Forever or Never

We Could Just Leave You in America

"Would you hurry up?" I shouted.
"Quit being so impatient, Cherri!" Aburn shouted back.
"The plane leaves in like... forty-five minutes!" I yelled.
Aburn is probably the slowest person in the world! I kind of regret telling her the exact day we would be leaving for Cinema Bizarre's tour. I should have told her it was a day earlier, at least then we would almost be on time.
"What is taking her so long?" Toby shouted from the car.
"Who knows." I rolled my eyes and climbed into the back seat.
Toby, Aburn, Justin and I were supposed to meet my brother and the guys at the airport.
Finally Aburn walked out of her house with three suitcases and two dufflebags.
"Gott, Aburn! Do you really need that many bags?" Justin asked.
"Yes." She said simply and put all the bags in the trunk then climbed into the car.
Kiro had said I could invite some of my friends to go on the tour with so that I would have have some one to hang out with instead of his friends or our new 'sissy'.
"So... We have to get to the airport in less than half an hour to meet up with Cinema Bizarre and your sister then we have to get through all of the security things and on to the plane before it leaves?" Justin asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Simple enough. Just give Toby a few energy drink and we can make it to the airport in five minutes." Aburn said.
Toby chuckled and shook his head.
The drive was silent except for us belting out the lyrics to whatever song was playing.
"Eeeekkkk!!!! This is my song!" Aburn shrieked when "On to the Next One" by Escape the Fate started playing.
"This love is bitter sweet! It's always incomplete!" She sang, "Right now you’re killing me!"
"Waa-ooohh!" I giggled.
"'Cause everything that you say and every time that you stay! I see that now you have changed and I'm the one that you blame!" Aburn continued singing.
"Now you’re gone!" Toby, Justin and I shouted.
"And you’re off to the next one!" Aburn giggle sang.
We all started laughing as we finally pulled into the airport parking lot.
It was a small airport, not like one of those huge city airports with jet planes and paid parking.
"Okay! Hurry up! We only have like twenty minutes!" I said.
We got all of our stuff out of the car and ran into the building.
"Cherri! There you are!" Kiro ran over to me.
"Sorry, Aburn had to pack up her house." I said.
Kiro laughed and ushered us through the security things.
"I'm hungry!" Yu shouted.
"I'm bored!" I laughed.
"I'm high!" Romeo laughed.
We all burst out into a fit of laughter, earning a few glares from the security guards.
"Boarding passes?" The fat old women at the platform stopped us.
She was fat... like a giant dinosaur. She had this huge mole on her forehead that was covered in nasty grey hairs and her greyish-blonde hair was pulled into a high bun that just showed off her bushy, silver, cattipiler eyebrows.
I shuddered and handed her my boarding pass.
She ripped the end off and handed it back and told me to "proceed".
I got onto the plane and found my seat.
The rest of the group got on after me and found their seats. Aburn and Shin ended up sitting next to me and Justin, Toby, and Yu sat across from us. The way the eats were set up was it head three seats facing forward then three seats facing backwards.
I pulled out my iPod and started searching through the songs, finally settling on "By Your Side" by "Tokio Hotel".
Aburn nudged me in the arm, but I just ignored her. Then, Aburn elbowed me in the ribs and I yelped.
"Aburn! What was that for?" I whined.
"I was trying to get your attention." She said.
Justin and Toby snickered and I glared at them.
"Okay, well you got it now." I sighed and turned off my iPod.
"Do you think there will be any hot guys there?" She asked.
I laughed. Aburn and her Boy-crazed mind...
"Is that all you think about?" I asked.
"Yeah, pretty much." Aburn laughed.
"It's Canada and northern America. Of course there will be hot guys." Justin snorted.
"Don't get any ideas." Toby smirked at Justin.
"That is true. There are some really hot guys in Canada." I said.
"I know!" Aburn squealed.
This was the beginning of a very long discussion about hot guys.
"Is this all you two are going to talk about?" Yu asked.
Aburn and I looked at each other and nodded.
"Yeah." We said in unison.
Shin and Yu sighed.
"Have you ever seen those videos on youtube with those two really hot emo guys... I think their names were Chandler and Criss." Aburn said.
"Oh yeah! They're funny!" I laughed.
"Criss has a cute bu-"
"Oh dear god! We do not need to hear this!" Yu interrupted Aburn.
"What is your problem?" Aburn glared at him.
"Nothing except hearing about how 'hot' these Canadians are is getting annoying." Yu groaned.
"Exactly. Don't you think you could lay off it?" Shin spoke up.
Ever since that... kiss, Shin barely talked to me.
"No. This is an important conversation." I said.
"No. It's not." Shin rolled his eyes.
"Well, maybe it's not, but we are girls and we are slightly boy crazy." I said.
"Slightly?" Toby scoffed.
"All you've been doing for the last thirty minutes is talk about Canadian emo boys." Justin laughed.
"Okay, fine." I fake-sighed, "We are two extremely insane, boy-crazy teenage girls that need mental help."
"That's more like it." Toby nodded.
I laughed and pulled out my iPod.
"Ooohh!!! What songs do you have?" Toby asked and snatched the device out of my hands.
He smirked and I knew exactly what song he had found.
"Au gott!" I groaned as the song "Fer Sure" by The Medic Droid began playing.
"Fer sure maybe!" Toby sang.
"Fer sure not!" Justin joined in.
"Fer sure eh!" Aburn giggled and nudged me.
"Fer sure bomb!" I giggled.
"Pulled up at a stoplight! Do drugs on the dashboard! Look at the mess we've made tonight!" The two guys sang.
"Kick off your stilettos! (sp?)" Aburn sang.
"Kick off your stilettos!" Justin and Toby sang.
