Forever or Never

I Kicked a Squirrel and I Liked it!

"Cherri! I'm back!" Kiro's voice shouted.
"Kiro!" I shrieked and jumped up from my bed.
I ran out of my room and down to the living room where Kiro was putting his suitcases down.
I flung my arms around him and hugged him until he couldn't breath.
"He-llo, Cherr-i." He laughed, trying to get away from me.
I let him go and he started laughing.
"So, did you have fun?" Kiro asked.
I thought for a moment. I had spent the last three days hanging out with Shin.
"Yeah," I smiled, "I had fun."
"Well, that's good." Kiro smiled at me.
After a moment his smile slowly disappeared and he sighed.
"Kiro? What's wrong?" I asked.
"Do you want to know where I was?" He asked.
"Umm.... Sure." I said.
"I was in Birkenfeld." He said.
"What?" I looked at him surprised.
The only thing in Birkenfeld was our parents.
"Why did you go there?" I asked.
"Mom and dad..." He sighed, "Mom and dad are dead. They were in a car crash. Apparently, they died emediantly after impact."
"And, what? You had to go to their funeral?" I asked.
"Yeah... But, there's something else." Kiro said.
"What?" I sighed.
"Well, it turns out that after you came to live with me... They adopted another daughter." He said.
I didn't really understand where this was going.
"Okay? And?"
"And her foster parents called me because she hated foster care." Kiro said.
"So..." I bit my lip.
"So, she's going to be living with us for a little while." Kiro sighed.
"Okay. What's her name? How old is she? What's she like?" I asked, getting all excited.
I always wanted to have a sister.
"Well, her name is Shenae and she is about a month older than you." Kiro said.
I nodded.
"Alright, cool. So..." I smiled happily, "Where is she?"
"She should be here in a minute. She just has to get her things." Kiro sighed.
"Why are you acting like you really wish this wasn't happening?" I asked.
"You'll see." Kiro said, shaking his head.
"Kiro! Could you help?" I high, bell-like voice shouted.
Kiro sighed and walked away.
I was beyond confused.
I just shrugged it off and sat down on the couch.
"What the heck is all the noise?" Shin asked, walking in from the guest room.
Since I pretty much go insane when I'm alone for long periods of time, Shin stayed every night while Kiro was gone.
"Kiro and I have a new sister!" I said happily.
"What?" He yawned and went to sit next to me.
"I said.... Kiro and I have a new sister!" I repeated.
"What? I thought you two were the ones of your kind!" Shin joked.
I laughed and smacked him on the head.
"What the!" He rubbed his head and hit me on the arm.
"Hey! You can't hit a girl!" I said and punched him lightly in the chest.
This turned into an all-out war. Shin tackled me to the ground and we both threw playful punches at each other while laughing so hard we were crying.
"Uhm... What the heck? Shin, why are you on top of my sister?" Kiro asked.
I looked up and noticed him and a girl standing in the doorway.
"She started it!" Shin said, jumping up.
I laughed and stood up.
"Nuh-Uh!" I said, "He started it!"
"You two are so childish." Kiro said, shaking his head.
"That is what children do." I laughed.
Just then the girl cleared her throat and we all turned to look at her.
"So, where am I staying?" She asked, looking at her nails.
"There is an extra bedroom right down that hall." Kiro said.
The girl rolled her eyes and picked up two of her eleven bags.
"Kiro?" She raised her eyebrows.
Kiro sighed and picked up the rest of the bags.
"You two are so lucky." Shin whispered sarcastically into my ear.
I bit my lip and shook my head.
Shin and I sat on the couch again and waited for my brother and new sister to get back.
After a few minutes they returned.
"Okay! Cherri, this is Shenae. Shenae, this is Cherri." Kiro introduced us.
"Cherri? What idiot would be named that?" Shenae scoffed.
My smiled fell slightly and I had to fight to keep it up at all.
"What about me?" Shin asked.
"And that is my friend Shin." Kiro sighed.
"Hallo." Shin smiled.
"Uhm... Bonjour.” Shenae examined her nails.
Shin frowned and looked over at me.
"This might not be as fun as I thought." I whispered into his ear.
"Well, it seems you two got pretty close since I left." Kiro said and glared at Shin for half a second.
"Stop being so over protective, Kiro." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not being over protective." Kiro said.
"Yes you are." I said.
"No I'm not." Kiro crossed his arms.
"Are to."
"Are not."
"Are to."
"Are not."
"Are t-"
"Would you two shut it? God you are so annoying." Shenae rolled her eyes.
I glared at her and stood up. I had feeling she wasn't exactly how I pictured.
"Look, Shenae. I don't know how you acted around my parents, but around Kiro and I, you're not going to be a bitch." I said.
"Ooohhhh...." Shin laughed.
"A bitch? Wow, you're really nice." Shenae rolled her eyes.
"Yeah. I am. You on the other hand, are acting like a spoiled prat." I said, "I met you two minutes ago and I'm already having homicidal thoughts."
"Don't you mean suicidal?" She flipped her hair and smirked at me.
"Okay, the fact that Kiro is letting you stay with us, just proves how much of a stupid Poodle Nose he is." I said.
"That is the most retarded thing I've ever hear." Shenae said.
My eye twitched and I clenched one of my fists. I absolutely hated when someone I hardly knew said I was retarded or made fun of me.
"Alrighty then!" Shin jumped in, "Cherri, let's go get some coffee. Kiro, you can deal with your new sissy."
