Forever or Never

I'm Not Gay

"Oof!" I plopped down on the couch in my living room.
Shin collapsed in the chair next to the couch.
"I can't feel my legs!" I whined, giggling a little bit.
"You're weak." Shin laughed.
"Shin, we've been at the amusement park for almost ten hours." I said.
"So? We were either sitting down or on rides the entire time." Shin laughed.
"We did have to walk to each of the rides, stupid pop tart." I said.
"Hey, I ended up giving you a freaking piggyback ride to half of the things." He said.
I laughed and shook my head.
"I am so out of shape." I said.
"How did you ever pass gym?" Shin laughed.
"That's different. We don't have a ten hour gym class."
I yawned and stretched out on the couch.
"Okay! I think it's bed time for little Cherri." Shin laughed.
"No! I wanna watch a movie!" I said, sitting up.
Shin laughed at me and grabbed the remotes.
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Hmm... Role Models!" I suggested.
"I've never seen that." Shin said and went over to the giant book of movies.
"It's hilarious! I was laughing my butt off when I watched it the first time." I said.
Shin laughed and put the disc in the DVD Player. He got up off the floor and sat next to me on the couch.
After switching everything over and starting the movie Shin put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him.
I was laughing my butt off at practically every scene and Shin was laughing his butt of at me.
"You were right, this is funny." Shin laughed.
"Well, I meant the movie. I'm sure you're laughing at how red my face is." I said.
"You got a point there."
I rolled my eyes and went back to the movie.
At the camping scene Shin put his hand in front of my eyes.
"Are you sure your brother let you watch this?" Shin laughed.
"Nope. He told me not to watch it, but I did anyways." I said.
"And will he kill me if he finds out I sat here with you and let you watch it?"
"Probably, but you don't have to tell him." I said.
"Something tells me you're not exactly the most honest person in the world." Shin laughed.
"I can be honest when I want to." I said.
"Really? Do you want to be honest right now?" Shin raised an eyebrow at me.
"Umm... Sure. Ask me anything." I said.
"Okay... Do you like my hair the way it is now?" Shin asked, pulling on a part of his slightly spiky blonde hair.
"I love it." I said looking straight into his eyes.
That was true. The way he had his hair was my favorite style he ever had.
"You lie!" Shin accused, laughing.
"Nope. I really do honestly love the way your hair is." I said.
"I'll believe you..." Shin gave me this weird look that made me bust up laughing.
After my fit of laughing had died down I yawned and curled up next to Shin.
He played with my hair with my hair for a little bit before I fell into unconsciousness.
I woke up the next morning around six.
I groaned and rubbed my eyes then looked around. I was in the living room for some reason. Then I felt someone breathing and I remembered that I had fallen asleep on the couch with Shin.
We were both laying down, me on top of Shin. I had my head on the lower part of his stomach and Shin had his arms around my shoulders.
I smiled a little to myself and closed my eyes. I let my arms wrap around his waist as I curled into a ball.
I felt Shin shift underneath me then his arms tightened around me. I smiled and opened my eyes a little. Shin was looking down at me with sleepy eyes.
"Hallo." I mumbled.
"Guten morgen." He yawned.
I rolled off the couch and hit the ground with a thud.
"Ow." I said with a laugh.
"Are you okay?" Shin asked, looking down at me.
"No, I think I injured my flip-off finger." I joked.
Shin laughed and slid off of the couch to sit next to me.
"Let me see." He said and took my hand.
He pretended to examine it for a moment then shook his head.
"It's a tragedy. You will never be able to flip anyone off again." He said.
"No! It can't be true!" I pretended to sob.
Shin laughed and patted my back.
"It'll be fine."
I laughed and shook my head our stupidness.
The song All About Us by t.A.T.u started playing all of a sudden and my cell phone vibrated off the coffee table.
I picked it up and answered it.
"Hey, Cherri. I knew you'd be awake." Kiro's voice said.
"Yup. I've been awake for a whole five minutes." I said.
