Forever or Never

It's Sickening

"Oh my god!" Elsa squealed and tossed a dress at me, "You'd look awesome in this!"
I looked at it then looked at the size. I was already up one size than I had used to be.
"It won't fit," I sighed and hung it back up.
"Cherri, you've been saying that about everything!" Elsa whinned, "What's your problem?"
I bit my lip then pulled her and Savanah into a dressing room.
"Okay, I know we don't know eachother," Savanah started, "but I can see that something is up."
"Look..." I bit my lip, "I have a problem."
"What? It can't be that bad," Elsa gave me a weird look.
"I... I'm going to have a baby," I sniffed and whipped my eyes.
I expected Elsa and Savanah to pity me and ask me how I could let that happen, but I was so wrong.
"Ehmagod!' Savanah squealed and hugged me.
Elsa pushed her away and gave me agiant hug.
"That's great!" Elsa squealed, "We should take you shopping at that one place we saw! They had some cute maternity shirts."
"Wait... you're not giving me a guilt trip?" I asked.
"Of course not!" Savanah squealed, "This is amazing! How far along are you?"
I smiled slighty, "About two months."
"You can hardly tell! You really should eat more," Elsa said then pulled me out of the dressing room.
"Come on!" Savanah giggled.
"We're taking you shopping and we are going to check out the baby store!" Elsa said and pulled me through the mall.


I returned to the hotel with seven bags of maternity clothing, all forced upon me by Savanah and Elsa.
"How am I going to get this up there without Kiro seeing..?" I muttered.
"Don't worry! He's probably asleep!" Elsa said and pulled me into the hotel.
The three of us made our way to the elevator and stepped in. I blushed as a few older people looked at me then at the bags.
When the elevator dinged as we reached our floor, Elsa and Savanah tugged me to Shin and I's room.
Elsa knocked franticly and almost knoecked Shin on the head whe he opened the door. I was then shoved into the room with all the bags.
"Hide those bags!" Savanah said and handed the bags to Devon who looked utterly confused.
"Just do it!" Elsa said.
Devon quickly pushed all the bags under the bed.
"Uhm... What's going on?" Shin whispered to me.
"We have to hide those bags because of where Elsa and Savanah took me shopping," I whispered back.
"Oh..." he still look confused.
"Okay! Well, we'll leave you two lovebirds alone!" Elsa giggled and hugged me.
Savanah walked over and hugged me, along with Devon.
"Good luck!" Elsa whispered, "I'll talk to you tommorrow."
And with that, the three walked out.
"I am never letting Elsa have caffine again," I said after a minute of staring at the door.
Shin laughed and snaked his arms around my waist.
"So, what did you get?" he asked.
"A few different babydoll tops, some jeans," I shrugged, "that stuff."
"Cool," he nodded.
"I guess," I yawned.
"Is Cherri tired?" Shin asked then kissed the spot below my ear.
I gasped and smiled.
"Yes, I am," I giggled.
Shin kissed down the side of my neck then moved to my jaw line.
I pulled back with a giggle and smacked him on the chest.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked.
He just shrugged and I laughed.
"I'm going to get ready for bed," I told him, "Pick out a movie."
He nodded and I went to get my pajamas.
My pajamas consisted of a fitted black tank-top with spray-paint white hearts and purple shorts with black ribbon in the bottom of the sides.
Since I was too lazy to go to the bathroom, I just pulled off the clothes I was wearing and changed in the room.
"Uhh..." Shin scratched his head.
"Oh, stop being the baby of the band," I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"You Kiro would probably shoot me if he knew you changed in front of me," he laughed.
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch, "What are we watching?"
"English dubbed version of Carved 2: The Slit-Mouthed Woman," he answered in a spooky voice as he said the title.
"Ohh... Scary," I said sarcasticly.
Shin sat down next to me and I layed my head down in his lap.
It turned out that the movie was scary. I had to hide my face in Shin's stomach at the part where the dude poured that acid stuff on the girl's face.
"We can watch something else if this is too scary," Shin chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair.
