-ee!" I smiled stupidly.
Kiro grinned at me then yawned.
"Well, I think it's my bed time," He said.
"It's always your bed time!" I said.
Kiro laughed and gave me a quick hug. I secretly pulled on a piece of his wild hair then gave him a grin before I jumped up and ran into my room where Aburn and Shenae were already fighting.
"Why could you be such a bitch?" Aburn screamed.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Shenae pushed Aburn's shoulders.
"You saw me talking to him and you just pushed me out of your way causing me to fall into a damn ditch!" Aburn shouted with tears in her eyes.
Her arms and leg were scraped up and her eyeliner was streaking down her face.
"I didn't do anything! You tripped over your own feet!" Shenae glared at Aburn.
"You walked right over to me and shoved me in my shoulder!" Aburn hissed.
"Oh, like this?" Shenae violently pushed Aburn in the shoulders again, causing her to fall back.
"What the hell, Shenae?" I growled.
Shenae looked at me and smirked.
I walked over to her and shoved her to the ground.
"How do you like that?" I asked, getting in her face.
Shenae huffed and looked down.
I grabbed her arm with my nails and pulled her up to her feet.
"You don't ever do anything like that again!" I hissed and shoved her against the wall.
"Chick fight!" I heard Yu squeal.
I turned around to see him, Romeo, Strify and Shin standing in the doorway. SHin raised his eyebrows at me and I gave him a sheepish grin.
"Slut!" Shenae grabbed at my hair and started pulling.
"Agh!" I screamed and clawed at her wrists.
Shenae yelped and let go of my hair.
"I broke a nail!" She gasped.
I took my chance and pulled my fist back, but before my fist even came in contact with Shenae's plastic face Shin had grabbed my arms and were pinning them to my side.
"Shin! Let go of me!" I screamed and flailed around.
Shenae scampered out of the room and Shin put me down. Strify, Romeo and Yu were still standing a the door with stupid looks on their faces.
"There's nothing to see here anymore so you can leave!" I hissed.
The emediantly left the doorway.
I walked over to where Aburn was crying against the foot of her bed.
"Abs, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Shenae! She ruined everything!" Aburn sobbed.
"What did she do now?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"This is so stupid!" Aburn forced a shaky laugh, "I was talking to this guy, Kyle, and she just came up and pushed me into a ditch!"
"Shenae's a bitch. Ignore her," I suggested.
"It was so embarrassing!" Aburn cried.
"Don't worry about it," I cooed.
"Yeah, you just met the guy, right?" Shin kneeled down next to me.
"So? He was awesome!" Aburn screamed at him.
I shrugged at Shin.
"Look, Aburn. Just ignore it, you'll find a better guy to flirt with at one of the concerts," I smiled.
She cracked a smile and hugged me. I quickly hugged back and he just sat there hugging for a few seconds.
"Well... I feel so left out," Shin whined.
I giggled and pulled him into the hug, but Aburn pulled away quickly.
"Oh, no no no!" She made a cross with her two index fingers, "NOT on top of me!"
"Aburn! So wrong!" I giggled and shook my head at her.
Shin chuckled then looked around quickly before placing a light peck on my lips. When he pulled away I reached forward and pinched the skin that was tight across his perfectly defined stomach... Okay, weird thoughts a' brewin'.
"Ow!" He rubbed his stomach sympathetically, "What did my tummy ever do to you?"
"Tease," I muttered into his ear.
He smiled mischievous at me and stood up.
"I'm going back to my room, I'm tired," He smirked at me.
I gasped then glared playfully at him. He wiggled his fingers at me and scurried out of the room, stopping at the door to wink at me. A crooked half-smile played across my lips at his childness, then I turned back to Aburn.
"So, are you sure you're okay now?" I asked.
She smiled and nodded at me.
"I'll gladly help you pull a Michael Meyers," I smirked.
Aburn laughed, "If I thought we would get away with it, I would."
"Eh," I grumbled then yawned.
"Bed time!" Aburn shouted.
I laughed and we changed into our pajamas.
Just when we were climbing into our separate beds the connecting door opened and Shin walked in with a little smile.
"Shenae's staying in our room so that we can make sure you don't kill her and she kind of took over my bed," He laughed nervously.
"Pull up a pillow!" I giggled.
"Kiro would so kill you guys for that," Aburn giggled.
"Oh right!" I smacked myself on the forehead, "I forgot my brother was homicidal!"
Aburn jumped out of her bed and came over to plop down next to me.
"You can take my bed," She nodded at her blue silk-covered feather bed, "Cherri and I can share tonight."
"Yay!" I giggled and began bouncing.
Shin gave me a weird look then walked over to the bed.
"Are you two going to talk all night?" Shin asked reluctantly.
"Yes! We must gossip!" I snickered.
Shin groaned.
Aburn and I giggled again before we turned the light off and crawled under the covers and- as promised -Aburn and I talked for a few hours after the lights were out.
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Sorry it's so short!