Forever or Never

H-E-L-L-O, Blasting Through Your Stereo!

Three weeks after we got back to Germany, Mother Nature was supposed to make that "monthly visit" but she never did. After a month of being home I became panicky and tried to deny the evidence.
"No, no, no!" I mumbled to myself as I pulled my hair, "This can't be happening!"
I tried logging into IMVU to talk to Shin but he was never online and I didn't dare call him.
"H-E-L-L-O, Blasting through your stereo! K-I-T-T-Y, Let me-" I snatched up my phone and hit the answer button.
"He-hello?" I asked in a shaky voice.
"Cherri? What's wrong?" Aburn sounded worried.
"Um-" I whipped my nose on my sleeve, "It's just..."
"What?" Aburn pressed.
Tears welled over and I began to cry, "Everything is falling apart! I- I'm..."
"What? You're what?" I heard Aburn's car keys jingling.
"Come over. Please?" I asked in a barely audible voice.
"I'll be there in a minute," She said.
"Danke," I sniffed, "See you later."
"I'll be right there," Aburn said then hung up.
I whipped my eyes and noticed my fingers had turned black with eyeliner.
"This can't be happening to me," I whispered and curled my knees up to my chest.
I took a deep, hollow breath then began to sob. My chest was heaving and tears poured from my eyes like a faucet turned on high. I sat there looking weak and helpless for five minutes until Aburn burst through my bedroom door.
"Cherri!" She gushed and rushed over to me. She wrapped me in a sympathetic hug and rubbed my back, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"J-just before we left America, that day we went to Starbucks-" Another heaved breath "Shin came back to the hotel with me and-" I began to sob even harder.
"Oh! Please don't tell me you too actually..." Aburn trailed off when I began crying even harder, if that were even possible.
"I'm..." I whipped my nose then folded my hands across my stomach insticticly, "I'm frickin' pregnant!"
"That can't be! How did that happen?" Aburn asked.
"I don't-" I stopped when I realized something, "Dammit all! We are so stupid!"
"You didn't... use..." Aburn rolled her eyes to imply what she was too embarrassed to say out loud.
"No." I grumbled.
"Do you know for sure? I mean did you take a test?" Aburn asked.
"No," I sighed, "but I'm a week and three days late. That should be test enough."
"You don't know for sure. Maybe you counted the days wrong," Aburn tried to come up with an excuse.
"I've never counted the days wrong before!" I cried.
"Well... Just take a test to be sure," Aburn said and gave my shoulders a squeeze.
"Okay," I said under my breath.
The next day Aburn came back with a bag full of different pregnancy tests. Bell wasn't there that day so Aburn and I walked down to the bathroom and she gave me the bag.
"This is the most accurate and-" Aburn dug around in the bag for a moment, “this is the least accurate."
I nodded then walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
I took each of the tests and laid them on the counter then opened the door to have Aburn help me check them.
"Positive... Positive... Positive..." Aburn mumbled.
I was having the same outcomes unfortunately. When I picked up the last one and saw the little plus I threw it at the wall and fell down sobbing.
"What am I going to tell Shin? And Kiro?" I cried, "By the time they get back it'll be obvious!"
"You'll have to get Shin back here as soon as possible and tell him to his face," Aburn said.
"I know, but what about Kiro?" I asked.
"I'll beat the shit out of 'em if he even gets near you or Shin," she said with a little smile.
I giggled quietly then sighed.
"Will you stay over tonight?" I asked in a small voice.
"Of course," Aburn smiled and helped me up.
We walked up to my room and sat on my bed.
"So... what are you going to do with it?" Aburn asked and poked my belly.
I squeaked and let my hand flutter over my stomach.
"I don't know," I thought for a moment, "not abortion. It's just wrong to take someone's life before they even see the sun."
"Adoption?" Aburn suggested.
"Probably..." I grumbled and looked at my stomach.
"What do you mean..?" Aburn gave me a look.
