Forever or Never

We Will Raise Him to Cross Dress!

"This is soooo boring!" Shenae whined.
"No shit!" Aburn agreed, "Cherri, why couldn't we have waited until the concert to come?"
"Because!" I waved my arms around in a dramatic manner, "Do you honestly thing laying around the hotel rooms would be any better?"
They shrugged and murmured answers.
"Look, when Elsa and Savanah get here, we can go check out some of the shops until the concert," I said.
"Speak of the devil," Aburn smiled over my shoulder.
I turned around and saw Elsa and Savanah walking towards me with Devon behind them.
"Hey guys!" I squealed and ran up to them.
I gave Elsa and Savanah a hug each and gave Devon a huge smile.
"Well, I guess we can go now," Shenae jumped up.
"Huh?" Elsa gave her a weird look.
"Oh! You haven't seen Shenae yet," I laughed, "Elsa, Shenae. Shenae, Elsa. You two have met before, but Shenae has decided to cut the act."
Shenae smiled and looked at the ground. I noticed Devon kept glancing at her nervously.
"Okay, we were going to check out some of the stores and stuff around here to kill some time," I said, "You guys wanna come?"
"Sure," Savanah shrugged and smiled.
"That'd be cool," Elsa nodded.
"Okay, I'm gonna' go tell Shin and Kiro," I said, "Then we can leave."
They nodded and I skipped off to find where Shin was.
He was sitting in a rolly chair tapping his part in "Angel in Disguise" on the wall with his drum sticks.
"Hey, Poptart," I smiled.
He looked over at me and gave me a grin. I sat on his lap and gave him a giant smile.
"So..." he chuckled, "What'cha doing?"
"I'm going out with ma' girlies untilt he concert starts," I said.
"What? Noo!! I want you to stay here," he whined and kissed the side of my neck.
I laughed and pulled away.
"I'll be back in time to see you rocking the drums," I giggled and gave him a quick kiss.
I was about to get up but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back on to his lap and crashed his lips to mine.
I giggled and twisted my fingers into his hair. His tongue traced my bottom lip and I gladly opened my mouth slightly. His arms slid around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest, and he trailed his fingers up and down my spine.
A few minutes later there was snickering and I snapped my head around to see the rest of Cinema Bizarre, Elsa, Savanah, Shenae, Aburn, Devon, a few members of the stage crew and Lady Gaga standing a few feet away.
I blushed and pulled away from Shin. His cheeks were a bright pink color that really stood out against his porcelain skin and white-blonde hair.
Yu wolf-whistled after a few seconds of silence and Romeo busted up laughing.
"I swear I'm going to feed you F-Tards to a Rabid Penguin then feed that penguin to a tiger!" I threatened and threw on of Shin's drumstick's at them.
Romeo ducked and it hit Yu square in the face.
"Aww, shit!" he screamed and held his face.
Shin laughed and crossed his arms across his chest,
Romeo led Yu towards the dressing room to help him with the fountain of blood that was spraying from his nose.
"Uhm..." Kiro scratched the back of his neck, "Gaga, this is my little sister, Cherri."
'Gaga' giggled and smirked slightly, "Nice to meet you."
I nodded then looked over at my group of friends who were turning red from holding in their laughter.
"Let it all out," I sighed.
They burst out in hysterics and were rolling on the floor a few seconds later.
I rolled my eyes at them.
"Okay, that's enough," I said, "Can we go now?"
"Where are you going?" Kiro asked.
"We were going to check out some of the stores and stuff until the concert is about to start," Aburn said. She was the only one over her fit of laughter.
"'Kay," he nodded, "be back before the show."
I nodded, "Okay, Over Protective Big Brother."
He chuckled and I pulled my friends out of the venue.

We ended up at a baby store... again.

“Awe! This is so cute!” Elsa held up a little mint-green dress.

I laughed and ran my fingers across the material, “I don’t even know if it’s a girl or boy so why are we looking at dresses?”

“Cause if it’s a boy then we will raise him to cross dress,” Aburn laughed.

I giggled and started looking at onesies (sp?).

“Ohmigod!” Shenae squealed, “How cute is this?”

I looked over and saw that she was holding a little pin-striped fedora.

“That is so adorable!” I giggled and took it out of her hands.

“You have to get that! You two would match!” Savanah giggled.

I had added a fedora to my outfit before we left the hotel.

I tipped the hat and giggled.

We were so busy looking at baby stuff that the time just passed by and soon we had to leave.

“They should really fix those lights,” Shenae said as we were walking back to the venue.

“I know! They kept getting brighter for a few seconds then they would go back to normal,” Savanah said.

“Seriously? I didn’t even notice!” I said as I adjusted my hat in the window of a store.