"Nah," I yawned and snuggled closer to him, "I'm gonna' go to sleep. You can watch it."
"Okay," he leaned down and kissed my cheek, "Night, Leibe."
"Night," I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He brushed his fingers through my hair and I ended up falling asleep a few minutes later.


"They're so cute!" a voice cooed.
"It's sickening," another voice said.
There was a muffled thump then whining.
"It's adorable! Not sickening!" the first voice hissed.
"It's adorabley sickening!" the other voice reasoned.
I groaned and rolled over.
"You woke her up!" the first said.
There was another thump and a cry of pain.
"What the-" something moved underneath me and I slowly opened my eyes to see Shin.
"Guten morgen," I mumbled then looked over at the door.
Kiro was standing there with a tiny smile on his face and beside him stood Aburn.
"Aburn?" I smiled and sat up.
"Hiyya!" she squealed and rushed over to hug me.
I hugged her back with a giant smile on my face.
"Ugh..." Shin grumbled and I realized I was sitting on his rib cage and he probably couldn't breath cause I was a fatty.
I stood up with a giggle and looked over at Kiro.
"Is this your doing?" I asked as I put my arm around Aburn's shoulders.
"Yep," he nodded, "I thought you might want her here and I knew she wanted to go to L.A."
"Thank you, Kiro-Hero," I walked over and gave him a quick hug.
"No problem," he smiled back, "We have to leave for sound check in two hours so do you think you could get Shin to wake up?"
I looked back at Shin and noticed that he had went back to sleep. I giggled and said, "Okay. I'll make sure he's on time."
Kiro smiled at me, "Okay, thanks. Are you going tos ound check with us or are you just going to the concert?"
"I'll go to soundcheck with you," I shrugged, "If I get board then I can drag Aburn and Shenae around town until the concert."
"Alright," he chuckled, "Wake him up soon. It take him forever with his hair anyways."
I giggled, "You guys are such friggen' Scene Queens when it comes to your hair."
Kiro smiled and nodded then walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes with a smile and shut the door.
"Aburn!" I squealed again and rushed over to hug her.
We jumped up and down in a squealing fest for a minute before we fell onto one of the beds.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well, after Kiro told you that you could come here, he called me and booked a flight that was a few hours after your's," she answered with a smile.
"Kiro's being so nice. I wonder why..." I got a suspicious look on my face.
"Cause you were acting like you wanted to shoot him for so long, he doesn't want you to hate him again," Aburn said.
"How would you know?" I asked.
"Uh..." she laughed uneasily, "he told me. When you wouldn't talk to him he called me and tried to get to you through me."
"Oh," I nodded then looked at the ground.
There was groan and I looked up to see Shin stirring.
"Shin!" I giggled and went over to jump on him, "Wake up, Sleepy-Head!"
"Ju-just five... five more..." he yawned and scrunched his eyes closed, "five more hours."
I laughed and kissed his cheek, "Wake up! You have sound check soon!"
"But I don't want to!" he whinned.
"Shin, get your butt up or I swear to King Khufu I will shave your head!" I said.
He bolted up and gave me a horrified look.
"No! You wouldn't!" his hand flew to his head.
"Yes I would," I laughed, "Now go get ready. Sound check is in, like, two hours."
"Are you going?" he asked.
"Only if I get time in the bathroom," I said, "so hurry up and get ready."
He muttered something then got up and trudged into the bathroom.
"So cruel," Aburn shook her head with her arms crossed, "Shave his head? You know his hair is his pride!"
I laughed, "What ever. He needed to get up. So are you coming to soundcheck with us?"
"I don't know..." she said.
"We can prank the security guards," I said.
She laughed, "Okay. I'll go."
"Yay!" I cheered and did my Moon-Walk Happy-Dance.
"Never. Again," Aburn said.
I smiled like an idiot then skipped over to the bed with all the clothes from the day before under it.
"Elsa and Savanah took me shopping at this one store," I said, "they forced me to get about a million freaking shirts."
Aburn laughed and looked through the clothes with me.
"Do your jeans still fit?" she asked.
