Forever or Never

She's Either Smoked it or Snorted it

I woke up to hear sobbing coming from the livingroom. I groaned and got out of bed then walked to my door. The sobbing continued so I walked out onto the balcony and saw Shenae hunched over on the couch with her face buried in her hands and her body heaving with tears.
"What? Did you puke all over your knock-offs?" I rolled my eyes, offering no sympathy.
"No!" Shenae snapped and continued crying.
I sighed and began to feel my newly formed nice-side take over. I went to sit next to Shenae for some odd reason and put my hand on her shoulder.
"What's up?" I asked.
"What do you care?" Shenae sobbed, "I'm just an unwanted addition here so stop trying to fake nice."
"I'm not faking it," I argued, narrowing my eyes at her, "Tell me what's wrong."
"Why? So you can go tell all your friends and make me seem stupider than I really am?" she cried.
"No..." I bit my lip to stop myself from making a mean remark, "Tell me so that I can try to help. I'm not all evil you know."
Shenae inhaled deeply and looked over at me. Her eyes were red and puffy and dull lines traced down her face.
"Fine. It's not like I have any respect to loose from it," she sighed shakily and pulled on the strap of her cami, "When we got back from America I went to stay at one of my friend's houses back home. She- wasn't the best person to hang out with... She was- an alcoholic, whore, drug addict- if you could name it, she's either smoked it or snorted it.
"I really didn't have much of a choice though, she was the only person that would talk to me. Things were pretty much okay for the first week or so- she was always out until the sun came up with her other crack-whore friends and she slept all day until she would go out and snort some again. But she started inviting people over and- they weren't any beter than her. Worse even. Some of the guys that hung around... they were questionable.
"At the last party, Gen, the girl I was staying with, had tricked me into joining the 'fun' while they were playing 'I Never'. I'm not one to drink so I just got a Coke." Shenae choked on a another sob.
"I can't remember anything after my fifth drink except being taken up to the room I was staying in by these two guys and..." she broke down in sobs and my eyes widden as I understood what she meant.
Sure, I hated her, but at the moment she was so helpless and I pittied her.
I hugged her shoulders and and stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.
"It's okay," I cooed, "you're here and if anyone comes near this house, Kiro and Shin and all the other guys will beat the living shit out of them."
"What ever! If anyone came for me, Kiro would just be like 'Here take her!' and shove me out the door," Shenae sniffed.
"No he won't because if he did then I would kick his little ass," I assured her.
"Why are you doing this? You hate me, remember?" she muttered and rolled her eyes.
"I've developed a nice side over the last few weeks," I shrugged, "And I really don't want us to be the type to try and kill eachother with a spatula."
I grinned at her, trying to make her smile. I succeded.
"So, what? Are you forgiving me for all the shit I've done?" she asked.
"Only if you forgive me for all the shit I've done," I smiled, "We've both been total bitches towards eachother."
"I'm... sorry. I'm just used to getting what ever I want from mom and dad so when I wasn't the center of attention..." she trailed off.
"Attention Whore," I said in a sing-song voice, earning myself an elbow in my rib.
I laughed and shook my head.
"Joking. But I never got anything from mom and dad. Kristian was the prize and I was like a trophy for good sportsmen ship to them," I shrugged, "So, I don't crave attention. I guess it all depends on how you were raised."
"I guess..." Shenae sighed. It seemed like she was hidding something.
"Okay, tell me. I can see you're not telling me something," I said.
Shenae buried her face in her hands, "I did something really really terrible."
"What?" I asked.
"You know those pictures? From the magizine?" she asked hesitantly. I nodded. "I... I'm the one that got those pictures. I stayed behind after the others left and snuck back to the hotel 'cause I could tell something was going on and..."
I clenched and unclenched my fists, "So... you were the one that leaked everything?"
Shenae nodded, with an ashamed look on her face.
I took a few calming breaths and pinched my thigh.
"It's okay. The past is the past and there's nothing I can do to change what's already happened," I said.
"You're seriously going to forgive me that easily?" Shenae stared at me in bewilderment.
"Yes," I nodded, "I want us to start over and act like real sisters towards eachother. You now, I have your back and you have mine?"
Shenae nodded and smiled slightly.
"Do you think Shin will forgive me though? I mean, it's kinda my fault that Kiro attempted to murder him," she bit her lip.
"If I forgave you, then Shin will. So will Kiro and everyone else," I assured, "Just be the way you are now. Open and nice and not a stuck-up bitch."
Shenae laughed at the last bit.
"Okay," she nodded then gave me this look, "How about we make a trade."
"Huh?" I cocked my head to the side.
"I tell one of my deepest secrets to you, and you tell me one of your's. It's the way my friends and I used to seal deals or make truces," she said, "By telling eachother a secret, it makes sure that neither of us will go behind the other's back because then they have dirt on you and can get you back."
I nodded, understanding her.
