Forever or Never

Damn Girlie Men

"Calm down! Kiro and I are on our way!"
"Would you hurry up?"
"Stop being so impatiant."
"We've been here for two hours!"
"Cherri, we were stuck in traffic."
"I don't care Shin! You know I think that airports are evil!" I whinned into the phone.
Shin laughed.
"Hey! Don't laugh at my sister's irrational fears!" I heard Kiro yell.
Then there was crash. And some more yelling. Some laughing. Then a high pitched scream.
"What the hell was that?" I laughed.
"Kiro smacked me in the head and I dropped the phone so I smacked him and we got into a slap fight then all of a sudden someone honked at us and Kiro turned into a pig," Shin explained.
"Damn, girlie men..." I muttered.
"You love it," he said in a sing-song.
"LA LA LA LA!!!!" I heard Kiro in the background again.
I laughed and rolled my eyes at his immatureness.
"Okay, Poptart," I giggled, "I let you go so that Kiro doesn't go insane. Call me when you get here."
"Okay," he sighed then chuckled, "bye, Baby."
"GAHH!!!!" Kiro screamed just before the line went dead.
I started laughing so hard that tears filled my eyes.
"What the crap was that?" Shenae laughed.
"Shin was torturing Kiro," I said with a shrug.
"Those boys..." she shook her head, drawing my attention to her new hair.
It was now blonde with chocolate brown streaks and swoop bangs that was teased slightly at the top two layers and was stick straight. She had ditched the knock-offs for a pair of my purple skinny jeans and a black and white babydoll top paired with these cute little Naughty Mary-Jane heels.
"I can't get over how different you look now!" I laughed and started playing with her hair.
"Why do you always do that?" she laughed and pushed my hand away.
"Because it's soft!" I shouted.
Some people gave me glares as they passed, causing Shenae and I to burst out laughing.
"What are you laughing about?" a voice asked from behind us.
I turned around to see Shin and Kiro. Shinw as smiling and Kiro looked really annoying.
"Shin!" I squealed and ran at him.
I jumped at him and wrapped my legs arou d his waist while I almost chocked him and had such a tight grip on his neck.
"Uhh..." Shin made a noise in the back of his throat, "Choking... Cherri?"
I released him and dropped to my feet with a smile.
"What about me? I am your brother," Kiro held his arms out to me.
I smiled gave him a giant hug.
"Where's Shenae?" Kiro asked.
I smiled and pulled her over.
"Tada! The new Shenae!" I giggled when both there jaws dropped.
"Shin, close your mouth," Kiro said, "You're going out with Cherri."
"So? You shut your mouth," Shin said, "She's your sister."
"Shin, close your mouth or I'll push you out in front of a plane," I said.
That snapped him out of it.
"Sorry, Cherri," he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.
"Kiro, you too," I said, "Whipe up your drool or I'll stab you with a spoon."
Kiro's eyes got wide and he, too, snapped out of his daze.
Shenae giggled and rolled her eyes.
"Okay! Can we go to the hotel?" I asked, "I hate airports."
"Yeah, let's go," Shin said.
We walked out of the airport and over to the rental car that they had.
"Shin, put my bags in the trunk," I said and shoved my bags into his arms.
"What? Am I your salve now?" he laughed.
"Of course," I smiled and kissed him on the cheek as he walked over to the trunk.
We got all of our bags in the trunk and left for the hotel.
"How are the rooms set up?" I asked, "Like who's with who and all that?"
"It's me and Strify in one room, Romeo and Yu in another, then one person gets their own room and two of you will have to share," Kiro answered.
"I'll take the seperate room," Shenae said then gave me a little wink.
"But-" Kiro began to protest.
"That's perfect!" I interrupted, "Me and Shin can share the other."
"I'm okay with that," Shin shrugged.
"I'm not!" Kiro squeaked.
"Bubby, there are two beds," I giggled, "We won't do anything."
"You better not," Kiro glared at Shin for a second then looked back at the road.
"I want an apple," I said randomly after a few minutes.
"You don't like apples," Kiro gave me a confused look in the mirror.
"I do now!" I whinned, "It sounds yummy right now!"
"We'll get you an apple when we get to the hotel," Shin laughed and patted my head.
I smiled pulled on a piece of his hair.
"What are you doing?" he laughed.
"Your hair is soft," I said and ran my fingers through his hair.
"She has a thing for hair lately," Shenae laughed.
Kiro looked at me in the mirror then at Shenae with astrange expression.
"What's with that look, Kiro-Hero?" I asked.
"Did Shenae have a spirit transfer or something?" he asked, "She's really different."
"No, I didn't have a spirit transfer," Shenae laughed and rolled her eyes, "Cherri convinced me to just be myself."
"Umm... Okay," Kiro squinted his eyes in confusion.
"It's a long story, don't ask," I said, "Just accept that Shenae is now a normal human."
"Okay, then," Kiro shrugged.
"See! I told you they would forgive you for being such a slut!" I laughed and hugged Shenae.
She started laughing too and hugged me back.
