Sequel: Goodbye

My Best Friend the Rockstar

The Big Announcement

"Blake, GET DOWN HERE, NOW!" I sighed as I heard my mother yell to me. I silently set my BlackBerry on my bed, and quickly turned off my iPod. I headed down the stairs to see my whole family already in the living room. My 21 year old brother, also the oldest, Kris was streched out on the loveseat, texting. Probably his girlfriend, those two were inseperable. My 19 year old brother, Danny, was laying on the couch, his eyes glued to the flatscreen. I glanced over at it, Football, that figures. The youngest two in the family were 8 year old twins, Sarah and Todd. They were on the floor playing with their toys. "Ok, so you all know how the Jonas' have been on tour lately?" "Yeah," We all responded only half-way paying attention. I got bored of standing, so I leaned against the wall of the staircase. "Well.....they have a break in their tour, so they are coming back to New Jersey and staying with us for a little bit. Is that ok?" She had our full attention now. ''DUH THATS OKAY!'' Danny practically yelled, jumping up from his previous position. We all had best friends in the Jonas family, Sarah and Todd with Frankie, Joe with Danny, Kevin with Kris, and Nick with me. Secretly, I've had a crush on Nick for awhile, though NO ONE can ever know. "Does that mean we can play with Frankie, again?" Sarah asked, setting down a toy truck. "Sweeeeeet! I've haven't seen Kevin in FOR-EVER!" Kris said, obviously excited now. My mom just stood their smiling. Oh, and in case your wondering, my dad died of cancer about 5 years ago. "So everyone's okay with their visit? Blake, you haven't said anything." My mom said, looking directly at me. "Yeah, that's AWESOME!" Just like Kris said, we hadn't seen them in awhile, though definitely not forever. But I wasn't exactly okay with it, like I said earlier, I have a crush on Nick, and he kinda has a girlfriend now. So I'm a little worried how things will be, hopefully he won't be like Kris texting her 24/7. My mom spoke again, "Ummm.....not to put a damper on this, but they'll be here in 2 days, and we have A LOT of cleaning to do." She finished, then glanced around the one room. Wow, I thought, looking around too, our house was pretty messy. Then I remembered my room, I had a feeling room arrangements would be the same as last time, which meant Nick would be in my room with me. If I left it the way it was, I doubt he would be able to find the bed. I walked upstairs to start cleaning, when my cell rang.

I might be Paranoid
I’m avoiding the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I don’t know what it is,
but it just don’t fit
I’m Paranoid

I lifted it up and looked at the caller ID.
Nick Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yah, I know it's REALLY short, but please just read and review!!!!! plz..............?
song is Paranoid by the Jonas Brothers..........gosh i luv them!