Forever or Never

The Donkey Says Moo!

"Cock-a-doodle-DOOOOOO!!!" Someone shouted into my ear.
"The donkey says moo!" I screamed as I jerked up into a sitting position.
"I do NOT want to know what you were dreaming about that made you say that!" Aburn laughed.
I growled at her and slapped her arm. She gasped and pushed me back down against the pillows.
"Oh HEEEEEELLLLLL no!" I giggled and playfully pulled her hair.
Aburn threw light punches at me and after a while we were both chocking on our laughter.
"Shweeeeeeeettt! Girl-On-Girl action!" Yu shouted from the door way.
"Gross, Yuki!" I screamed at him.
Shin groaned and sat up in the bed across the room and Kiro, Strify and Romeo emerged behind Yu.
"You people are pervs!" Aburn shouted and threw a pillow at the guys, "Especially you, Kiro!"
"Wad' I do?" He whined.
"When Yu shouted 'Girl-On-Girl Action' you all came running and Cherri's you're sister so that is WAY wrong!" Aburn shook her head and sat indian style next to me.
"Wha- I was just seeing what Yu woke me up for! I didn't know that's what he said!" Kiro yelled.
Aburn rolled her eyes and giggled.
"Okay!" I yawned, "How about we all go to starbucks? I needs me some serious boost if we're going to be all over the city today," I said.
"Not that you need any caffeine, but I do so, yeah," Strify yawned for emphasize.
"Anyone not ready in ten gets left behind!" Yu shouted and ran into his room.
The guys crowded into their room and Aburn and I shrugged and began searching for clothes.
I decided on a tight pink t-shirt with a black corset printed on the front, a black see-through tutu skirt made out of fishnet with a black mini underneath it, black and white stripped leggings and pink chucks.
"Whoa! Super sexy!" Aburn giggled.
I laughed and looked her outfit over. It consisted of jean shorts that went about two inches below her butt (slightly unusual for Aburn), a black t-shirt that said "Cheese, Milk's Immortality" in white block print, knee high DOMO socks and black flats.
"And very original," I nodded in approval.
"If you two are down talking about clothing, we are ready to go," Shin said and flashed me a smile.
I smiled back and we followed him to the guy's room.
"Let's go!" Strify squealed and ran out of the hotel room. We all followed in suite and took a taxi to the closest Starbucks.
Once we got there, I skipped up to the counter and ordered a Venti Caramel Moccachino.
"Yumical!" I giggled when I got my caffeine.
"Au gott!" Kiro whined, "Cherri's gonna be high all day!"
"I need this!" I insisted and took a drink.
"Oh sure," Yu rolled his eyes.
I giggled evilly and walked over to a magazine stand in the corner of the cafe.
There were a few glares from the group of girls standing there and I gave them a confused look. I looked over the magazines and saw an empty slot.
"Hallo, Cherri," A voice said from behind me.
I turned around to see Shin smiling at me.
"Guten Tag, Shin," I smiled at him.
"What'cha doin'?" He asked, rocking on his heels.
The group of girls were whispering and staring at us.
"Looking at the magazines," I said mocking his little 'heel rock' thingy.
"Oh," He nodded and joined me in looking at the cover pages.
Just then the sales guy put a new stack in the empty slot- and I almost gag on the caramel moccachino.
On the cover was a picture of Shin on top of me and me with my hands pulling at his belt and me shirt riding up a few inches too far.
"What the fuck!" I squeaked and yanked one of the things up.
Shin looked beyond shocked as he looked over my shoulder at the pages.
I flipped to the page the front page was talking about and found more pictures of me and Shin.
There was a picture of when he was putting sunscreen on my back, a few of him giving me a piggyback ride through the lobby, three pictures of the sunscreen fight, the picture from the cover, a picture of us kissing lightly- all in the hotel room. Yesterday.
"How- How did anyone get these pictures?" I asked quietly.
Shin was too busy glaring at the pages to answer.
"Shin!" I turned to face him with terror-filled eyes, "If Kiro sees this, we're both dead and if anyone else sees it, there's no telling what will happen!"
"I should start making my Will," Shin said in a serious tone.
I growled at the magazine and shoved back on the rack.
"How are we going to hide this?" I hissed quietly, so no one else would hear.
"I- I don't have a clue," Shin murmured.
