Forever or Never

Ugh... Awkward

That night, Aburn insisted on giving me a makeover which consisted of straightening and styling my hair, facials, make-up, and many more things.
I woke up to a phone ringing.
"Hullo?" Aburn answered groggily. A moment later she tapped me on the shoulder and handed me the phone.
"Hallo?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
"Hey, Cherri," Shin's voice sounded worried.
"Oh, Shin," I mumbled.
"Look, I'm on a plane right now and I should be there in like three hours," Shin said.
"Okay, I'll be here," I said.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Umm... Define 'okay'?" I laughed shakily.
"Cherri..." I could just picture Shin shaking his head, "Always trying to make jokes."
"That's my job," I said.
"Well, I'll be there soon," Shin said again.
"'Kay," I smiled slightly, "Bye."
"Bye," Shin sighed.
I hung up and set the phone next to Aburn's sleeping head.
"What to do in three hours?" I asked myself then yawned. "Huh. I guess that answers my question."
I plopped back down on my pillows and fell asleep once again.
Piercing blue eyes. Feiry red hair with burnt streaks. Snow white skin; These are all the characteristics of the child I was staring at. For some reason, seeing this small little baby with long, curly hair made me think of Renesme in Twilight. She was so perfect and small-- like a personal angel.
"Beautiful," I said under my breath as I stared at the creature before me.
For a long time I just stared at the little girl, but after a while I felt someone touch my shoulder. I jumped and looked behind me to see Shin. His face was blank as he stared at the child.
"Shin, wha-" I stopped talking and looked back and forth from the little girl and Shin.
She had Shin's eyes - just not the color -, his perfect lips - I gasped then looked closer at the girl.
Her red her - my hair - the shape of her nose - my nose -- it was slightly scary.
"Oh. My. Gosh." I blinked a few times then looked at Shin.
His eyes were sad as he stared back at me.
"Shin- is that..." I trailed off and looked back at the angel.
Suddenly my vision began going blurry and everything seemed to dissinagrate away and I was left floating in black space.
"What the fuck!?" I screamed.
"Cherri..." A voice said softly.
"Wa-ake U-up!" The voice said and something began to shake me.


I jerked up out my dream and ended up looking straight into Shin's eyes.
"Shin!" I screamed and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He chuckled and hugged me loosely around my waist.
"Did someone miss me?" He asked.
"More than you know," I mumbled against his shoulder.
We sat there for a moment before Shin broke the silence.
"So... What happened?" He asked.
I sighed and pulled away from him to look down at my bed spread.
"Shin... We really need to talk," I said.
Shin sighed and grabbed my hand gently.
I looked around the room for a moment and noticed that Aburn was gone-- She probably left before I woke up.
I sighed and weaved my fingers with his.
"Something..." I paused to think of my words, "Let's just say we're really, really stupid."
"Oh my god," Shin pushed his free hand through his hair.
"I'm..." I let a shaky laugh escape, "I'm pregnant."
Shin remained quiet and a look of horror pasted across his features.
"Are... Are you sure?" He swallowed hard.
"Heh, yeah." I scratched my head awkwardly.
"Well... I guess we'll have to... talk about what to do?" He said but it came out as more of a question.
"Yeah," I said under my breath.
"Well... Did you have anything in mind?" He asked.
"I kind of thought about... adoption. You know, after it's born," I said.
"And I'm guessing... abortion is out of the picture here?" Shin bit his lip.
"Of course! How can you even think of that?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Sorry, I was just throwing it out there," Shin mumbled.
"Well, don't waste your breath because I'm doing that," I snapped.
"Anger issues," Shin said in a sing-song voice.
I punched him in the arm as hard as I could.
"Ow! Ouch!" he rubbed his arm and made a pouty face at me.
"This is nawt a joking matter!" I whinned at him, "I need you to be serious!"
Shin wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.
"I'm sorry," he said and kissed my forehead.
"This is so hard!" I complained, "and I just found out yesterday for sure!"
"Why don't you just rest for a while," Shin suggested as he stroked my hair, "you do have nine whole months to figure out what you want to do."
"I don't want to make the decision on my own," I mumbled.
"Then I'll help," He said and lifted my chin up to kiss my lips.
I smiled and curled up against his chest.
"How long will you be here?" I asked.
"A week. Our next concert is the 12th in Toronto," He answered.
"Oh," I nodded, "So... how did you manage to come here?"
"Well, Strify is very open to the whole thing and he said he'd cover for me," Shin smiled.
"Strify is my new favorite!" I declared.
"Gasp! What about me?" Shin made a pouty face.
"Right after my baby of course," I giggled.
"Ugh.... Awkward." Shin laughed.
