Forever or Never

No More Sadness!

So it was finally the day I had been dreading all week. Shin had to leave at nine-thirty to be able to catch his plane on time so we got up at six in the mother flippin' morning.
"You can go back to sleep," Shin said when I almost fell asleep over my fried eggs.
"Nooo!!!" I groaned, "Then I would miss precious Shin time!"
Shin chuckled and leaned over my shoulder to kiss my cheek. I smiled and pushed my plate away from me.
"Help?" I turned to face Shin and held my arms out to him.
He smiled and pulled me up to my feet.
"I gotta' go get ready," he said and pulled one of my hands to his lips and held it there for a moment.
"I hate having a famous boyfriend," I said, remembering what I had said back in New York.
"I'll ask Kiro if you can come to L.A. in a few weeks," Shin smiled, "We have a few concerts there and we'll be DJing at a couple clubs so we'll be there for about a week or so."
"Really?" I grinned.
"Of course," Shin smiled.
I reached up and kissed him quickly.
"Go get ready," I playfully pushed him towards the guestroom where his bag was.
He laughed and began walking on his own. I leaned against the wall and watched him all the way to the guestroom then sighed when he disappeared.
I trudged up to my room and get dressed in Tripp black and lime dark street capris, a Sky Eats Airplane Panda Tee, and Draven silver and pink plaid flats. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and decided to leave my make-up the way it was; smudged slightly because I was too lazy to wash it off the night before.
I slumped back to the livingroom where Shin was hauling his bag in from the hallway.
"Hey," he gave me a tiny smile.
I forced myself to smile back as I walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch. Shin sat next to me and rested his head on mine.
I sniffed and wrapped my arms around his waist. My vision blurred slightly as I remembered Shin would be leaving in only an hour and I wouldn't get to see him for a long time- he could meet someone closer to his age tha he likes better than me.
"Cherri?" Shin kissed my temple, "Are you crying?"
"No," I sniffed again and whipped my eyes.
"What's wrong?" he whispered and combed his fingers through my loose bangs.
"What if you meet someone else? Someone closer to your age- and pretty and funny and not pregnant?" my voice cracked.
"Is that why you're sad?" Shin asked and brushed his thumb along my wet cheek.
I nodded, finding myself unable to speak.
"How could you think I would find anyone better than you?" he murmured, "You are pretty - gorgeous in fact - and you're the funniest person in the world and no one can take your place there, and it's my fault that you're pregnant. I am not going to ditch you."
I smiled slightly but then frowned.
"You say that now..." I whispered.
"I say that now and I mean it forever," he said sternly.
I cuddled closer to him and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to preserve the very moment.
"I miss you already," I whispered.
"I haven't even left yet," Shin chuckled.
"So? In my mind you have!" I sighed.
Shin hugged my shoulders and kissed the tip of my nose.
"I'll see what I can do about L.A." he smiled at me, "Now come on! Give me a smile!"
I bit my lip and pouted for a moment before breaking and letting a tiny smile creep onto my lips.
"That's it!" Shin cheer and kissed the smile.
We were interrupted by an alarm going off.
"Oh, shit!" Shin pulled his phone out of his pocket, "I've gotta' go if I'm going to make my plane."
I sighed.
"No more sadness! You're making me feel guilty!" Shin said.
I giggled under my breath and kissed his cheek.
"Call me once you're on the plane," I said.
"Promise," Shin smiled.
He leaned down to look at my stomach.
"You behave," Shin smiled and pointed a finger at the bump, "I don't want your mama to be saying anything bad about you."
I laughed and rubbed my stomach.
"By the time you get back the baby will be bigger," I said.
"And I'll have a black eye and a broken rib from the rampage Kiro will go on," Shin laughed.
I gave a small smile, "You should go."
"I wish I didn't have to," he kissed me lightly then stood up, "I'll call once I'm at the airport then when I'm on the plane and when I get off."
I nodded, "Talk to you later."
Shin gave a tiny smile and walked out to his car, dragging his bag behind him. I watched him out the kitchen window and gave a tiny wave when he looked in my direction. He waved back and climbed into his car. Before he drove off I walked away, unable to watch him leave.
I went up to my room and layed down on my bed and curled up with a yawn. If Shin could get me there for L.A. then I would get to see him in only two more weeks. I kept telling myself that Kiro was being understanding and would let me go for a little while.
