Forever or Never

Elfy, Attack!

"Cheater! That was an illegal move!" Yu shouted.
"Dipwad, we're playing Monopoly." I shouted back at him.
"You cheated!" Yu shouted again.
"Yes, we heard you the first time. Now, explain. How did I cheat?" I asked.
"I- You... I'm not sure, but you cheated somehow." Yu accused.
"Whatever. I'm going to go take a shower." I said.
"Cherri, I'm not sure that's something they needed to know." Kiro said, shaking his head.
"What? Do you think I was inviting them to join me or something?" I asked and walked down the hallway to the bathroom.
I walked in and shut the door, locking it because I didn't exactly trust them.
I turned on the water and stripped out of my clothes. I pulled my hair out of the high ponytail it was in and shook my head to bring the feeling back to my scalp.
After testing the water's temperature I pushed in the little button thing and the showerhead started blasting the warm water.
I stepped into the shower and let it drench my body for a few moments before and grabbed my shampoo bottle and squirted it into my hand. I lathed the soap into my long hair then rinsed it. I then combed the conditioner into my hair and started to wash my skin.
Once I had scrubbed all of my skin I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair and turned the water off.
I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with the plush, white towel that was hung up on the rack.
After I had dried myself off I realized I had forgotten my pajamas.
"Kiro!" I yelled through the door.
I waited a moment but he didn't answer.
"Kiro, come here!" I yelled.
Still no answer.
"Poodle Nose! I need you to do something!" I yelled.
Again, he didn't answer.
I sighed, wrapped the towel around me and opened the door. I walked down the hall and into the living room where all of the guys were sitting around, watching SpongeBob Squarepants.
Kiro was the first one to notice me walking in, then all the other guys noticed me.
"Cherri! What are you doing?" Kiro asked.
"Going to get my pajamas since you couldn't answer me when I yelled your name three mother flippin' times!" I said and walked over to the stairs.
"Yu, sit down." I heard Kiro growl.
I looked over to see Yu flopping back down onto the couch. I rolled my eyes and continued on up the stairs and to my room.
I closed the door behind me and dropped the towel. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black pajama shorts that had neon-colored hearts on them and a tight, purple tank top with brightly colored splatters all over it.
I pulled on my pajamas and went back down stairs.
"Cherri, don't you have school tomorrow?" Kiro asked.
"Yup. It's my last day! Whoop!" I cheered and plopped down next to my brother on the couch.
"Shouldn't you be going to bed?" Kiro asked.
"No. It's only ten o'clock, plus, we never do anything on the last day of school except clean out our lockers and stuff." I shrugged.
"Well, go get some rest so that you can get up in a good mood to clean." Kiro said.
"Are you trying to get rid of me, big brother?" I asked, giving him my sad eyes.
"Cherri, I you can't use that on me. It doesn't work." Kiro laughed.
"Shut up, Kristian." I mumbled.
"Kristian?" Romeo laughed.
"Yup. His name is Kristian." I said.
Everyone started busting up laughing except for Kiro.
"So? Cherri's real name is Cherlin." Kiro said.
"Cherlin?" Yu roared in laughter.
"Why do we call you Cherri then?" Shin asked.
"Because I hate the name Cherlin and I have Cherry red streaks in my hair." I said.
"Obviously." Strify said.
"Why don't you explain why we call you Kiro?" I said looking at my brother.
"Oh! I can explain that!" Strify jumped up.
"Oh great!" Kiro made some noise that sounded like a groan mixed with a laugh.
"Well, you see, I have a plushie money named Siro. And because Kiro's real name, Kristian, starts with a K I named him Kiro." Strify said.
"Why did you name him?" I smirked.
"Because he is my pet!" Strify laughed.
"Am I the only one who got a sexual image out of that?" Yu asked.
I looked at him in disgust like everyone else and backed away from him.
"Yuki, that is really scary." I said.
"No freaking kidding." Shin agreed and moved to the farthest seat from Yu possible.
"What? Why is that so weird?" Yu asked.
"Yuki, you just got a sexual image of two of your best friends. You don't think that's weird?" I asked.
"...Not really." He said.
"Well then.... I'll just be going..." I said slowly and started making my way to the stairs.
"Yuki, don't go and rape anyone." I said before going into my room.
I plopped down on my bed and suddenly realized how tired I was. I crawled under the covers and emediantly fell asleep.
"Cherri..." A voice said softly.
"Mmmm...." I pulled the covers over my head and curled into a tight ball.
"Cherri, get up." The voice said again.
I started to be shook gently making it hard for me to sleep so I started smacking at the voice blindly.
"Cherri, come on. You need to wake up." The voice laughed.
"Nooo!!!!" I whined when the covers were pulled away.
"Come on sleepy head. It's time to get up and enjoy the world." Voice said.
I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I saw a blurry looking Kiro sitting next to me on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want you to go to school." Kiro said, "I've already let you sleep in till ten thirty, now it's time to get up and go to the last forty-five minutes of school."