"Okay, I'm in," I smiled.
"Alright, I'll go first," Shenae sat indian style and began to think.
"Okay, I got one," she bit her lip, "I stole dad's credit card and got his pin number and I was spending almost ten thousand dollars a month. He never found out it was me."
I nodded then tried to think of one of my secrets. The only one I could think of was the one present at that very moment.
I sighed then looked at the floor, "I'm.. Uh... Pregnant."
"What?" Shenae gasped.
I looked a her and her eyes were huge.
"Yeah... I'm going to be a mom," I whispered.
"And is Shin the dad?" she asked, "Does he know?"
I nodded to both questions and lightly touched my stomach.
"I found out a little over a week ago," I said.
"Well... What are you going to do?" she asked.
"I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards adoption right now but... I might end up weanting to keep it," I shrugged.
"Have you told Kiro?" she asked.
I shook my head, "I'm going to wait until he get's back from the tour."
"You seem pretty calm about this," Shenae pointed out.
I laughed slightly.
"I think there might be a possibility of the baby sending too much blood to my head or something," I shrugged, "I guess I'm only calm about it because when I told Shin... he didn't freak out too much. He even said he was happy about it."
"That's good," Shenae smiled, "It's so sweet that he's so open to it. I mean, he wasn't upset at all?"
"Well... When I first told him I could see that he was a little freaked, but then he started joking around about it and talking freely," I smiled slightly.
"You're so lucky you have Shin," Shenae sighed and sniffed, "He loves you no matter what. I've never had a boyfriend longer than a month."
"You just have to find the right guy," I smiled, "And be yourself. Don't act like a slut."
Shenae laughed and smacked me lightly on the arm.
"I don't act like a slut!" she insisted.
I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.
"Okay, maybe I do," Shenae sighed dramaticly.
"You wanna know what's weird?" I asked.
"What?" she cocked her head to the side.
"We hated eachother less then an hour ago and know we wacting like best friends," I said.
"Huh.. Yeah," she smiled, "That is weird. But a good wierd."
"Ha, yup," I smiled.
It was quiet for a moment.
"You know..." Shenae pulled on one of her hair extensions, "I actually hate blonde hair. And the color pink. Hell, I hate almost everything I made out that I like."
"Because I wanted to fit in," she giggled quietly, "I did a bad job of that apparently. I'm actually into all the stuff that you guys are. You know, Visual Kei and Scene."
"Thank god!" I laughed, "I may not hate you, but I still wouldn't be able to live with a preppy girl."
Shenae laughed to and ran her fingers through her long (fake) blonde hair.
"I think I'm going to dye it and get rid of the extensions," she said, "What color should I go for?"
I studied her for a moment.
"Brown," I declared, "Chocolate Brown."
"Really?" she bit her lip.
"Yes. It would look awesome," I assured.
She smiled and examined her hair again for a moment before pulling the curly blonde extansions out. It appeared that her real hair was only about two inches above her shoulders and super straight.
"You should also get swoop bangs," I said.
"I was planning on doing that," she smiled.
I smiled and ran my fingers through my slightly-oily hair.
Kiro's ringtone blasted through my pants pocket and I sighed then pulled my phone out.
'Kiro' I mouthed to Shenae then stood up and walked into the hallway.
"Hey, Bubby," I smiled.
"Hi, Cherri," he said in a singy voice.
"Why so happy?" I asked, leaning against the wall.
"Oh... I just got a call from Shin a while ago..." he started.
"And.." I bit my lip.
"And he suggested something," he said slowly.
"About..?" I began bouncing on my heels.
"About you coming over while we're in L.A." he said.
"Really?" I smiled.
"Yeah..." Kiro said in a fake-bored tone.
"Can I please?" I begged, "I really want to go to some of your concerts!"
"Well..." Kiro paused, "I guess."
"Yay!" I squealed.
"But! Shenae has to come with you," he said.
"Okay," I shrugged, "That's fine."
"Wait... You're not having a bitch fest over this..." he sounded confused.
"Shenae and I sorted things out," I said, "We're cool now."
"Well, I never that that would happen," he said.
"Well... It did," I smiled then felt a lump in my throat when I remembered or little deal.
"Cherri? You okay?" Kiro asked.
"Uhm... Yeah," I bit my lip, "It's just... I have something I want to tell you when I get there."
"Okay," Kiro chuckled.
"Look, Kiro," I pushed my hair back out of my face, "I'm gonna go. I really don't feel that well."
"Oh," he sighed, "I'll let you go then. Feel better soon."
"'Kay," I yawned, "Bye, Kiro-Hero."
He chuckled and said good-bye then we both hung up.
I can't believe I told him that I had something to tell him.
I didn't even know how I would tell him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Typos, I know. I'm REALLY sorry! And I hate this chapter. It sucks. But I couldn't just let Shenae and I hate each other could I?
- Cherri