Shin wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me out of the living room.
"Shin! I have to go change!" I said, trying to get away.
"You look fine." Shin said.
"I'm wearing old, ripped-up lounge pants and a T-shirt." I said.
"You look perfect, Cherri." Shin said, looking at me.
I poked him in the nose and glared at him playfully.
"Stop. Lying." I said.
Shin poked me in the nose.
"Not. Lying." He smiled.
I laughed and shook my head.
"Just let me go change then we can go get some coffee." I said.
"Fine." Shin followed me back to the living room.
"Ooohh!!! It returns." Shenae muttered, loud enough for people in Chin to hear.
Shin held onto my wrist as I walked to my room.
He waited at the bottom of the stairs as I went up to my room and slammed the door.
I found a Tokio Hotel T-Shirt that had a black and white picture of Bill on the front then splattered letters on the back, yellow skinny jeans, a black belt with neon colored splatters and a black belt with blue, orange, and purple studs.
I get dressed and slipped the splattered belt through the belt loops on my jeans then put the studded belt around my hips loosely.
I looked in my mirror and decided to leave my hair how it was.
I then walked back out to Shin who smiled at me.
"Finally." He laughed.
"Wow. It took you that long to find those rags?" Shenae rolled her eyes.
"Sorry, Shenae, but not everyone wears designer knock-offs." I said as Shin and I walked past her.
She gasped and glared daggers at me.
"That was genius!" Shin laughed when we got out to his car.
"I don't think I'm going to like her very much." I said.
"I don't think anyone will." Shin laughed.
I smiled at him and we got into the car.
"How could Kiro be so stupid to let her stay with us?" I mumbled.
"Who knows with Kiro." Shin said, shaking his head.
We sat in silence for a while before I noticed that he had passed the coffee place.
"Shin...? You just passed the coffee place." I said.
He turned and smiled at me.
"We're not going to get coffee." He said.
"Should I be scared?" I asked.
Shin laughed and shook his head.
"No. We're just going to my apartment." He said.
"Au mien gott! This is a rare moment. Kiro hasn't even saw the inside of your apartment!" I said.
Shin laughed and shook his head.
I pushed the volume button on the stereo and turned it up a little bit.
"It's all about us! All about us! It's all about us!" I sang along to "All About Us" by, once again, t.A.T.u.
Shin laughed at me and shook his head.
"Don't laugh at me. I like this song." I said.
"I didn't know you could sing." Shin said.
"Well, I don't sing very much and I wouldn't say that I can sing. I suck." I said.
"Are you kidding? You're better than Strify." Shin laughed.
"Don't say that around Strify. He might kill you." I laughed.
"It's worth it to make your amazing talent known." Shin nodded his head in a serious gesture.
I laughed and smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
"You're violent today. You know that?" Shin laughed and pulled into a parking lot.
I smiled and shook my head.
"Come on." Shin laughed and got out of the car.
I climbed out and walked over to him.
We walked into the building and he pulled me over to an elevator.
"You're shaking." Shin laughed, when we were in the elevator.
"I tend to do that." I said.
"Are you nervous?" He asked and gave me this look that made me start laughing.
"No. Excited that I get to witness this rare event." I laughed.
"You get excited over the littlest things." Shin laughed.
"Yes, I do. That is what makes me me." I laughed.
"You sure do laugh a lot." Shin smiled.
The elevator dinged and we walked out into a hall. Shin grabbed my forearm and pulled me over to a door.
"Enter." Shin said and flung the door open.
I laughed and walked in. Shin shut the door and walked in behind me.
I looked around at everything and faked being disappointed when I noticed it was completely normal.
"You have a very normal apartment." I pointed out.
Shin shrugged and sat down on a couch.
I sat down next to him blew my bangs out of my face.
"Meow." A black cat jumped onto Shin's lap.
"And who is this?" I asked.
"This is Blackie." Shin said.
"Original name." I said.
Shin laughed and scratched the cat behind it's ears.
"I'm bored." I said after a moment.
"I'm Shin." Shin smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Shin." I nodded.
"Pleasure, Bored." He laughed.
I laughed along with him and shook my head at our stupidness.
"We are retarded." I said.
"You think?" Shin asked sarcastically.
"I kicked a squirrel and I liked it! That squirrel was really flyin'! I kicked a squirrel just to try it. Now I gotta go and find it." My phone started vibrating.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey, Lin. What's up?" My friend, Toby said.
Toby was one of my best guy-friends. He was the only person I ever let call me Lin.
"Not much. What are you doing?" I asked.
"I just got back from Justin's house." He said.
Justin was Toby's boyfriend of three years.
"Okay... I don't really need you to go into details on that." I laughed.
"Wasn't planning on it." Toby laughed, "We didn't do anything though. All we did was watch movies and eat crap food."
"How romantic." I smiled.
I think Toby and Justin are about the cutest gay couple in the world.
"Not really. It was nice though." Toby laughed.
"Well, that's really sweet." I said, "I should go, though. I'm hanging out with someone."
"Okay. I'll talk to you later, Lin." Toby said.
"TTYL" I said and hung up.
"Who was that?" Shin asked.
"My friend Toby." I said, "He's the one you remind me of."
Shin chuckled and shook his head.
"I think I might have to prove to you that I'm not gay." He said quietly.
"Hmm... And how will you do that?" I asked.
"Oh... I don't know...." He trailed off and leaned in towards me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy crack!
Shin?! What are you doing?! Hehe... I know!
- Cherri