Forever or Never

Pretty Damn Wow

Shin and I pretty much just sat around my house watching TV the rest of the week he was there. We would have went to the amusement park, but I wouldn't have been able to ride any of the rides.
The day before Shin had to go, I woke up slowly to the sunlight shining through my window and into my eyes. I groaned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes then looked over my shoulder at Shin's sleeping face- we had been sleeping together in my bed, but just sleeping. His arm was around my waist loosely, but he was still holding me to him and I wasn't going to be getting away that easily. The position we were in was actually quiet comfortable. Shin and I were practicly molded together and the weight of his arm on my waist felt good, protecting. His breath on the back of my neck was cool and calming and it felt good to wake up to.
"Ungh.." Shin grumbled and began to stir.
"Mmm... Shin?" I yawned.
"Hmm..?" He leaned forward and kissed the side of my neck.
"Are you awake?" I asked.
He yawned, "Barely."
"I wish we could stay like this forever," I giggled quietly.
Shin chuckled.
"We should get up," he said reluctantly, "I'm leaving tomorrow."
I groaned, "Don't remind me. It's just going to make me upset."
Shin kissed my hair.
"I promise to call everyday and check up on you and the baby," he said.
"Pinky swear?" I asked meekly.
"Pinky swear," Shin chuckled and held his pinky out to me.
I smiled and wrapped my own pinky around it. We shook then I sighed.
"I'm gonna miss you," I said, "Oh! And so will little Paublo."
"You really like that name don't you?" Shin chuckled.
"Not really, I just think it's funny," I smiled.
I felt Shin smile against my neck. He gave my waist a little squeeze and snuggled his nose into that spot between my neck and collar bone.
"What time is it?" He yawned. I looked at my alarm clock.
"8:27," I answered, "I guess it's time to get up."
"Mmm..." Shin snuggled closer to me and his arm tightened, "I agree with what you said earlier. I want to stay like this forever. Just curled up under the covers..."
I giggled and started playing with Shin's fingers.
It ended up being after nine when we finally got up. I reluctantly pulled away from Shin since my body was being oh so cruel and trudged down to the bathroom. After I finished up I made my way back into the livingroom where Shin was already lounging on the couch with Spongebob turned on.
"Is this all you watch?" I asked with a yawn as I curled up on the couch in front of him.
"The only thing I watch willingly," he chuckled.
"You have a problem," I giggled, "Nineteen years old and you're in love with Spongebob."
"I don't love Spongebob! He's too square," Shin laughed, "I only love you- and little Paublo."
I smiled.
"I love y-" I was cut off my my stomach making a loud gurgle noise, "I need food." I declared.
"It seems like every time you're about to say that you love me, you're always interrupted," Shin pouted.
"Well, go make me some waffles so that I can tell you and not be interrupted by my tummy's needs," I said.
Shin sighed and I felt him move around a bit then he got up and made his way slowly into the kitchen. I few minutes later he returned with chocolate chip waffles and a can of spray whipped cream.
"Yum!" I giggled and reached for the plate.
Shin held it back and sat down next to me. He cut a piece of waffle up and held a bite out to me. I smiled and opened my mouth. Shin fed me the piece of waffle and I pointed to the whipped cream then to my mouth. He chuckled and sprayed thw hipped cream into my mouth.
I chewed up the bite then swallowed and giggled.
"I can feed myself now," I said and took the plate.
Shin laughed and sprayed some of the whipped cream into his own mouth. I finished off the waffles and washed them down with some whipped cream.
"Okay! My tummy is satisfied," I giggled and patted my stomach.
"So... What were you going to say?" Shin smiled at me.
"I was going to say-" again, I was cut off, but this time by my phone ringing. I groaned and anwered it.
"Hello?" I yawned.
"Hey, Cherri!" Kiro's voice said through the speaker.
"Hi, Kiro," I smiled slightly.
"So what are you and Shin up to?" Kiro asked I could tell he was gritting his teeth when he said Shin's name.
"Well, I just finished eating some waffles and now we're watching Spongebob," I laughed quietly.
"That boy is addicted..." Kiro muttered.
"I told him that!" I said, "I told him he was in love with Spongebob, but he said that Spongebob was too 'square' for him!"
Kiro laughed at this, "He's just denying the truth."
"If that's the truth then that would mean I have compition and you know what I do to compition..." I giggled evilly.
"What do you do to compition?" Shin whispered.
I slid my finger slowly across my neck and made a "Kkkkkttt" noise in the back of my throat then I put two fingers to my temple and pretended to shoot myself in the head.
Shin's eyes widdened and I laughed at his expression.
"Okay, I may be open to you and Shin, but I don't want hear about anything that envolves the two of you," Kiro grumbled.
"Fine! What ever," I muttered, "Hey, I'm gonna go."
"Alright, fine," Kiro grumbled, "Bye!"
"Buh-Bye, Big brother!" I giggled and hung up.