"And f♥ck me in the back seat! F♥ck me in the back seat!" Aburn and I sang loadly.
It's a good thing we were on a private flight because the stuaridst would have probably thrown us off the plane for singing that.
"What the hell?" Yu looked at us like we were part dolphin or something.
"It's a song." Kiro said from his seat across the aisle.
"That is one perverted song." Strify said, shaking his head.
"It's kinda' catchy though." Romeo nodded to himself.
"Weird..." I muttered.
"How can you listen to that... crap?"Shenae fake-shuddered, "You have a terrible taste in music. Now, Prima J and Hey Monday is good music. But, you can go ahead and listen to your Jefree Star and J-Rock sh♥t."
I faked a sigh like I really hated to do what I was about to do and undid my seatbelt. I got up and walked over to Shenae's seat.
"Okay little miss B♥tch-erella," I fake-smiled at her, "One: Jefree Star is a faggot. He thinks he's a girl and his music sucks so, don't even try saying that I like him. Two: Prima J is sl♥tty and the sound of the song Rock Star makes me want to gag. Three: Hey Monday is just a Paramore-wannabe band that sounds like your snoring."
Once again, I pulled out one of her extensions then flung it into her gapping mouth.
She coughed and sputtered as she tried and to get the hair out of her mouth and I went back to my seat.
"Ooohhh!!!" Justin grabbed my iPod away from Toby and started up another song.
I laughed when I heard what it was.
"Love me or hate me? It's been an obsession! If you love me then, thank you! If you hate me then, F♥ck you!" I sang.
Everyone laughed at my imitation of Lady Sovereign's accent.
"You cannot do a very good English accent." Aburn laughed.
"No... I just can't rap with an English accent." I said.
"Really? Say something with a British accent then." Toby laughed.
"'Ello mumzie! 'Ello popzie! 'Ow's the port taday?" I said in my best British accent.
"Well. I see she can do a British accent." Aburn shrugged.
I laughed and took my iPod back.
"I was trying to find a song, you know?" I started searching through my playlist.
"AH HA!" I shouted when I found the song.
"Oh great." Shenae mumbled sarcastically.
"Shut up, Bra-Stuffer!" I shouted at her.
Everyone started laughing.
"Are you serious?" Aburn giggled.
I nodded and started playing the song.
"My dear, take what you want from me. I'll give you anything." I sang along to "My Dear" by New Years Day.
"EEEKK!!! I love this song!" Aburn squealed.
I laughed and got out of my seat and started dancing up and down the aisle. A moment later Aburn joined me and we began dancing together.
Everyone was laughing by the time Toby and Justin joined in. Then Kiro joined. Then Yu, Strify, Romeo and with a little encouragement, Shin joined in.
I laughed and hooked the iPod up to the speakers so we could heard it better.
It was like a regular dance party. You know, except we were almost ten thousand feet in the air and only had the twenty foot long, two foot wide aisle to dance in.
We were laughing and dancing and having so much time that I tuned out everything like the fact that is had started raining and the seat-belt signs were now turned on.
Aburn and I were dancing together to "Do it or Die" by Die Mannequin when the plane bounced and we all fell to the ground and my iPod fell to the floor, probably breaking.
"What the hell?" I heard Yu mumble.
Then came the thunder.
I screamed at the top of my lungs the first time I heard the thunder roar.
"God! Make it shut up!" Shenae yelled.
Aburn, Kiro, Toby, and Justin were by my side instantly trying to make me relax.
I'm sure it's obviously that I'm not a fan of storms.
So, this put me, on a plane very far off of the ground, with a storm. Not the best thing.
"Excuse me!" The stuardist yelled over Shenae's b♥tching, Yu and Romeo's talking and the three trying to comfort me.
"Please return to your seats. We are experiencing a little unexpected turbulence." She said.
Aburn and Kiro helped me to my feet and helped me back to my seat.
Kiro hovered by me, repeatedly asking me if I was fine.
"Sir, I really need you to be in your seat. Pilot's orders." The girl said to Kiro.
He sighed, nodded and walked back to his seat.
"Okay, everything is going to be fine. We just hit an unexpected storm." The woman said.
She walked back up front out of view.
"Cherri? Are you okay?" Aburn asked.
I shook my head and curled my knees up to my chest.
"We're gonna' die." I said, "We are going to die!"
"Stop being such a drama queen." Shenae rolled her eyes.
"Shenae, shut up." Strify hissed.
"Or what?" Shenae scoffed.
"We could just throw you off the plane." Shin said.
I looked over at him and he smiled at me.
"Or, better yet, when we land, and we will land, we'll just leave you in America." Yu said.
Shenae huffed and looked away.
The plane dipped and our bags fell out of the over-head compartments.
"Ow!" Aburn yelped when a suitcase fell on her shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Yu leaned towards her.
She nodded and rubbed her shoulder.
There was another roll of thunder and I instinctively leaned into Shin.
I don't want to die! I'm too young! I haven't even experienced everything life has to offer! I thought to myself.
Okay. Calm down. Nothing is going to happen. They said we'll be fine. I tried to calm myself.
They were just trying to calm you down! We are going to die a explosive, firey death! I yelled at myself.
No. No, no, no! We'll be completely fine. It's just a little rain.
There was another crack of thunder then lightning.
Aburn and I screamed and wrapped our arms around each other.
"Please, remain in your seats. We should be out of the storm in a few minutes." The stuardist said in a shaky voice.
The plane rolled to the side and she fell to the floor.
We regained balance and she was able to get to her feet and run back up to the pilot.
"Aburn?" I whispered.
"W-what?" She looked at me.
We were still clinging to each other.
"I really don't want to die like this." I said so that only she could hear.
The plane did another dip, but this time it didn't pull back.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's gonna happen??
- Cherri