"Fine!" I sighed. "Get out so I can change."
"Be down stairs in five minutes." Kiro said.
"Ten. I am a girl you know." I said and pushed him out of my room.
Well, that is a little surprising. I slept for twelve and a half hours. I've never been able to sleep more than five hours at a time.
I walked over to my closet and found a black T-Shirt that had a candy-apple colored broken heart on the chest and a pair of white, acid-wash skinny jeans.
I changed quickly and pulled on my high-tops that had silvery ribbon for shoelaces.
"Cherri! Hurry up!" My brother shouted.
"Be patient, Poodle Nose!" I yelled back at him as I walked out of my room.
I went to the bathroom and started on my hair and make-up.
I brushed out my hair and put a black bow in it then I put on silver eye shadow and black eyeliner.
"Cherri! Hurry up!" Kiro shouted again.
"God! I'm coming!" I shouted.
"My name's Kiro, Cherri! Not god!" Kiro shouted.
I laughed and walked into the living room.
"Meeeeerooowwww!" My cat started rubbing up against my legs.
"Elf!" I squealed and picked her up.
"I havn't seen you in days! Where the heck have you been?" I asked, cuddling the little kitten to my face.
"She got into the basement." Kiro said.
"Elfy! You do not go down there! There are big evil rats that will bite your head off!" I said to the cat.
"Meeeeee-woooow!" She said and cuddled her soft face into my neck.
I giggled and went over to the couch to sit down.
"Who the heck is Elfy?" Shin asked, walking into the livingroom.
"My cat, you Stupid Pop Tart." I said, holding her out so he could see her.
"Aww! She's adorable." He said walking over and scratching her head.
"Meow! Rooooow!" Elf purred.
"She says she likes you." I giggled.
Elf pulled away from me and rubbed her had against Shin's face.
"Rooow! Meeeee-wwooooww!" Elf started batting at Shin's hair.
"She likes my hair." Shin laughed.
"What are you two? Cat whisperers?" Kiro asked walking over.
I looked at Elf then over at Kiro.
"She doesn't like you very much at the moment." I said.
"Row." Elf sat down on my lap and looked up at the ceiling.
"Oh really? What did she just say?" Kiro asked.
"She was agreeing with, Cherri. She doesn't like you." Shin laughed.
"You two are mentally insane." Kiro laughed.
"Hey! Just because I talk to myself and I hear voices inside my head does not mean I'm mental." I said.
"Yeah it does." Kiro said.
"Elf, attack!" I said.
Elf just continued staring at the ceiling.
"Elfy! I said..... ATTACK!" I repeated.
"It appears your plan has been foiled." Shin said.
"I need to teach my cat the way of the dark side." I said shaking my head and faux-disappointment.
"Well, you have all summer to do that. Now come on. You only have to be at school for about twenty minutes now." Kiro said.
"Twenty minutes? If I've missed that much of the day why should I go now?" I asked.
"To get your stuff out of your locker?" Kiro said.
"I did that yesterday. I'd just be sitting in Ms. Tumkin's room doing math sheets." I whined.
"Come on, dude. Let her stay home. Ms. Tumkin is the worst." Shin said.
"Please!" I begged.
"I still think you should go." Kiro said.
I reached over and hugged him.
"Pweetty pwease!" I begged.
"Kiro, let her stay. She's begging." Shin said.
"This is just one of her scams. You must learn to resist her adorableness." Kiro said.
"Kiro! I don't want to do math for fun!" I whined.
"Fine! Since you hate math so much, you can stay home." Kiro sighed.
"Yay!" I cheered and stood up.
I had forgotten Elf was on my lap so she went tumbling to the floor.
"Oh! Sorry, Elfy!" I said, picking her up and scratching behind her ears.
"That was mean." Shin said.
"I didn't mean to!" I whined and kissed Elf's nose.
"That was still mean." Shin said.
"Shut up." I said and set Elf down on Shin's lap.
I walked over to my stairs and up to my room.
"Don't go back to bed!" Kiro shouted.
"I'm not!" I said.
I walked over to my hamster, Monster's, cage and opened it up.
He squeaked when I picked him up and started squirming. I gave him a gentle squeeze and held him to my chest for a moment before setting him on my shoulder.
I walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch again.
"What is that?" Shin asked.
"This is Monster. Monster, this is Stupid Pop Tart." I said.
"You named a hamster Monster?" Shin asked.
"Yep." I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Pick him up and you'll see." I said.
"Uhmm... O-kay.." He said hesitantly.
He reached over and picked Monster up off of my shoulder.
"Ow!" He screamed and dropped the little furry creature.
"Shin! You stupid frickin' pop tart! You could have hurt him!" I said and picked Monster up.
"Me hurt him? He almost bit my finger off!" Shin said.
"You scared him." I said.
"You told me to pick him up!" Shin said.
