Forever or Never

Land! Sweet, Sweet Land!

"Land!! Sweet, sweet land!" I shouted as I ran off the plane.
After the plane had started going down, it straightened back out and we made it to New York unharmed.
Aburn, Toby, Justin, and I engulfed each other in a huge group hug.
"We're alive!" Toby cheered.
A few bystanders with children glared at us as the kids began to cry in protest of getting on a plane.
"Unfortunately." Shenae muttered.
I flipped her the finger before I squeezed my friends tighter.
The band got off the plane and walked over to us.
"Our ride should be here in half an hour." Kiro said.
"What are we going to do for half an hour?" Shin sighed.
Aburn, Toby and I exchanged a quick glance that showed we were all thinking the same thing.
"Dare!" I declared.
We were now sitting in a circle on the floor in the middle of airport, playing Truth or Dare to pass the time.
"Hmm..." Yu tapped a finger to his lips as he thought over what I should do.
He got an evil smirk as one came to his mind.
"See that guy over there?" He asked, pointing to a guy with blondish-brown hair standing over by a smoothie bar that was randomly placed by the ticket counter.
"Yeah..." I bit my lip.
"Go flirt with him." Yu laughed.
"Yu!" Kiro smacked him upside the head, "I don't want to watch my sister go up to some random guy and flirt with him! No matter how comical it may be!"
"It is a dare and she must go through with it." Yu laughed evilly.
I sighed and stood up.
"She's doing it!" Strify squealed.
"Ooohh!!!" The group watched intently as I walked over to the guy.
I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail and combed it down as I walked and took a deep breath.
"Umm... Hi." I smiled when I reached him.
He looked down at me and smiled slightly.
"Uhh... Hey." He picked his smoothie up off the counter and took a sip.
"Err... My name's Cherri." I bit my lip and smiled, trying to look cute.
"Cool name. I'm Devon." He smiled crookedly at me.
"So... umm.... Where are you from?" I asked, thinking that since we were at an airport it was an appropriate way to start a conversation.
"Uhh... Here actually. I'm waiting for my little sister's plane to get here. She's been in England for the past three months." He seemed to blush because he was talking so much.
I nodded and pushed part of my hair behind my ears.
"So... Umm... Where are you from?" Devon asked.
"Berlin, Germany." I bit my lip, "I'm here with my brother and some friends..."
I looked back at the group who was laughing so hard I thought they would die. Yu wiggled his fingers at me and I secretly flipped him off.
I looked back at Devon blushing and saw him chuckling.
"So... Germany? That’s a- long way away." He said.
"Yeah..." I nodded, "My brother's in a band and they have a tour here."
"Oh! Are they that band that's on tour with Lady Gaga?" He asked, seeming more intent on the conversation now.
Oh crap! Please don't let him be a crazy fan!
"Uhm... Yeah. Do you... know about them?" I asked.
"Oh, no. My sister though..." He chuckled, "She's a little obsessed. That's why she's coming back. She wants to stalk them at every concert."
I laughed quietly and smiled at him.
"Devon!" I voice shrieked.
Devon's head snapped up in one direction and I followed his stare to see a girl running our way.
She looked like she was about my age. She was kind of short and had super curly brown hair.
"And here she comes now." Devon smiled.
"Hey, Elsa!" Devon waved to her.
She reached us and crushed Devon in a hug.
I just stood by while they finished up.
"Oh! Hi! My name's Elsa!" The girl stuck her hand out towards me.
I smiled and shook it.
"I'm Cherri." I said.
"Cherri? Coolio name!" Elsa giggled.
"Thanks." I laughed.
"Cherri!" I heard someone call.
I looked back at the group and saw Kiro gesturing me back.
"Holy crud!" Elsa's eyes widened, "Is that-"
"My brother..." I said hesitantly, "Kiro."
"You might want to cover your ears now." Devon said quickly then plugged his ears.
"Wha-" I was cut short by Elsa letting out a very high pitched fan-girl scream.
I quickly covered my ears until she was done.
"Your brother is Kiro? As in Cinema Bizarre's bassist, Kiro?" She asked.
"Uh... Yup." I nodded.
I looked back to see the group had disappeared.
"I think they ditched me." I gasped.
"Not exactly." A voice said.
I looked over and saw Shin walking over.
"Shin!" Elsa squealed quietly.
"We gotta go. The rest of them are loading Aburn's house into the car now." Shin said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Shin, no stealing my joke." I said and flicked him.
"Aww! You're leaving?" Elsa asked.
"Yeah..." I sighed, I was actually enjoying talking to them.
"Oh! Look, here's my number and Devon's number." Elsa quickly wrote on a flyer that was on the smoothie counter.
She handed me the paper and smiled.
I smiled back and folded it up.
"Thanks. I'll call later." I said, "Bye."
