Forever or Never

Donut Holes

"I get the one with filling!" I shouted as Shin and I ran into the house.
"Why can't I have the one with filling?" Shin whined.
"Because those are my favorite." I said and sat down at the kitchen table.
"But they're my favorite, too!" Shin said.
"Fine! We can split it." I said.
"Yippee!" Shin laughed and sat in the chair next to me.
He put the box of donuts on the table and pulled out the one with filling.
"Go get me a knife." I said.
"Oh no! I don't trust you with sharp objects." Shin said.
"Get me a knife or I'll eat the whole thing by myself." I said.
"Fine!" Shin sighed and went to get a butter knife.
I snatched the knife from his hand and swiftly cut the donut in half.
The delicious crème filling oozed out as I split the two halves and handed Shin one of them.
"Thank you." Shin said and took a bit out of the donut.
I took a bite out of my own half.
"Mmm..." I sighed and felt the delicious glaze melt on my tongue.
"Your eyes are almost in the back of your head." Shin laughed.
"It's so good! And it's still warm!" I squealed and took another bite.
After I finished the donut half I licked the glaze off my fingers and reached for another donut.
"Do you seriously need another donut?" Shin laughed.
"Yes." I said and pulled out the bag of donut holes.
"I think I'm gonna go." Shin said as he looked at the clock.
"No! I need you to help me eat all these donut holes." I whined.
"Okay. I'll stay." Shin laughed.
"Yay! Let's go watch spongebob!" I said and skipped into the living room.
I fell down onto the couch and Shin sat next to me. I turned the TV on and switched the channel to spongebob.
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!" I sang along to the theme song.
"SpongeBob squarepants! SpongeBob Squarepants!" Shin joined in with me.
When the song was over I fell over laughing and ended up on the floor.
"Is she having a spaz attack?" Someone asked.
I looked up to see Yu and Romeo standing in the doorway.
"Are you two attached at the hip?" I asked through my fit of laughter.
"No..." Romeo looked at me like I was crazy.
I finally stopped laughing and sat on the couch again.
"Meewoow!" Elf jumped up on to my lap.
"Hey, Elfy. Do you want some donuts? Do you want a donut?" I asked in a baby voice as I held a donut hole in her face.
I popped the donut into my mouth and scratched Elf behind her ears.
She started purred and rolled over on my lap.
"Since when do you have cat?" Yu asked.
"Since about three weeks ago...." I said.
"Never seen it I guess." Yu muttered.
"Excuse me! Her name is Elf. Not 'it'. Apologize." I said and held Elf up right in front of Yu's face.
"Why should I apologize to a cat?" He asked.
"Because she'll decapitate you in your sleep for being mean if you don't." I said.
Shin chuckled and popped a donut hole into his mouth,
"Fine. I'm sorry." Yu rolled his eyes.
"Elf says you are forgiven." I said and went back to sit with Shin.
"Your are mentally insane." Romeo said, shaking his head.
"If I'm insane then Shin is too." I said.
"How am I insane?" Shin asked.
"Because insaneness is contagious." I said and smiled at him.
"That would make Kiro insane too because you live together." Shin said.
"Good point." I nodded.
"Give me one of those donut holes." Yu said and reached for the bag.
"No!" I snatched them back, "You did not pay for them."
Shin reached into the bag and grabbed one then tossed it into his mouth.
"Why does Shin get one then?" Yu whined.
"Cuj I'm fpefl." Shin tried to speak.
"Your fpefl?" Romeo laughed.
Shin swallowed and shook his head.
"No. I'm special." He said.
"Yeah, special ED." Yu muttered.
"Don't be so grumpy. Shin paid for half of it." I said.
"I'm still special though, right?" Shin asked with a huge grin on his face.
"Of course, hun." I said and patted his head.
"Ooohhh!!!!" Yu pointed at us then leaned over to tell Romeo something.
They whispered back and forth for a moment then smirked at us.
