Forever or Never

I'm Going to be Sick!

"Okay! What shall we do first?" Shin asked after we got into the park.
I shrugged. After hearing him and Kiro talk I wasn't exactly in the mood to go out.
"Well? Do you want to go on a roller coaster? Or maybe a water ride?" Shin waited for a reply.
"Why don't you choose?" I said quietly.
"Okay." Shin thought for a moment. "Let's go on the Drop."
I gulped, but nodded. I probably should have told him about my irrational fear of heights.
We went and got in line for the roller coaster. We had to walked up to the platform about a hundred feet up off the ground and with every step up I started shaking more violently than I already had been.
"Cherri? Are you okay?" Shin asked.
"Y-yeah." I said.
"Are you sure? You seem pretty scared." Shin said with a worried look.
"Yes, Shin. I'm perfectly fine." I snapped.
He bit his lip and looked away.
After about ten minutes in line we finally reached the platform.
"Let's sit in the front!" Shin said and pulled me to the very front of the train.
We stood in the short line and waited our turn.
When there was no one else in front of us and the train was pulling in was shaking so much the Shin could see it.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Shin asked.
"E.. Ye-" I couldn't seem to make any words so I just nodded.
The gates opened and Shin and I got into our seats. My heart was about to jump out of my chest when the shoulder things lowered over my chest.
The person working the ride came around and checked all the seatbelts and shoulder things then gave a thumbs up to the operator person.
Flashes of the movie Final Destination 3 started flashing through my mind as we started moving.
First we went slowly around a few turns then we started to go up.
"This is supposed to be almost four hundred feet tall at the highest drop." Shin said.
I bit my lip and looked at the ground. I emediantly regretted it because everything looked blurry and spinny. I looked back up and squinted my eyes shut.
"Cherri? Are you sure you're okay?' Shin asked.
I opened my eyes and looked over at him.
"No." I whispered. Tears of fear started to slide down my face.
"Aww crap! Cherri, please tell me why your crying." Shin begged.
"Well, it just so happens that I have an irrational fear of heights." I said, "If I'm even ten feet off the ground I get terrified."
"Damn it, Cherri! Why didn't you tell me?" Shin asked.
"Because you would have laughed at me." I said.
"No I wouldn't." Shin said.
"Yeah right! You would be laughing right now if it wasn't for the fact that I'm about to pass out from fear!" I said.
Just then I heard a click and I looked forward. The tracks had disappeared and we were moving slowly over the edge.
I closed my eyes and did what I would do if it was Kiro I was with, I grabbed Shin's hand and leaned into him.
The wind picked up and people started screaming.
Shin had his arms wrapped around me as I cowered into his chest.
"It's okay." He whispered into my ear. "It's only about a minute long ride."
"That's a minute too long for me to be off the ground." I whispered back.
Shin's arms tightened around me and I looked up at him. He was smiling down at me and brushing my bangs out of my face.
Pretty soon the train slowed and we pulled back up to the platform. I pulled away from Shin and struggled to get out of my seat. Shin reached over and helped me get the seatbelt unlatched.
I stood up, only to fall into Shin.
"Sorry." I mumbled and stepped off onto the platform.
"Do you need a drink?" Shin asked, grabbing my arm.
"No. All I need to do, is get back onto the ground." I mumbled and started to walk down the stairs.
Shin caught up with me and walked by my side.
"What's wrong?" He asked, "You were all happy sunshine a little while ago and now you're acting like you hate me."
"Like you would care if I did hate you." I mumbled.
"What?" Shin looked at me in surprise.
"Nothing." I said.
"Then be happy." Shin said, turning me to look at him.
He had a little smile on his face.
"I am happy." I said, trying to smile at him.
"Are you mad that I made you go on that ride?" Shin asked.
"No." I said flatly.
Just then my stomach rumbled and I noticed how hungry I was.
Shin laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Come on. Let’s go get some lunch." He said.
With out realizing it I leaned into him. I was still slightly light headed from being almost four hundred mother flippin' feet in the air.
"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Shin asked.
"I'm not sure. I like everything that they have here." I said quietly.
"Well, I hope you want subs 'cause that's where I'm going." Shin said and pulled my towards one of the tiny buildings in the food court.
Shin's arm was still around my shoulders and they were starting to tingle from his touch.
"I'm really not that hungry." I said.
Shin laughed at that. "Your stomach disagrees. You need to eat something."
"I'll get sick if I eat then go on rides." I said.
"You'll get sick if you don't eat." Shin said.
"Fine." I mumbled.
"Do you want to get something else to eat?" Shin asked.
"No. I like subs." I said.
"Okay." Shin smiled.
I smiled back, not being able to help it.
"I'm going to get a pepperoni sub." I said and pulled out a five from my back pocket.
"I'll pay." Shin said, smiling at me.
"I can pay for myself, pop tart." I said.
"I thought I was stupid pop tart." Shin laughed.
"Fine, stupid pop tart." I said, "I'm paying for my own food."
