Forever or Never


I looked up at my two-story house and sighed. Being back in Germany wasn't exactly how I planned my summer vacation.
I pulled my bags into the house and set them down in the front hall way.
"No, no, no, no, NO!" A voice scolded.
I looked up to see an old lady rushing towards me.
"In your room now! I just finished cleaning this rat hole!" She said.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked, not caring if I was being rude.
"I am Ms. Bell Jamesbee," She said stiffly, "and you must be Cherlin."
"Uhmm... Yes..." I glared at her.
"Your brother Kristian hired me to keep you out of trouble," Bell said.
"Kiro hired a fucking babysitter?" I screeched.
"We prefer 'nanny', but yes. A babysitter," Bell smirked.
"Son of a bitch!" I screamed and kicked the wall.
"You shouldn't call your mother a bitch," Bell said.
"Well, my mom is a bitch," I hissed, "She used to beat me because I wouldn't wear a dress, but that's beside the point."
I stalked up to my room to see it clean. Okay, me and this "Ms. Bell Jamesbee" were going to go over a few rules.
I walked back down to her and stuck a finger in her face, "Get this straight, if you're going to be here, stay out of my room and out of my way."
"I don't care what you say, I'm going to do my job, if you like it our not," She said and twirled a lock of her brown/red hair around her finger.
I looked her over with angry eyes. She was crazy pretty, just liek Shenae, except I'm pretty she wasn't a Barbie.
She had curly red-brown hair that was in a low side ponytail and straight across bangs, icy blue almond eyes, thick, pink lips, and tanned skin.
"Whatever, just leave me alone," I mumbled and went back to my room.
I pulled out my laptop and emediantly got on AIM.
Snickerz_R_Crack wants to chat
I accepted the invite and laughed quietly at Aburn's name.
Snickerz_R_Crack: Germany's boring!
Lemur_Beast: No duh! Kiro hired a fucking babysitter!
Snickerz_R_Crack: O.O WTF is wrong with him??
Lemur_Beast: He's just being an a$$.
BLEEP! Another invite thing popped up.
Barbie_Is_Love1280 wants to chat.
I accepted and another IM box popped up.
Lemur_Beast: Hiyya Tobez
Barbie_Is_Love1280: Sup, Cherri. Wats up?
Lemur_Beast: Talking to Aburn, avoiding my new baby sitter, hating Kiro for being such an a$$
Barbie_Is_Love1280: BABYSITTER?!
Lemur_Beast: Unfort. -_-
Barbie_Is_Love1280: Sux for you! Well, I'll let you get back to your nanny! TTYL!
Lemur_Beast: TTYN you stupid nut.
I saved the conversation and went back to Aburn and I's conversation.
Lemur_Beast: Srry, was talking to Tobez
Snickerz_R_Crack: Tis fine. I gotta go anyways. Lata!
Lemur_Beast: GAH! Bye.
I then close the IM box and plopped down on my pillows and sighed.
I looked up to see an invite from IMVU.
Short_Stuf is requesting a chat!
I mumbled a few thing and hit yes then waited for our people to load on the screen.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: WTF KIRO!? A BABYSITTER?!
Short_Stuf: Srry, Cherri. I wanna keep you out of trouble.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Then let me stay with you!
Short_Stuf: Not with Shin here.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: I really want to fucking kill you right now! Stop bringing that up!
Short_Stuf: Anger Issues. Deep Breaths.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Don't start. >_<
I clicked on his person and did the wizard choke.
Short_Stuf: Violence! Shorty can't breathe!
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Damn! I wanted YOU to stop breathing!
Short_Stuf: Cherri. Stop it. You wouldn't have to be in Germany right now if you hadn't went behind my back w/ Shin.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Have I ever told you I hate you?
Short_Stuf: Many times.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: I'm guess you can't process that.
Short_Stuf: Y do you hate me? I practically saved Shin from jail by sending you away.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: *cough* ass *cough*
Short_Stuf: *cough* stubborn *cough*
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: I'm going. Bye, I hate you.
Short_Stuf: Love you too sis!
I closed the window and slammed my laptop screen down.
Stupid Kiro!
"Don't break anything!" Bell shouted.
"BAH!" I screamed at her through the closed door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I still want that damn toaster...
- Cherri