I giggled and rubbed my stomach. Shin reached out and brushed his fingers along mine with an itty-bitty smile on his lips.
I lifted my shirt up a few inches to reveal my stomach.
"Ho shiz! How did I not notice that?" I asked when I noticed as small bump.
I poked it gently and giggled.
"Wow... Don't you think getting high might hurt the baby?" Shin asked.
I laughed and continued staring at the bump. It was barely visible but you could feel it against my otherwise flat stomach.
Shin slid his fingers over the bump and rubbed his thumb on my skin. I looked back at him to see that the smile had grown a fraction.
"What do you think of this?" I asked and cocked my head to the side with a wide-eyed questioning look.
"I..." Shin bit his lip, "I don't know. I'm having mixed feelings."
"Well... I hate us for being so stupid and letting something like this happen, but at the same time..." Shin smiled at me, "I'm happy we were stupid because I love you and now I know that your mine."
"You're not gonna ditch me when I turn into a fucking beach ball are you?" I asked.
"No!" Shin shook his head violently, "Never!"
I snuggled closer to him and let my shirt cover my abs again.
"You don't know for a fact that I'm yours," I giggled evilly.
"What?!" Shin's fists clenched.
"I could just ditch you with little Paublo and run off with Yu," I snickered.
"Paublo? Since when are we naming the kid Paublo?" Shin asked, "And since when were you planning to ditch me for Yu?"
"Oh, I've always loved Yu," I said, "He's sexy, funny, he's got one nice ass..."
"Okay! I've heard enough!" Shin laughed.
"Oh! Did I say Yu? I meant You," I said.
"That makes no sense, but thank you," Shin laughed.
"This is where you say what you like about me..." I said.
"Ok-ayyy..." Shin chuckled, "You're smart, gorgeous, witty, sarcastic, you have a cute little tummy..."
"Not for long..." I mumbled.
"You'll still have a cute little butt though right?" Shin asked.
I stood up and looked at my butt then gave it a little shake.
"I hope so," I laughed when I noticed Shin's eyes lock on my butt.
"Err..." Shin's eyes dart around the room.
"Wh-aattt?" I asked and plopped down on my side.
"This feels so wrong," He admitted.
"Forbidden Love," I said, quoting Toby's words, "I think it's sexy and romantic."
"Yeah, but you think waking up in Vegas with a cheap ring on your right ring finger is romantic too," Shin laughed.
"Only if I'm drunk!" I defended myself.
"You are so weird," Shin said, shaking his head.
"Yup. And that's what you love about me," I said reach up to kiss him.
Shin reached up slowly and cupped my cheek with his hand. I smiled and wrapped one arm around his neck then put my free hand over his on my cheek. Shin gently kissed the tip of my nose then moved back to my lips. Unlike any other time Shin kissed me, he was gentle as can be and seemed extremely hesitant.
I inhaled through my nose and bit lightly on Shin's bottom lip. I slid my hand down his back and twisted his shirt around my finger. Shin placed the hand that wasn't still on my cheek on my lower back and pulled me closer to him.
The little make-out session was interrupted by the song "Mora" suddenly blasting and my cell phone vibrating in my pocket.
I sighed and pulled back then looked at the caller ID.
"Eh crap!" I grumbled when I saw 'Kiro' pop up on the screen.
Shin pretended to zip his lips. I nodded and hit the green answer button.
"Hello?" I snapped.
"Hi, Cherri," Kiro said. He sound suspicious.
"What do you want Kiro?" I hissed.
"Oh, nothing," Kiro said, "I just wanted to see what my sister was up to today."
"Well, I'm just watching TV," I said bitterly, "Aburn stayed over last night, but she left a little while ago."
"Oh," Kiro muttered, "What'cha watching?"
"Nothing in particular," I said, "I'm just flipping through the channels."
"What's Shenae doing?" He asked.
"I don't know," I grumbled, "She's barely even been here since we got back. She keeps going somewhere in Hamburg."
"And you didn't ask her where she was going?" Kiro asked as if it was the stupidest thing in the world.
"No, I didn't! I'm sorry that I'm so incapable of being your perfect little sister!" I snapped.
Kiro sigh, "Cherri, I never said that."
"But you implied it."
"How did I imply that?"
"Do you listen to yourself, Kiro?" I growled, "Right now you're talking to me like I'm doing something wrong and you're trying to catch me in the act."
"Cherri-" Kiro sighed, "I'm sorry. I guess I am overly protective of you. It's just that Shin left and only told Strify where he was going and Strify won't tell me."
I looked at Shin and pointed to the phone then to my door. He nodded and I got up and walked into the living room.
"Cherri? Are you there?" Kiro asked.
"Yeah," I answered.