"Okay! Without any interruption..." I laughed, "I frickin' love you."
Shin smiled and laughed then leaned forward and kissed me.
"I love you too," he chuckled against my lips.
I slowly snaked my arms around his neck and bit on his bottom lip. Shin got the hint and traced his tongue along my lips. I parted my lips slightly and silently begged that I didn't have morning breath.
I slowly moved my hands down Shin's bare chest and all the way down to the very top of his navy sweat pants.
"Uhh... Cherri?" Shin murmured.
"Hmm?" I twisted the drawstring around my index finger.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" He asked, pulling away a fraction of an inch.
"What could possibly happen?" I laughed under my breath, "You're leaving tomorrow. I just want..."
Shin chuckled, "It seems like every time you know we're going to be apart, you always want-"
I pressed my lips to his quickly in an attempt to make him stop talking.
"Come on!" I whinned, "I'm not going to see you for another month! I just- I just want to enjoy my last day alone with you before you all come back and Kiro goes on a rampage because by then I'll probably be showing."
"Can you..?" Shin asked, "I mean, it wouldn't hurt the baby?"
"No- It's actually good for the baby... at least that's what I heard," I said and shrugged.
"Why do want me so badly?" Shin asked with a chuckled.
"I'm just weird like that- and I love you," I smiled.
Shin smiled and looked down then back at me with a glint in his green-grey eyes. In a flash he picked me up bridal-style and was holding me against his chest. I smiled and snuggled my nose to his neck. Shin carried my up to my room and set me down gentaly on my bed.
"Are you sure?" He asked, placing a kissed on my collar bone.
I nodded with a smile on my face.
"And it won't hurt little Paublo?" Shin asked with a chuckled.
I giggled and shook my head no, "Not at all."
Shin chuckled again and pulled the covers over us.
I was completely willing to stay in bed the rest of the day but Shin made me get up because he insisted on taking me out to dinner.
"Where are you taking me?" I whinned and pulled the covers over my head for the thousandth time. Shin pulled them back with a laugh.
"It's a surprise! Now come on," he rubbed my arm, "get up."
"At least give me an idea so I know what to wear!" I insisted.
"Fine, fine!" Shin laughed, "It's fancy, but not formal. A dress would be perfect."
"Okee dokee!" I slowly sat up, "Now get out so I can change. I don't want you to see what I'm wearing."
Shin chuckled and slowly walked out of the room, closing the door on his way out.
I got out of bed and began looking through my closet. After ten minutes of debating a black Four-Tiered Strapless Dress and a Jessica Louise Royal Purple Skull Bow Dress, I finally decided on the tiered dress and began getting ready.
I got put on the dress then pulled on a pair of dark thigh-high DOMO tights and traced my eyes heavily with black eyeliner. I pulled the sides of my hair into a bun and secured it with a brown hair tie then brushed the rest of my hair out and straightened it. When I was finished with my hair, I pulled on a pair of lace, fingerless gloves and found a pair of silver heels with ankle-straps in the bottom of my closet.
After I finally considered myself presentable, I made my way into the living room to find Shin wearing a white button-up shirt made of very thin fabric, black skinny jeans and white converse.
I raised an eyebrow at the shoes and he meerly shrugged.
"I don't have any nice shoes," he said.
I nodded and walked over to him.
"You look-" Shin smiled, "Wow."
"You look pretty damn wow yourself," I giggled.
"Why thank you," Shin chuckled and held his arm out to me.
I raised an eyebrow but took it and we walked out to his car.
"I see you stopped to get your car after you got back?" I smiled as he helped me into the passenger's seat.
"Yep," Shin smiled and went around to the driver's side.
The drive was mostly silent but it wasn't that awkward silence, it was actually comforting. So, we sat in silence - other than the low sound of the radio - until Shin pulled into the parking lot of Luigi's.
Luigi's was one of the most expensive restraunts in the whole city and it was beyond amazing. The real name of the place was actually some very complicated italian so everyone just called it Luigi's, after the guy that owns the place.
"Luigi's?" I gasped.
Shin looked over at me with a sly smile.
"You brought me to fucking Luigi's?!" I squealed.
"Yup," Shin grinned widely, "It's my last night and I wanted to make it as amazing for you as possible."
I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
"Now, come on," Shin chuckled, "I made reservations and if we're even a minute late walking through those doors, they'll be cancled."
I nodded and climbed out of the car. Shin was at my side in a second, with an arm around my waist. We walked into the building, which smelled strongly of fresh breadsticks and meat sauce, and was emediantly led to a small corner both towards the back.
The service was amazing and we had our food about ten minutes after we ordered.
Over all, it was an amazing dinner. Everything was perfect; the food, the service, the atmosphir, the guy- everything.
And it killed me to think that the one who put this together would be leaving a few short hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please ignore all the spelling mistakes. I had it spell checked TWICE but my mom kept closing the document before I could save the changes. -_-
- Cherri