"Well, you're the retard that listened to her." Kiro said.
"It is kind of stupid to listen to me." I said.
"Well, I am a stupid pop tart, aren't I?" Shin smiled at me.
I blushed slightly and shook my head.
Just then Kiro walked into the room. I hadn't even noticed he had left.
"So... What do you want to do today, little sis?" Kiro asked.
I thought for a moment then smiled.
"The amusement park!" I shouted.
Monster let out a little squeak and I noticed I was about to squish him.
"Oh god! Sorry, Monster." I said and put him in his little plastic ball.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Kiro asked.
"Heck yeah! Remember last time we went?" I asked.
"Exactly why I wanted to make sure." Kiro chuckled.
"Kiro, just because you got scared on the bumper cars does not mean anything." I said.
Shin laughed and Kiro glared at me.
"I wasn't scared. You were. You were screaming every time someone would get near you!" Kiro said.
I blushed and glanced at Shin. He was trying to hold in his laughter.
"Shin? If I kill my brother, will you report me to the police?" I asked.
"Possibly. It depends on what's in it for me." He smiled at me.
I felt my heart skip a beat as I imagined what he meant- or what I wanted him to mean.
No! Bad thoughts! He's five years older than you! I mentally yelled at myself.
"What is up with that face?" Shin laughed.
"She's arguing with herself." Kiro said.
"How do you know?" Shin asked.
"She always has that face when she argues with herself." Kiro said.
Shin waved a hand in front of my face and I blinked a few times before joining reality again.
"Okay, so the amusement park?" Kiro asked.
"Yea-" I was cut short by a phone ringing.
Kiro pulled out his cell phone and walked out of the room.
"So.. what was going on upstairs?" Shin asked, smiling.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Kiro said you were arguing with yourself." Shin chuckled.
"Oh. Uhh... I was trying to figure out what I should do the whole summer." I said.
"Ahh... I see." He laughed.
"Uhmm... Cherri, I can't go the amusement park." Kiro said, walking back in.
"What?" I whined, "Why did you tell me you could? Now I'm sad!"
"Sorry! I want to, but... I have to do something. It's really important." Kiro said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Look, I have to out of town for a few days. I'll be back though. You don't need to know the details." Kiro said.
"Fine." I mumbled and turned to go up to my room.
"I'll go with you." Shin said.
"What?" Kiro and I said at the same time.
"I said, I'll go to the amusement park with you." Shin shrugged.
"Seriously?" I couldn't hold in my happiness.
"Yeah. I'll just end up watching SpongeBob all day if I don't." He said.
"Yippee!" I laughed and went over to give him a quick hug.
"Okay! Cherri, we can just wait till I get back." Kiro said.
"Come on! I really want to go and he said he would take your place!" I said.
"Look, I'm just-"
"Come on, Kiro. It's not like I'd do anything to her. She really wants to go." Shin said.
"Fine! You can go." Kiro said.
I squealed in happiness and ran up o my room to get my sunglasses, cell phone, and other things that might be needed. I went over to my door and heard Kiro and Shin's voices.
"Shin, I swear if you touch her I'll beat you senseless." Kiro threatened.
"Don't worry, Kiro. She's a little kid. I wouldn't do that to a kid." Shin said.
"I'm just warning you." Kiro said.
"Well, I'm not going to do anything. I don't like her like that. All she is to me is your sister. Nothing more." Shin said.
I bit my lip. He only thought of my as Kiro's kid sister? I mean, I knew he didn't like like me, but I wasn't even thought of as his friend?
"You better not be lying." Kiro said, "She's been through a lot and if you do anything, she's just going to right off the tracks again."
"How many times have I told you that she doesn't mean anything to me?" Shin asked, "I'm just doing this to be nice."
I whipped my eyes and felt dampness on my cheeks. I was crying. That little bastard made me cry!
I sniffed not really meaning to and saw Kiro and Shin look up towards my room through the crack in the door.
"Cherri?" Kiro called up to me.
I quickly whipped my eyes and put on the happiest face I could bare.
"Yeah?" I called back, my voice cracked a little, but I don't think they noticed.
"Are you okay?" Kiro asked, walked towards the stairs.
"Err... Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked once he had gotten to my room.
"I thought I heard you crying." Kiro said.
"No. I'm fine." I said.
Kiro pulled me into a hug anyways and I hugged him back.
I looked down at Shin. He was just standing there looking up at us. I looked away quickly and pulled back from Kiro.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"I just wanted to hug my sister since I'm leaving for a few days." Kiro said.
"Are you going to be here when I get back?" I asked.
"Probably not. I'm leaving as soon as I can." Kiro sighed, "I'll leave some money on your dresser before I leave."
"Okay." I sighed. "Bye"
I walked down the stairs and over to Shin.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure." I said quietly and we walked out of the loft.
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Updates are like Shin with a giant bow on his head sitting under the christmas tree. Wanted. And Loved.