"Bye-Bye!" Elsa waved her hand quickly.
"See ya'." Devon smiled at me.
Shin grabbed my forearm and pulled me away.
I frowned up at Shin who had a reluctant look on his face.
"Shin, I walk perfectly fine." I mumbled and pulled away from him.
"Then why didn't you go when Kiro told you to?" Shin said with a 'duh' expression.
"Oh, it's this little thing called being polite and saying good-bye to someone that you are talking to." I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry if polite doesn't exist in your vocabulary anymore."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Shin growled.
"I mean that you've been nothing but rude to me for the week!" I said and stopped walking to point my finger in his face, "I'm not some little kid anymore, I know things. Stop acting like I did something wrong and didn't get in trouble. You're just being immature."
"I'm being immature?" Shin laughed without humor, "What about you, Cherlin?"
"Don't fucking call me that! I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary!" I hissed, "I might be immature, but at least I'm immature in a way that people want to be around. You're just acting like a stubborn five year-old that didn't get what you want."
I turned away from him and ran off towards the exit.
"Cherri?" Kiro looked at me as I ran past him to Aburn and my friends.
"What the heck?" Justin took a step back.
"Cherri? Are you okay?" Aburn put a hand on my shoulder.
I put a hand up to my eyes to make sure they were dry.
"Yeah." I said quietly.
"Okay! Since everyone is here now," Strify looked at us all, "Cherri and Cherri's friends, you guys get to go in that limo and the rest of us get this one."
My group of friends cheered and climbed into the midnight black limo. I watched my brother and the rest of CB get into a snow white limo then I climbed in with my friends.
"This is awesome!" Justin gasped, looking around the limo.
The walls were like a caged lightning thing with purple electricity moving around quickly and gathering around your fingers if you touched it.
There was a mini bar, but it was locked up.
"Look! A phone!" Toby squealed.
My three friends gathered around the phone that was on one part of the wall and 'Oohh'ed and 'Aww'ed.
I rolled my eyes and laid back against the seat.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Toby asked, moving to sit next to m head.
I sighed and opened my eyes.
"Can you guys keep a secret?" I asked.
"Sure." Aburn shrugged and sat on the floor next to my head.
"Wait- you're not pregnant or anything are you?" Justin asked.
"No..." I gave him a weird look.
"Okay, then yes." Justin nodded.
"Uhm..." I bit my lip, "Shin... Shin and I might of... kissed."
There was a gasp (Toby), a happy squeal (Aburn), and a "Holy Shit" (Justin).
"That's all though? Right?" Toby asked.
"Yeah. That's all, but-" I sighed, "Ever since he's just treated me like shit and now he's trying to saw that I'm acting immature about it. I haven't even barely thought about it!"
That was a lie. I thought about that kiss night and day and breakfast, lunch and dinner. But, at least I didn't shun Shin for it or pretend he just fell of the face of the planet.
"He's just upset because of the age difference probably." Aburn said.
"Yeah, he's what? Five years older?" Justin shrugged.
"So? He's being a jerk!" I said.
"Just ignore it. Show him you can have a good time without him." Toby said.
I smiled. That was actually a good idea.
"You're right," I sat up, "There's no reason for me to not have fun just because Shin is being an ass."
I moved over to the phone and pulled out the flyer with Elsa and Devon's numbers on it.
"What hotel are we staying at?" I asked.
"The Hilton." Toby said.
I picked the phone up and punched Elsa’s number in.
There were a few rings then she answered.
"Hi! Elsa, it's Cherri." I said.
"Oh! Hi!" Elsa greeted.
"I was wondering if you wanted to stop by the hotel that we're staying at." I said.
"That would be awesome! Where are you staying?" She asked.
"The Hilton." I said.
"Awesome." Elsa said in awe.
"We're just going there right now so you can come over in half an hour or so. Just asked for what room Aburn Ryder is in." I said.
"Aburn Ryder?" She questioned.
"She's one of the friends that I'm staying with." I said.
"Okay! Devon can come too right?" She asked.
"O' course!" I laughed.
"Alright then! We shall be over at some point." Elsa said good-bye then hung up.
"What was that about?" Aburn asked.
"New friends." I smiled.
They looked at me strangely then shrugged and went back to obsessing over our ride.
We finally made it to the hotel and got out.
Some bellboys offered to take our luggage to our rooms so once we checked in and got up to the rooms our bags were already there.
"This is awesome!" Aburn squealed when we got to our suite.
Aburn and I were sharing a room that was connected to Kiro, Shin and Strify's room that was then connected to Romeo, Yu, Justin and Toby's room.
Our room had a two-inch thick, crème-colored carpet, silk, plum-purple bedding on one of the beds and silk, navy colored bedding on the other.
I plopped my bags down on the purple bed and laid down, feeling the cool silk of the comforter.