"Okay, you two," Kiro looked back at us with a smile, "We're here so get out."
I stuck my tongue out at him and climbed out of the car. While I was getting out my foot slipped and Shin, who had already gotten out of the car, quickly grabbed my arm and wrapped his of arm around my waist.
I blushed slightly and smiled at him.
"Thanks," I gave him a quick kiss on the lips since Kiro was helping Shenae with her bags.
"Are you going to tell him?" Shin whispered.
"I have to," I whispered back, "it's better if I do now then have him find out later."
"He's still going to be mad," he said.
"I know, but," I looked down, "if he came back and found out it would be a lot worse."
"Hey! Stop whispering and come help with the bags!" Kiro shouted, "The girls packed the whole house!"
I smiled slightly and pulled away from Shin to help with the bags.
"Here," I grabbed two of my duffle bags and my make-up bag, "I'll get these."
"Are you sure you can handle it?" Kiro laughed, "You have more make-up there than Strify, Shin, Yu and me combined."
I smiled and nodded, "I'm a big girl. I think I can handle it."
Shin smiled at me and grabbed the last three bags from the trunk.
We head into the hotel and up to the rooms which were all connected. Shin led me over to our room and opened the door then helped me with all the bags.
"I can't believe Kiro is actually letting us share a room," I laughed.
"He still sees me as the baby of the band," Shin laughed, "He doesn't think I'd do anything."
"Too late for that!" I laughed, "Fucking robbing the craddle!"
"Oh, shut up!" Shin laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.
I playfully pulled away and skipped away to the other bed. I plopped down on the bed and layed on my side, propping myself up with my elbow.
"You're evil," Shin chuckled as he walked over and layed down next to me.
"Mmm.. I knew that, but in what way do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean, you're being such a tease!" he laughed, "Kiro's in the room right next to ours right now!"
I smirked slightly, "Yeah... But later we'll have two rooms between ours and his..."
Shin laughed and leaned forward. I closed my eyes and moved closer, but right before our lips touched we heard someone clear their throat. We both pulled back quickly and saw Kiro leaning against the doorway.
"Ha... Uh," I scratched my head nervously, "Hi, Kiro-Hero. What's brings you here?"
"I heard Shin call you a tease," he answered in an annoyed tone.
"Kiro!" I whinned, "You said you were open to me and Shin! Please tell me you're not going to freak out over every little thing one of us says!"
"Sorry!" Kiro held his hands up in front of him in surrender, "Just make sure I don't hear that stuff. It makes me want to puke."
I laughed at Kiro's face and rolled my eyes.
"If you don't want to hear it then stop eavesdroping!" I threw a pillow at him, "Now get out!"
Kiro sighed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
I smiled triumphantly and leaned over to kiss Shin. He chuckled against my lips and put his palm on my cheek. I lips moved in sync as an innocent kiss, no tongue or anything.
A minute later I pulled back to breath and smiled at him.
"I love you," I said quietly, incase Kiro was listening.
"I love you too," Shin smiled at me and gave me another quick kiss.
I snapped my head to the door and gasped.
"Elsa!" I squealed and jumped up.
I ran over to her and gave her a giant hug.
"Cherri!" she squealed back and hugged my shoulders.
"What about me?" a male voice asked.
I looked behind Elsa and saw Devon and that one girl, Savanah.
"Devon!" I laughed and gave him a hug.
I held my arms out for Savanah and we hugged too.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"Well, Kiro called me and said that you were going to be here for a while," Elsa said happily, "Plus, he said that we could get into all the concerts here without tickets and we could hangout backstage!"
I laughed at that last bit.
"It's so great to see you!" I giggled and hugged her again.
"Do you wanna' hang out?" she asked then glanced at Shin, "I mean, if you're not too busy..."
I looked at Shin and giggled.
"I'm sure he can bare a few hours without me," I said, "Devon here can keep him company! We can have a girl day!"
"That'd be so cool!" Elsa squealed.
"Okay," I grabbed Devon's hand and pulled him towards Shin, "Shin, this is Devon. Devon, this is Shin. You two, keep eachother company."
I skipped back over to the girls and waved too the boys. They just stared at us in a dumbfound way.
"I seriously don't understand girls..." I heard Devon say as we walked out of the hotel room.
"Hey, just a second," I said and held a finger up, "I'm gonna go tell Kiro."
"M'kay," Elsa nodded.
I skipped down the hall to Kiro's room and knocked on the door.
A second later it opened up, revealing Kiro.
"Hi!" I waved quickly, "I'm going out with Elsa and Savanah for a while."
"'Kay," he smiled, "Call me later so I know you're alive."
I laughed and gave him a quick hug, "Okay, bye-bye, Kiro-Hero."
"Bye," he chuckled and hugged me back.
I skipped back to Elsa and Savanah with a smile on my face.
"Ready to go?" I asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pleeeaaaassseeeee don't say anything about the typos! I'll fix them later but I don't have word on this computer so I have to go to my grandma's to fix the spelling mistakes.
- Cherri