"Good for you. So did you have fun with Shin yesterday?" Kiro asked.
"Yeah, I had fun." I said.
"That's good. Look, I should be back in about three days." He said.
"Okay. I'll be fine 'till then." I said.
"Alright. I left fifty dollars on your dresser." Kiro said.
"Thank you. Look, I'm going to go so I can get dressed and all that." I said.
"Alright. Bye."
"Bye." I said and hung up.
"Who was that?" Shin asked.
"My brother." I said and walked towards the stairs.
"Oh." He nodded.
Shin's phone started ringing and he picked it up off the end table.
"Who is it?" I asked, quoting his words.
"Your brother." Shin laughed.
I rolled my eyes and went up to my room.
I was still wearing my clothes from the day before since I was too tired to change.
I pulled of my jeans and T-Shirt and threw them into my hamper then went to my closet to find clothes.
I grabbed a jean mini skirt, black ripped leggings, and a white and black plaid tank-top.
I pulled on my clothes and skipped back down to the living room.
"Someone's very happy this morning." Shin laughed at my perkiness.
"I'm a morning person." I said.
"Obviously." Shin laughed.
"I want donuts." I said.
"Thank's for making that known." Shin laughed.
"It was necessary." I said.
"Oh, of course it was." Shin said and walked over to me.
"You know your hair is all spiky and poofy, right?" I giggled.
"Yep. It's always like that when I get up." He said.
I nodded and started playing with the dog tags that were around my neck.
"I still want donuts." I said after a moment and skipped into the kitchen.
I looked through the cabinets about four times before I gave up.
"Gaaaa!!!!" I screamed.
"No donuts?" Shin asked.
I hadn't even noticed he was leaning against the doorway.
"No! Doesn't Kiro know that it's illegal to not have donuts in your house at all times?" I mumbled and sat down at the table.
"Do you wanna' go get some donuts?" Shin asked with a smirk on his face.
"Yes please." I nodded and laughed.
"Well, then we shall go to Krispy Creme." Shin declared.
"Yay!" I shrieked and ran up to my room to grab the money Kiro left me.
I ran back down to Shin with a smile on my face.
"Are you always like this or do you just like donuts that much?" Shin asked with a chuckle.
"Both." I shrugged.
Shin smiled and shook his head.
"Come on." He said and pulled me out to his car.
I slid in the passenger seat and he got in the driver's seat.
"Put your seatbelt on." Shin said.
"Why? Do you not know how to drive?" I asked.
"Yes, I know how to drive. I just don't want to pay a two hundred dollar ticket because you don't have it on." Shin said and reached across me to the seatbelt.
He pulled it across me and buckled it then sat back in his seat and started the car.
The song "All the Things She Said" by t.A.T.u started up in the middle of the chorus.
"You listen to t.A.T.u?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah. They're good." He said shrugging.
"Are you gay?" I asked after a minute of not speaking.
Shin burst out laughing and looked over at me when we reached a stop sign.
"Are you serious?" He laughed.
"Yes. You remind me of a friend I have that is gay." I said.
"How do I remind you of a gay friend of your's?"
"You listen to t.A.T.u and none of the straight guys I know like their music, you wear tight sweaters a lot and that makes you look like a gay French fashion designer..." I trailed off.
Shin's laughing had gotten louder.
"I'm not gay." He said.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Positive." He smiled at me.
"You've never thought of another guy..." I trailed off.
"Cherri, I'm bisexual." Shin said.
'Oh' I mouthed then looked forward.
"You don't have a problem with that do you?" Shin asked.
"No." I shrugged.
"Good." Shin smiled and began to drive again.
"So... Do you ever think about any of the other guys..."
"Cherri!" Shin started laughing again, "That's not exactly something that needs to be talked about. Why are you so interested in that anyways?"
"I'm messed up in the head." I said.
"Obviously." Shin laughed and pulled into the parking lot of the Krispy Crème.
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Updates wanted like Kiro and Shin under the christmas tree.
I'd kill for that.