"Well... After nine months I might get attached and not want to give it up," I said.
"But- you're only fifteen!" Aburn exclaimed.
"I never said I was sure! It'll depends on what Shin says too!" I said, "He'll never want a kid though... We would even be able to support one."
"Look... if you still want to see it then I suggest open adoption," Aburn said.
"I still have a long time to think about this," I said.
"Right, but don't put this o-" Aburn was cut off by a ding and a window opening on my laptop.
Stupid_PopTart is requesting a chat!
I looked at Aburn in fear. She sighed and accepted the chat. Our people loaded but I just stared at th screen.
Stupid_PopTart: Hallo, Leibe! <3
Stupid_PopTart: Hey? U there?
Stupid_PopTart: Hello?
Stupid_PopTart: Cherri, talk to me.
I sighed and began typing.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Hi.
Stupid_PopTart: What's up?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Something...
Stupid_PopTart: Tell me.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: ... I can't
Stupid_PopTart: Y not? *humph*
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: It's...
Stupid_PopTart: What?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Come home.
Stupid_PopTart: O.O What?! I can't!
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Well, I'm not telling you online.
Stupid_PopTart: Y not?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: BC
Stupid_PopTart: BC why?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: It's... Important.
Stupid_PopTart: Tell. Me. Now.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Face. To. Face.
Stupid_PopTart: How important is this?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: It involves stupidity and consequences.
Stupid_PopTart: For?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Please. Just come back.
Stupid_PopTart: I can't!
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: It seems like you can't do a lot of things.
Stupid_PopTart: What's that supposed to mean?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: You can't log on to talk to me. You can't stand up for me when it comes to Kiro being an ass.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: You can't be here for me.
Stupid_PopTart: Cherri... What are you saying?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: I'm saying I need you NOW and you can't come. Even though it's more important than ur stupid tour.
Stupid_PopTart: Y do u need me?
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Cuz ur supposed to love me and this is partially ur fault.
Stupid_PopTart: How?
Stupid_PopTart: R u pregnant?!
I took a while to type back.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Get. Home. Now.
Stupid_PopTart: Tell me now!!
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Not online!
Stupid_PopTart: I can't leave!
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: If you love me you can.
Stupid_PopTart: Don't do this.
Yu_Owes_Me_A_Toaster: Get ur ass back and don't tell Kiro.
After that I logged out and closed my computer screen. Tears were in my eyes as I realized Shin didn't care about me half as much as his stupid tour.
"What did he do?" Aburn asked with murder in her eyes.
"He won't come. The tour is too important apparently," I mumbled.
Aburn pulled her phone out of her pocket in a blur and tossed it at me.
"Call him now." She said.
"But..." I blinked back more tears.
"Now." Aburn instructed.
I sighed and pushed in the numbers then waited for Shin to answer. It was right on the last ring when he finally pick up.
"Hello?" He sounded frantic.
"Shin? It's me," I said in a tiny voice.
"Why the hell did you just log off like that?" He asked with anger in his voice.
"Because," I sniffed.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I need you," I whimpered.
"Why?" He groaned.
"Because..." I whipped my eyes and let a small sob escape, "Look, I'm sorry to bother you. I didn't realize what was more important right now."
"What are you talking about?" Shin asked.
"I didn't think that the tour was so important," I said, "Don't worry, I'll think of something since you can't come."
"Why should I worry?" Shin asked.
"You shouldn't since the tour is more important than coming back," I said.
"Don't even start with that!" Shin whined.
"Start with what?" I sniffed, "I'm going. See you in a month."
And with that I hung up. Only five seconds after I flipped the phone shut a text message appeared.
C u 2morrow.
I smiled and whipped my tears away.
"See? He does care," Aburn hugged my shoulders.
I giggled quietly then rubbed my stomach.
"I wonder what it is..." I trailed off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I know it sucks. Lol! Comment, Subscirbe, make me happy!
- Cherri