"What?" I asked and grabbed another donut hole.
"Cherri loves Shin!!!!!!" The two screeched.
I started gagging on the donut.
"W-what the hell?" I shouted, "Don't you know not to say that kind of stuff when people are eating?"
"What? Am I that bad that the mere thought of me makes you gag?" Shin asked.
"No, but that was uncalled for!" I said.
"Look! She's blushing and stuttering!" Romeo pointed at me.
"She does love him!!!" Yu shouted and jumped up.
Romeo and Yu jumped over to us and started dancing around singing an annoying song.
"Shin and Cherri laying in a car!" Yu shouted.
"Are they naked?" Romeo yelled.
"Yes they are!" Yu shrieked and pushed me into Shin's lap.
They continued singing and dancing around and pushing me back to Shin every time I would try to get away.
"This is getting annoying." I said into Shin's ear.
"You're telling me." He laughed.
"Look! They're whispering!" Romeo shouted.
"They're confessing their love for each other!" Yu laughed.
"Why are you two even here?" I asked.
"Because we like to torment you." Yu said.
"Well, go torment somebody else." I said.
"Why? You want to be alone with your lover?" Romeo raised his eyebrows.
"They're just jealous that you're sitting on my lap." Shin said.
"What? Heck no!" Yu shouted.
"I've got a girlfriend!" Romeo said.
"I've got a hooker!" Yu yelled.
"Thank you for making that known, Yuki." I laughed.
"It was needed." Yu said.
"Sure it wa-" I was cut short by my cell phone vibrating my back pocket.
"What the hell?" Shin moved around.
I laughed and stood up to get my phone.
"Cherri! I tried to call you like five times yesterday! I thought you were dead!" My friend, Aburn's voice said through the speaker.
"No," I laughed, "I'm alive. I was at the amusement park yesterday."
"Oh. Alright then." She laughed.
I giggled and shook my head.
"Hey can I come over? I'm going to kill my brother if I don't get away from him soon." Aburn said.
"Yeah, sure. You don't mind if my brother's friends are here do you?" I asked.
"Not at all." She said.
"Okay, come on over." I laughed.
"KKs. I'll be there in a minute." She said and hung up.
"Who was that?" Shin asked.
"My friend Aburn." I said.
"Oh! Is she the hot one that has anger issues?" Yu asked excitedly.
Yu was practically in love with Aburn. It's too bad she only has eyes for Max Green.
"Umm... Yea, she's the one with anger issues." I said.
Shin laughed and grabbed another donut hole.
"Gott! You are such a piggy, Shin!" I said and took the almost empty bag of donut holes.
"I need my six square meals a day, you know!" Shin laughed.
"How are you so freaking skinny?" I asked and plopped down next to him.
Shin shrugged.
There was a knock on the door and Aburn walked in.
"Hello people!" She said and sat down next to me on the couch.
"Hiyya, Ninja." I laughed.
"Eeekk!!! Donut holes!" Aburn reached into the bag and grabbed two donut holes.
"What? Why does she get some and we don't?" Romeo gasped.
"That's not nice." Yu said.
"Cherri's not a nice person." Aburn said.
"She's nice to me." Shin said.
"That's only because-" Aburn started, but was interrupted by my hand flying to her mouth.
"It's only because I feel sorry for him because he knows you two." I said.
"That's harsh." Romeo said.
"Well, I see that we are not welcome here. I guess we'll leave." Yu said and the two started to walk out, but Yu turned back and ran over to Aburn.
"And we're taking your friend with us!" He declared and picked Aburn up.
He carried her out of the house and left me and Shin alone. Again.
"Yuki just kidnapped my best friend!" I said.
"Can I be your new best friend, then?" Shin asked.
"Sure." I laughed, "But that means you're responsible for me."
"I'm okay with that." Shin said and put his arm around my shoulders.
"You don't know what you just got yourself into." I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did he get himself into? ^_^