"Thy're snug but yeah," I shrugged and examined a babydoll top with purple on the top part, a black silk tie just below the purple, and then white stuff at the stomach area that poofed out slightly.
"You should wear that shirt with your silver skinnies," Aburn said.
"Of my King Khufu!"I squealed, "I'm so lucky my best friend is the future ruler of the fashion empire!"
"I try," she giggled.
I rolled with a giggled then changed into the clothes.
"Tie," I instructed and Aburn walked over to tie the black part into a giant bow.
"Thank you," I smiled and straightened out the shirt.
"You do your make-up then I'm gonna do your hair," Aburn said and pushed me towards the bathroom.
"This isn't anything fancy," I giggled, "I don't have to dress up."
"Well, I'm in the Fashion Empiress mood," she laughed, "I'm going to do your hair."
"Fine," I sighed dramaticly then stepped into the bathroom with Shin.
He had eyeliner on one eye and was holding the thing up to his other eye when I walked in.
"Okay, I love how you look in eyeliner," I giggled, "but watching you put it on is weird."
I grabbed the white shimmer eyeshadow and then the sparkley "Violent Violet" eyeshadow and Cover Girl LASH BLAST mascara from my make-up bag.
I put the purple eyeshadow on first then put the shimmer on the inner-corners of my eyes.
"Eyeliner, please," I said.
Shin handed me the eyeliner with a smiled. I smiled back and traced under my eyes in a thin line then put a thick line at the lashes on the top of my eyelids. I put the mascara on then smiled at my reflection.
"Lipgloss!" I said then searched through the make-up bag for my purple-toned lipgloss.
I found it and smeared it across my lips. I popped my lips together to even out the gloss then smiled at Shin.
"Am I pretty?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You're always pretty," he snaked his arms around my waist.
"Am I gorgous?" I asked.
"You're always gorgous," he said and leaned forward so that our foreheads were touching.
"Liar," I murmured.
"Why would I lie to you?" he asked quietly and trailed one of his fingers up and down my spine.
I shivered and smiled at him. I leaned forward, but right before our lips touched I moved and kissed his cheek.
He glared playfully at me as I pulled away from him.
"Aburn must start on my hair now," I giggled and walked out of the bathroom.
I noticed a gooey purple lip-print on Shin cheek just before I walked out, but I decided against telling him.
He followed me out, having already down his hair and all that shiz.
"Okay! Sit," Aburn instructed.
I did as she said and was emediantly attacked by a hair brush, a straightener, and multiple hair products.
Forty minutes later she was done and I looked amazing! My hair was teased and pulled into a side-ponytail and my bangs covered my right eye.
"Yay! I'm pretty!" I giggled and jumped up.
"So, are we ready?" Shin asked.
He still had the purple on his cheek...
"Yeah! Let's go tell the guys," Aburn said.
We walked over Strify's room and walked in. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing until they all say Shin.
"Whoa, Shin!" Romeo laughed and pointed at him.
The other guys looked at him and burst out laughing. I couldn't hold it anymore. I joined in the laughed and grabbed Shin's arm to keep form falling over.
"What is everyone laughing about?" he asked.
"Cherri better be culprit of this," Kiro laughed.
I nodded triumphantly.
"What?! Why are you laughing?!" Shin looked really nervous.
"Calm down, Poptart!" I giggled and whiped the gloss off of his cheek then showed him my hand, "Lip print."
He chuckled then rolled his eyes.
"You two been getting busy or something?" Yu asked.
This time, both me and Shin blushed and looked down.
"They're blushing!" Romeo squealed.
"Holy crap! You didn't!" Yu laughed at us.
"No!" we both shouted in unison.
"Leave them alone," Kiro glared at Yu and Romeo, "If you even say one more thing I'll beat you into a bloody pulp."
That shut them up.
"Okay," Strify cut in, "So we're all ready. Let go then."
"Is Shenae coming?" I asked.
"I'm here!" speak of the devil.
Shenae rushed into the room with a grin on her face.
"Okay, now we're ready," Strify laughed, "Let's go!"
♠ ♠ ♠
3 more chapters... (Typos, I'm very very sorry}
- Cherri