“Ohh!!” Elsa squealed, “Let’s go get Fro Yo!” She pointed to a Frozen Yogurt shop.

“Yeah!” we all agreed and ran into the shop.

“What is everyone getting? It’s on me,” Shenae said and pulled out her ‘Hello Kitty’ wallet.

“Strawberry with sprinkles and Oreo pieces!” Elsa squealed.

“Chocolate Mint with gummy bears!” Savanah said happily.

“Classic choco/nilla twist!” Aburn giggled.

“Cookie dough with caramel syrup, skittles, gummy bears and heath bar pieces!” I giggled.

Everyone gave me a weird look, but I shrugged and pointed to my stomach and they let it go.

Shenae went to order the Fro Yo and the rest of us took a seat at one of the tables.

My vibrated in my pocket, making me giggled slightly. I pulled it our and saw a text from Kiro.

Where r U?

Fro Yo shop. We’ll be there in a few. I quickly texted back and slipped my phone in my pocket.

Shenae appeared a minute later with our Frozen Yogurt and we started walking back to the venue with our delicious treats. When we got to the back doors of the venue we were stopped by a guard.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Cherri, Kiro’s sister,” I said and tried to get in again but he blocked me.

“ID please,” he smirked.

“I’m fifth teen,” I glared at him, “I don’t have an ID.”

“Driver’s License?” he asked.

“No,” I muttered.

“Then you aren’t getting in,” the guys said and stood firmly in front of the door.

“Just text Kiro or Shin,” Shenae said, “They’ll come get you.”

I pulled out my phone and texted both of them but after ten minute they still didn’t respond.

“The concert already started!” Elsa whined.

“We’ll have to wait for a break to get in!” Savanah mumbled.

“Kiro didn’t tell you his sisters would be coming?” Shenae asked.

“No,” the guy said dismissively.

I groaned and sat down. My stomach really hurt from eating the frozen yogurt so quickly.

“Cherri? Are you okay?” my friends kneeled beside me worriedly.

“Yeah,” I nodded and held my stomach, “Too much fro yo, way too fast.”

“Are you sure that’s all?” Elsa asked.

“Yes,” I smiled reassuringly.

“We’ll just wait here for Kiro or Shin,” Savanah said.

“You’re going to have a loong wait,” the guard snickered.

I glared at him and continued to hold my stomach. The pain got worse and worse but I didn’t let it show.

Finally, after another hour in the beating sun, Kiro and Shin rushed out.

“What the hell?” Kiro glared at the guard.

Shin kneeled down next to me and placed an arm around my shoulders.

“Uhm... Uhh...” the guard looked surprised and confused.

“Why is my sister sitting out here?” Kiro asked angrily

“I- I didn’t know she was your sister,” the guy stuttered.

“I told you my sisters and their friends would be here in a little while and to let them in,” Kiro growled.

For someone so little, my brother could really look deadly when he was angry.

“I- I didn’t know she was your sister! I thought she was just a poser!” the guard stammered.

“That’s what we get for letting someone with an IQ of 46 guard the back entrance,” Kiro growled, “Come on. It’s like a million degrees out here.”

Kiro walked inside with Shenae and the other two following him. Shin helped me up and walked inside with me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

I bit my lip, standing really multiplied the pain. “My stomach. It hurts really, really bad.”

Horror flashed across Shin’s face.

“No! Don’t even think that!” I warned him, “I’m fine. I just ate some frozen yogurt too fast!”

His features calmed slightly but he still looked a little tense.

“Do you need to lay down?” he asked.

I nodded. In a flash, Shin had me in his arms bridal style and was carrying me over to a couch backstage.

“Cherri?” Kiro came over and sat next to me, “Are you okay?”

I nodded, “My stomach hurts really bad though.”

“Just lay down and you’ll feel better,” he said.

Shin was still really stiff as he held my hand.

“CB! You guys are back up!” A guy shouted.

Shin and Kiro sighed and each gave me a kiss on my forehead before go back to play another set.

I closed my eyes and laid on the couch. The pain continued to get worse with every minute. Thirty minutes after Cinema Bizarre started their second set, I felt my throat clog up and my eyes popped open. I quickly grabbed a trash can as the contents of my stomach came back up.

My friends rushed over and held my hair back.

“Oh shit...” Shenae muttered.

I opened my eyes and saw that red filled the trash can.

“Kiro! Someone get Kiro and Shin!” Aburn yelled.

I saw someone go out on stage and tell Kiro and Shin what was going on then the next thing I knew the song they were playing stopped and all of them rushed off stage. My vision became blurred and I slipped into an uneasy sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
O.O What's happening to me?!
- Cherri