Sequel: Goodbye

My Best Friend the Rockstar

King and Queen

I lifted it up and looked at the caller ID.
Nick Jonas.

I gulped as I pressed SEE TEXT:

mrpres1992jonas: hey u know im comin over?

I sighed before responding, wondering where he was going with this conversation.

monkeyskittle34: yah ik, u wanna sleep in a bed rite?
mrpres1992jonas: uh....yah!?
monkeyskittle34: then i gotta clean my room so u have access 2 1
mrpres1992jonas: lol, hey u get phone reception out there rite?
monkeyskittle34: uh..........DUH!
mrpres1992jonas: oh sorry just wanted 2k so i could text selena
monkeyskittle34: oh...ok then
mrpres1992jonas: g2g rehearse bye

I set the phone down after that, I didn't want to know anything more. I wondered how much he had changed, if he would talk to me at all or be like Kris texting his girlfriend all the time. I really hoped not. He was the closest friend I had. I stood up and looked around my room. Clothes were thrown everywhere, CDs were scattered all over my dresser, and my bed wasn't made. I sighed again, then walked over to my bed and sat. I remember when Nick would come over here every day, it wouldn't be a surprise to come home and find him sitting in my room waiting for me. We would play pretend, be king and queen, ruling the whole magical kingdom we lived in. The king and queen were rockstars, too, we would perform for the whole nation we ruled. Air quitar and markers as mics. We would sing songs we learned from our parents, and favorite songs of our own. We would play dress-up when we were even younger, to make the whole king and queen thing even real. But that was ages ago. Now, the queen had no king. They weren't rockstars. They'd never sing and dance for their kingdom again. A voice shattered my thoughts. "Blake, come down here, we found old family videos!" Kris, of course he would get bored when his girlfriend Liz was busy. I walked once again down the stairs to see my whole family already, talk about Deja Vu! I sat next to Danny, stole some of his popcorn, then watched the TV. More old memories flooded through my mind. Christmases, Halloweens, Thanksgivings, Summers, and Fourth of July videos flew by on the screen. Finally, an old video of a young girl and boy showed up on the screen. They started singing songs, Barney, Tellietubbies, you name it. The boy was the King, the girl the Queen. I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm going upstairs." I muttered. "But don't you wanna watch......" The voice trailed off as I disappeared out of sight. I layed down on my bed and started crying. I couldn't take it. My Romeo, my own Romeo, didn't want me. Well, not in the way I wanted him. I didn't even know if he liked me anymore, even just as friends. The King and Queen no longer ruled.
And it hurt even more to know I probably couldn't change that.
♠ ♠ ♠ is this better then the first? Sorry it's kinda sad, I'm in a depressed sorta mood. But PLZ PLZ comment and make me feel better! :D Let me know what the next chapter will b about...........U KNOW U WANT TO! ok maybe u don't want to but DO IT ANYWAY! :D