"Mmm..." I sighed and curled up.
"This is amazing! How did they afford this?" Aburn gushed.
"Their manager is paying for everything." I mumbled against the blankets.
"Let me see what they have for room service." Aburn picked up the laminated (sp?) pamphlet from the cherry-wood nightstand and started looking through it.
"Snow Crab? Calamari? Steak? What is there for dessert?" Aburn flipped to the page with dessert and squealed.
"Triple Chocolate Truffle Cake! Italian Ice Cream! Chocolate Éclairs!" Aburn was having a squealing fest when a buzzer thing went off and the girl at the front desk’s voice came through an intercom.
"Elsa and Devon Fangman are here to see you. Should I send them up?" She asked.
"Yes, please!" I called.
"Okay." The intercom crackled then died.
"Are those the people you talked to at the airport?" Aburn asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
There was knock on the door and I jumped up to go get it.
When I opened the door an excited-looking Elsa was revealed along with a shy-looking Devon.
"Hallo!" I greeted them and moved out of the way so thy could get in.
"Holy Sh-" Elsa began but Devon cut her off by putting his hand over her mouth.
"Hi!" Aburn waved to them, "I'm Aburn."
"I'm Toby!" Toby squealed, running into the room from the connecting door.
Toby ran towards my bed, and without stopping, flung himself onto the covers.
"Awesome rooms, huh?" He laughed.
"Ja!" I waved my hand to say that it was obvious.
"This is amazing!" Elsa squealed.
"We've never been to a hotel better than the Victorian Inn in Branson, Missouri." Devon said.
"We've only stayed in a hotel one time and that was after we got lost going home from a Sweet Sixteen Party in Sulingen." Aburn said, "And that place was terrible."
"Seriously! I found a hairball, like what's in a hairbrush, on my pillow!" I shuddered at the memory.
"That is- Eww." Elsa shook her head.
"I thought the ceiling was going to fall in on me." Toby said.
"Wait... You guys shared a room?" Devon looked at Toby then me and Aburn.
"Yeah," Aburn shrugged.
"I'm gay so it wouldn't matter. I have a boyfriend." Toby said simply.
Devon nodded at this information then looked around the room.
"Cherri, your brother wants you." Shin said, walking into the room.
I mumbled a few swears and glared at Shin.
"Go tell Kiro to come in here. I have guests." I hissed.
Toby snickered at Shin blank, confused expression.
"Go!" I yelled.
Shin looked like he was going to say something, then he looked at the other people in the room and left.
"Why do they always have to send Shin to get me? Kiro has two, freakishly short, legs! He can come get me if he wants." I said.
"You aren't such a giant either, Cherri." Shenae smirked as she walked in.
"No!" Aburn, Toby and I whined.
"Yes." She mocked, "Unfortunately I have to share a room with you two."
"Who's she?" Elsa looked at Shenae.
I sighed.
"Unfortunately, she is my adopted sister. We hate her so, don't feel guilty if you do too." I said.
"Why would anyone hate me? I'm a beautiful, French, blonde who's not afraid to have fun." Shenae winked at Devon, causing him to shrink back.
"Ha! At least we Red-Heads remember it!" I snorted.
"You know Red-Heads get spit on in Spain, right?" Shenae smirked.
"You only know that because you saw that video I was watching on the plane." I laughed.
"Cherri!" Kiro walked in.
"Hallo, brother. I see you have gotten off your lazy ass to come visit me." I smiled.
"Yeah, yeah. Who are they?" Kiro smiled at Elsa and Devon.
"My new friends Elsa and Devon." I said.
"Hallo." Kiro nodded to them.
Elsa looked like she was about to faint, but Devon was holding her up.
"We have to go to a lunch/dinner thing to meet Lady Gaga and all that shit." Kiro said, "If you guys want to explore you can."
"Take Shenae with you! You can drop her off at the junk yard our parents found her in!" I shouted after him as he walked back to his room.
"Bitch." Shenae hissed.
"Baka weibchen." I sneered.
"...What?" Shenae gave me a confused look.
"IDIOTIC BITCH!" I screamed at her.
She huffed and walked away.
I smiled triumphantly.
"You have quiet a vocabulary." Devon noted.
"Yeah, I can cuss people out in six different languages and flip you off in three different countries." I said.
"She's got that red-head temper." Aburn said.
"O' course!" I giggled.
"Where’d Justin go?" Aburn asked out of the blue.
"Still in our room I think." Toby said.
"Go get him. We are going sightseeing." I declared, "Elsa, Devon? Do you think you could show us around?"
"Totally!" Elsa smiled widely.
"Cool!" Aburn squealed.
And so began, our adventures in New York City. The Big Apple.
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Sorry it's been so long! I got busy and I didn't have time to run a spell check!
- Cherri