"No you’re not." Shin said, plucking the money out of my fingers.
"Shin! Give it back! I'm going to pay for my own food." I said reaching for the money.
Shin laughed and held it above his head. I jumped up, trying to get it and ended up basically right on top of him.
"I'm paying for your food." Shin said.
"No you’re not." I said and reached for the five again.
"You want the money? Come get it." Shin smirked and stuck it in his back pocket.
I glared at him. He knew I would never go there.
"Fine. You can pay for the damn food." I mumbled.
Shin laughed and put his arm back around my shoulders.
We got up to the front of the line and Shin ordered the food, smirking as he handed the money to the person behind the window.
"Stop smirking." I said.
"I'm not smirking." Shin said.
"Yes you are." I said and poked him in the cheek, "That is a smirk."
"Okay, maybe it is." Shin smiled down at me.
"Here's your food." The women pushed two paper plates through the window.
I grabbed mind and Shin grabbed his.
"Where do you want to sit?" Shin asked when we noticed that all that all the tables were taken.
"We can sit on the ground over there." I said, pointing to a grassy area.
"Okay." Shin nodded and we walked over to the grass.
I sat down and Shin sat across from me, making it a little hard for me not to look at him.
"Okay, why are you mad?" Shin asked after a moment.
"What?" I asked, still avoid eye contact.
"You won't look at me and you're not your usual hyper self." Shin said.
I looked up at him to see a frown that didn't fit anywhere on his flawless face.
"Do you really think of me as nothing but Kiro's little sister?" I asked.
"Oh. You heard that?" Shin scratched his head.
"Yeah. Kind of." I mumbled.
"Look, we can't..." Shin bit his lip. "You're only 15. I'm almost twenty. It's not like I'm going to... like like you or anything."
"But- you said I'm nothing." I said.
One silent tear began to slip down my cheek.
"You don't even think of me as a friend?" I asked quietly.
"Cherri, of course I think of you as a friend." Shin sighed.
"Then why did you tell Kiro that I was nothing?" I asked, a little louder.
"Cherri, you shouldn't have been listening in on what your brother and me were talking about." Shin said.
"I wasn't listening in!" I said louder than needed, "I was in my room getting my things and voices carry."
"I saw you by the door." Shin said.
"My dresser is next to my door, dumbass." I hissed.
"Why are you being so temperamental?" Shin asked.
"I don't like when people saw things about me." I muttered.
"Cherri, I only said that because Kiro is really protective of you and he wants to make sure I don't try anything with you." Shin said.
"He doesn't have to be so protective of me." I mumbled.
"But he is. He loves you, Cherri." Shin said.
"I know." I muttered.
"Why are you acting like that's a bad thing?" Shin asked.
"Because! He doesn't trust anyone around me, not even his best friends! The fact that he is so protective of me is taking over his freaking life!" I said.
"No it's not." Shin said.
"Yes it is." I muttered and laid back in the grass.
"Cherri, you think too much. Just because someone loves you it doesn't mean they’re letting their life waste away." Shin said, moving to sit next to me.
"I'm just not used to it. My parents never liked me, other people my age never liked me... Kiro is the only living being that ever cared for me." I said.
"That's not true either. I care about you. Strify cares about you. We all care about you." He said.
"Thanks." I mumbled and turned my face away from him.
Shin started combing his fingers through my hair and I felt his breath on my cheek.
"Are you going to mope around or are you going to enjoy a day with me?" He whispered.
I smiled and turned to look at Shin. His face was only an inch from mine.
"I think I'll choose the second one." I whispered and moved a fraction of a centimeter forward.
Shin pulled back quickly and sighed.
"Okay. Come on." He said and stood up.
We grabbed our trash and threw it in the nearest trashcan.
"So! What do want to do now?" Shin asked, cheerfully.
I laughed. "Let's go on the Scrambler."
"Amazing choice." Shin laughed and grabbed my hand.
He pulled me in the direction of the ride, both of us laughing the whole way there.
The line was really short so we got to get on first.
I got in the little car thing and Shin got in after me. Shin pulled the bar down and locked it into place then put an arm around my shoulders.
I smiled to myself and leaned into him slightly.
Suddenly the ride started to go around in a circle. The car started spinning in one way and the thing it was attached to was spinning another way. It started to go faster and faster and I ended up sliding into Shin.
Shin laughed and leaned his head against mine, which was smashed up against his shoulder.
"I can't move!" I laughed.
"That's fine with me." I felt Shin smile.
God! That boy is such a tease. First he tells me that he doesn't like like me then he goes and says that it's fine with him if I'm practically on top of him.
"I'm going to be sick!" I laughed.
"Ugh! Look the other way then!" Shin laughed and pretended to push me away.
I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder, this time out of my own actions.
The ride started to slow and come to a stop. I reluctantly slid away from Shin and we got out of the car.
I stumbled a little and fell into Shin.
We both laughed and Shin, once again, put his arm around my shoulders.
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