"Do you hate me for what happened in New York?" he asked in a small voice.
"It's possible," I said.
Kiro sighed, "I'm sorry. I just- it's the way I found out about it that set me off."
"Oh, and if I were to tell you face to face you wouldn't have flipped out and beat the living shit out of Shin?" I hissed.
"Well... I guess it wouldn't have a very good turnout either way," Kiro muttered.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked.
"Because you're my little sister and after everything you've been through," Kiro swallowed, "I just want to protect you. I don't want anything to happen to you because I'd feel like it was my fault and I couldn't bare that."
"And you honestly think Shin would hurt me?" I asked quietly.
"I think that about any guy I catch you with," Kiro laughed nervously, "I don't think that Shin personally would hurt you - purposely - but you're too young for him. I'm afraid something would happen to Shin and it would hurt you."
"So... This is pretty much all because you don't want me to get hurt because Shin is so much older than me?" I asked.
"Well, that and the fact that he's my best friend and you're my baby sister," Kiro said.
I laughed under my breath.
"So, does Cherri still hate me?" Kiro asked.
I sighed, "I guess not. But will you promise to stop overreacting about things and let me make my own decisions?"
"I can't promise, but I'll try," Kiro said. I could just picture him smiling.
"Okay," I let a small smile creep onto my lips.
"So, answer one question," Kiro said.
"Hmm?" I bit my lip.
Kiro chuckled, "Is Shin there with you?"
"Uh..." I scratched the back of my head.
"I would have guessed," Kiro laughed, "Shin can stay until our next concert, but be smart and don't do anything you'll regret."
I gulped and touched my stomach, "O-Okay. So, you're not mad?"
"Well, I'm actually quiet pissed, but you've proved I can't do anything to stop this," Kiro laughed, "I'll call Bell and tell her she doesn't have to come in anymore."
"Oh, danke! Danke, Kiro! I was about to decapitate that bitch!" I said, "She wouldn't leave me alone!"
"That was kinda the point in hiring her," Kiro said.
"Ass," I said in a sing-song voice.
"Hey, I'm being very open to your wants at the moment, I can have Shin come back and pay Bell to come in on weekends," Kiro said evilly.
"Fine! I'm sorry," I said.
"'Tis okay. I'll call Bell tomorrow," Kiro said, "I have to go now. We're DJing at this club tonight."
"Okay," I took a deep breath, "Love you, bro."
"Love you too, Sis," Kiro chuckled and hung up.
I smiled, happy to have made up with my brother.
"So you and Kiro made up?" Shin asked.
I looked up to see him leaning over the railing of my balcony.
"Heh, yeah," I smiled.
"And you said you would never forgive him," Shin smirked at me.
"Well, he's being more... open to things now," I said.
"Open how?" Shin asked.
"Well... He kind of knows that you're here," I laughed nervously.
"And he didn't go on a rampage?" Shin gasped.
"Nope," I giggled, "He actually said you could stay as long as we're not stupid."
"Well, we were already stupid," Shin said and walked down the stairs then over to me, "and now we're paying the price."
He placed one of his hands on my stomach, palm down, and kissed my forehead.
"I think I can handle the price," I grinned, "but can you?"
"Oh, I can handle it alright," Shin smiled.
"What ever," I snorted, "you looked like you were going to hyperventilate when I told you about little Paublo."
"That is a normal reaction and why do you keep calling it Paublo?" Shin laughed.
"I don't know, it's the first thing I thought of," I shrugged.
"Nice," Shin laughed.
"I feel bad saying 'It'," I said, "can we just say 'the baby' from now on?"
"Sure," Shin smiled and got this little glint in his eyes.
"What up with that look?" I asked.
"It's just crazy how motherly you are," he smiled.
"I'm a crazy person," I giggled then folded my arm across my stomach, "Did you hear that? You've got a crazy mom."
"You're talking it- the baby?" Shin raised an eyebrow.
"He/She can hear me," I said.
"Well," Shin kneeled down and got eye-to-bump with my stomach, "It's true, your mama is mental- and your dad isn't all that together either because he's talking to a tiny bump."
I laughed and smacked him on the head.
"Don't hurt the baby's feelings," I said.
"Sorry, little guy/girl," Shin chuckled and lifted my shirt up a little to kiss the bump.
I giggled and put a hand on my hip.
"You know," I blushed lightly, "I think you'd actually make a great dad."
Shin smiled and stood up straight to wrapped his arms around my waist.
"And you'd make a pretty good mom, too," he smiled at me.
With that in mind, I let a grin spread across my lips and I reached up on my tip-toes and kissed Shin teasingly on the lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rember, I've never been preggers so I don't know this stuff so don't be mean if I get stuff wrong! ^-^
- Cherri