"Great! You're sooo much help!" I sighed.
"Sorry, it's just-" Shin shook his head, "How did anyone get these pictures?"
I thought for moment then widened my eyes.
"The flashes!" I gasped.
"And I thought you were crazy," Shin shook his head.
"I don't feel so well," I said and held my now churning stomach.
"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Shin asked.
I nodded and we walked over to the group.
"We're going back to the hotel, Cherri doesn't feel well," Shin said.
Everyone nodded and we walked out.
"Cherri, are you crying?" Shin asked.
I put a finger under my eyes and noticed my cheeks were wet.
"I can't fucking believe this happened!" I moaned.
"Don't worry! It'll pass!" Shin said.
"What if Kiro sees it? You'll never see light again!" I grumbled and we climbed into a cab.
"Just don't worry. Nothing bad will happen," Shin leaned over and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.
"God dammit!" I screamed, "Do we never get privacy?"
"Ma'am, please be quieter," The driver asked.
"Sorry," I mumbled and slid down in my seat.
We reached the hotel ten minutes later and I trudged back to my room with Shin right behind me.
"We'll never be alone in the same room again!" I sighed angrily, "Scratch that! We'll never be in the same room again PERIOD!"
"Calm down," Shin shut and locked the hotel door and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"How? I don't like having a famous boyfriend!" I whined, "We're getting stalked!"
Shin chuckled.
"This is no god damn laughing matter!" I yelled at him.
"Sorry, you're just really funny when you're mad," Shin smiled innocently.
"Wow, thanks," I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed.
Shin sat next to me and loosely put his arm around my waist.
Just then I had an idea.
I placed a kissed the corner of Shin's jaw and slowly kissed up and down his throat.
"Cherri, what are you-" I cut him off by pushing him down and straddling his waist.
I smashed my lips to his hungrily and lightly pulled on his hair. I pulled aay only for a moment to get his shirt off then I went right back to kissing him.
"Cherri-" He mumbled against my lips.
"Shut the fuck up, Shin, and let me enjoy the last few moments I'm possibly ever going to have with you," I said and kissed his bare chest.
Shin sighed and gave in. I giggled without really knowing why, I guess out of victory.
I sat up and pulled my own shirt off, getting a wide eyed look from Shin.
"Please?" I begged, "Pleeeaaaase?"
"Cherri, I-" Shin shook his head.
"Come on!" I whined, "We'll never get another chance! I want you. Right now."
Shin sighed, "Whatever you want."
I smiled and placed a kiss on his soft, snowy stomach.
"Fudge! Your belt it cold!" I pointed out when my bare abs touched his belt.
"Then take it off?" Shin suggested.
I smiled and undid his belt then pulled it away. The moment it was gone Shin seemed more into things. He leaned up and wrapped his arms around my waist then pulled me back down his him and began kissing along my collar bone.
I bit my lip to keep from giggling, because that would be really weird, and focused on right at that moment.
"Shin, you are such a damn ass for being so hot," I murmured and kissed his ear.
He chuckled and twisted my skirt around his finger. I quickly slipped it off and tossed it onto Shin's belt.
"You are really serious about this, aren't you?" Shin whispered.
"Hell, yeah," I giggled quietly then grabbed at the hem of his white jeans.
The rest kind of faded in and out with the spur of the moment.
About thirty minutes later I was in the shower, smiling to myself as I rinsed the stank out of my hair. Shin was in his own shower at the moment and I slightly wished he would just waltz in and join me- but I had to stop thinking those thoughts now.
I finally sighed and got out of the shower, dressing in purple sweatpants and the t-shirt I had been wearing, then I went out and crawled into Aburn's empty bed (I didn't really want to lay down in my own bed on account of a few things...).
Shin walked in and smiled at me then sat down next to me on the bed. He brushed my wet hair from my face and smiled at me again before kissing my forehead.
"Danke," I said quietly.
Shin chuckled and shook his head at me, "Cherri, I really do love you."
"I love you t-" I was cut short by the door flying open and Kiro storming in.
"What in the fucking hell is this?" He screamed at the top of his lungs and plunked the magazine down on the nightstand, sending both of us the worst death glares I ever seen.
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Likie?? Sorry for the pervs that wanted detail! LoL! Just kidding.
- Cherri