Forever or Never

Cherri #2

Shin's lips brushed mine slowly then moved to my cheek.
I pressed my lips to his and felt his hands go to my waist. I moved so that I was sitting on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Cherri.." He sighed into the kiss.
Shin moved so that he was on top of me and I was laying down on the couch.
He pressed his lips to mine and I put his hands on my hips.
I put my hands on his chest and leaned forward into the kiss.
Then, Shin pulled away and sighed.
I looked up at him and saw him push has hair out of his face.
"What?" I asked, quietly.
"That... I didn't exactly plan that." Shin said.
"Sometimes the best things are the ones you don't expect." I said under my breath.
"Nothing." I murmured.
"Okay... Umm... Please, don't say anything about that to your brother or anyone." Shin said, "That was just..."
"It was a moment and it felt right?" I said, more as a question than a statement.
"Yeah, kind of." He muttered.
"I won't tell anyone." I sighed.
"Thanks." He said quietly.
"Maybe I should go." I said and stood up.
Shin grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"You don't have to leave." He said.
"Kiro probably wants me home." I said.
"Then I'll drive you." He said and stood up.
I sighed and walked out of the apartment with he right behind me.
The drive was silent except for the low volume of the stereo.
"Cherri, you're not... upset, are you?" Shin asked once we pulled into the driveway.
"No." I said quietly and started to get out.
Shin grabbed my arm and made me turn to look at him.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for that to happen." Shin said.
"It's fine. Okay?" I mumbled and walked into the house with Shin right behind me.
"There you two are!" Kiro shouted when we got into the house.
"Umm... Here we are." I shrugged.
"How could you leave me here alone with that?" Kiro whined.
"Hey, it's your fault. You're the one that let her stay here." I said and walked into the living room.
"Oh god! It's back." Shenae muttered.
"Au mein gott!" I growled and stomped over to her.
"You shut the fuck up before you get reunited with your 'mommy' and 'daddy'." I hissed, "You better learn pretty god damn quick to keep your bitchy, blonde comments to yourself. I am not afraid to rearrange all that plastic."
To finish off my rant I yanked one of the obviously fake blonde extensions out of her hair and pulled the tissue that was stuffed in her bra out.
"Ugh!" She screamed and ran off towards her room.
"Cherri, Good o-" Shin trailed off when I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and slammed the door.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I muttered and repeatedly smacked myself in the head.
I fell onto my bed and started slamming my face into the pillows.
How could I be that stupid? Of course he knows I like him now. I kissed him back for god's sake! I thought.
Maybe he doesn't know. I mean, who wouldn't kiss back?
There are a lot of people who wouldn't kiss back if someone five years older than them kissed them! I began to argue with myself.
But, it's just natural. Instinct. Who can ignore an instinct?
Umm... Not me. And it's not instinct. It's stupidity.
It's not stupidity. This is pretty much the first time you haven't done something stupid.
I kissed him! I almost even frenched him! That is retardation!
No, it's not.
I really don't care what you think right now.
Idiot, I am you. You do care about what you think.
Not the part of me that you are!
You know, being stuck inside your brain is not all that fun.
I don't give a crap.
"Cherri?" A voice said.
I looked up to see Kiro standing at the doorway.
"Huh?" I asked.
"What are you and Cherri 2 fighting over now?" He laughed and went to sit next to me.
"We're trying to establish if I'm stupid or not." I said.
"And why would you be stupid?" Kiro raised his eyebrows.
"Err... I don't know. Just a random argument." I lied.
"Okay, then." Kiro laughed, "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, why would you ask that?"
Kiro gave me a serious look.
"You're only... evil, like that when you're upset." Kiro said, "Did Shin do something?"
"What? N-no." I stuttered, "I'm not upset. She just really got under my skin. That's all."
"Alright... You know, we have to start touring soon." Kiro said.
"Seriously? Where?" I started to get excited.
"Canada and the U.S." He answered.
"Why are you going there?"
"We're touring with... Lady Gaga? I think." He shrugged.
"Lady Gaga?!" I smiled, "She's awesome! Well, the song Just Dance is awesome, but she's really cool!"
"So are you going to come with us?" Kiro laughed.
"Yes!" I giggled.
"Well, we leave in three days." Kiro said and got up.
"What? Three days?" I jumped up.
Kiro laughed and walked out of the room.
Oh freaking great! Note the use of slight sarcasm.
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Keep reading to get to the drama!
- Cherri