I yawned again and crawled under my warm covers then slowly feel asleep.
I was woken up by the sound of my phone blasting Shin's ringtone. I yawned and answered it.
"Huuuullooo?" I yawned.
"Hey, Cherri," Shin sounded happy.
"Hi, Poptart," I smiled.
"Did I wake you up?" he asked.
"Yeah, but I needed to get up. What time is it anyways?" I asked.
"Almost noon," he answered.
I nodded and rubbed my eyes, "So you're at the airport?"
"Yeah, I got her about two hours ago, but when I called you didn't answer," Shin said, "My flight was delayed and I'm not sure how long."
"So come back!" I whinned, "You shouldn't have to sit at and airport for hours waiting on your flight."
"I can't come back! I might miss my flight," Shin chuckled.
I pouted for a moment then crossed my legs indian-style.
"Book another flight," I suggested, "Your manager is paying for it."
"You're not to worried about economy," he laughed.
I smiled and pushed my bangs out of my face.
"I'm more worried about not seeing you for so long," I said.
"Don't be so melodramatic," Shin laughed, "You're coming to L.A. in a few weeks."
"How do you know Kiro won't say no?" I cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm almost a foot taller than him! I think I can be pretty persuasive," Shin said.
"Psshhh! Whatever!" I scoffed, "Kiro's already beat the shit of you before! Who's to say he won't do it again?"
"Oh, you're real nice," Shin laughed.
"I love you, but that doesn't mean I have to be nice," I smiled.
"Tough Love," he laughed.
"Always," I said in a sing-song voice.
There was a robotic female voice on the line and Shin muttered something.
"I've gotta' go. They just posted the reschedualed my flight and I've got to check the time."
I sighed, "Okay, call me back when ever you can."
"Alright. Bye, Cherri," Shin sighed too.
"Bye, Poptart," I said and hit the end button my phone.
I sighed and clicked my tongue a few times then looked around, trying to find something to do. I saw Monster running on his little wheel thing and went over to pick him up.
"Hiyya, Monster!" I cooed and rubbed his head with my index finger, "How have you been?"
He squeaked and looked around franticly. He started to squirm and soon escaped my grasp, but crawled up my arm to my shoulder.
I giggled and stroked his soft, fluffy fur. He squeaked and wiggled his nose in a cute way then stood up on his back feet.
I smiled and walked out of my room with him on my shoulder, only to find Shenae stumbling into the livingroom.
"Oh- Oh my g-gawd!" she slurred and pointed at my shoulder, "What the heeeeellll is that?"
I scrunched up my nose and crossed my arms.
"What the hell have you been doing?" I hissed.
"I- I don't- remember..." she trailed off and fell into the wall then started giggled uncontrolably.
I sighed and went to take Monster back to his cage so I could deal with Doppy.
When I returned to the livingroom, Shenae was still giggled like crazy. I rolled my eyes and helped her over to the couch.
"How the fuck did you get here without killing yourself?" I asked as I fanned away the stench of tequilla.
"Oh... Uhhh.... J-Josh and... Curt. Ye-yeah! That's his name. Curt," Shenae's head lolled to the side slightly.
"And what were you doing with them?" I asked.
"Weeelll..." I almost gagged on the stench of alcohol, "I was at this party one of my friends w-were having and weeeeeeee met."
"Dear fucking god! How much did you drink?" I asked and shoved a pillow over my face.
Shenae giggled again and waved my question away, "I didn't have anythiiiinng to driink siiiilllyyyy."
I rolled my eyes.
"Go lay down. You're too wasted to be any help at the moment."
Shenae made a litle noise and when I looked over she was out. I sighed and stood up, not in the mood to deal with my drunken sister.
I walked into the kitchen, leaning down to stroke Elf's head as I passed her, and grabbed a can of Campbell's Tomato Soup.
I poured the soup in a pan and started cooking it then prepared myself a grilled cheese.
When my food was down cooking and went up to my room (the living room smelled too much like cigerettes and tequilla for my liking). I ate my lunch then began to feel tired again.
I layed down in my bed and promptly fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, sorry for the typos! I just wanted to get this out before some bitch reports it on quizilla like all my other stories were reported. -_-
- Cherri