Sequel: Goodbye

My Best Friend the Rockstar

Arriving and Surprises

And it hurt even more to know I probably couldn't change that.

Day 2 since the 'Big Announcement'. Whoopee. That meant the Jonas' were coming today. I knew I shouldn't be acting like this, but I really didn't want them to come. I mean, not for a week. It doesn't sound that long, but to me it does. My mom sent me out to go pick something up, and when I pulled back in the driveway, a black car was sitting there, too. I knew what that meant. The Jonas' were here. I slowly got out of my car, wanting to stall as LONG as possible. But that wouldn't last me forever. I walked up the path, and opened the door. I walked through the hallway into the living room, to now find a bunch of boys, and as soon as I walked in, 4 girls. Kevin and Kris were playing Guitar Hero 3 (a/n, that exists, rite?!), Joe and Danny were laughing at random pictures of animals on Joe's laptop. Sarah, Todd, and Frankie were sitting on the floor playing with their Webkinz. My mom and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas sat on the couch, talking. Nick was standing against the wall in the corner of the room, texting. Wow, big surprise. But I had to admit, he looked pretty cute......Wow. I MUST be losing it! I mean, he already had a girlfriend, and besides, why would he want to date his best friend? If I was even that. "There's Blake. Come over here sweetie!" I looked over at my mom, she was patting the open seat next to her, gesturing me to sit. I walked over, not sure what to expect. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas......" I began, sitting down. "Hi Blake, so how's school going?" Denise said, eager to spring into a conversation. "Ummmm........good." I said, not really paying attention. I glanced over at Nick to see if he had noticed I had even entered the room. He didn't, I sighed. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas glanced at each other. "So, how many days left...?" Mr. Jonas said quickly. I didn't respond quick enough, there was a big awkward gap in between his question and my answer. "I-I don't know, week and half, 7 days." They were glancing at my mom for more questions to ask. I didn't know I was that boring. Well, I was when I kept staring at Nick. "Um, can I ask you guys something?" I asked, really speaking up for the first time today. "Yes, of course." They both responded. "Is N-Nick mad at me?" They obviously didn't seem like they wanted to answer. "He' a mood....for a little bit, lately.....He's really only talked to Selena. I think they're fighting actually." "Oh." I said blankly. But in my head, a thousand little me's where going around doing victory dances going 'Oh Yah Oh Yah Oh Yah!' I glanced at him, he didn't seem happy. He actually looked a little stressed.
~Nite Time! :D~
I walked in my room pulling my wet hair in a ponytail, Nick was sitting on his bed, staring into space. I sat next to him, then put my head next to his, and looked at where he was staring. All I could see was my mirror and a bunch of pictures. Then I understood. They were pictures of me and my friends, and Nick and I when we were little. "Nick?" I spoke quietly, afraid to say much else. That was all he needed though. "I'm sorry I ignored you. I shouldn't of done that. I was being a jerk." I laughed. He looked at me. "Sorry, you weren't being that much of a jerk. You were just in a romance. Like Kris all the time. I don't mind. As long as you don't do it again." "I'm not in a 'romance'." "Yah, aren't you and Selena..........?" He looked down. "Oh," I said, "She broke up with you." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. He looked back at me and said, "No. I broke up with her. I realized I didn't love her, I love someone else." After he finished talking, leaving me extremely confused, he leaned in and kissed me. He leaned back, "Sorry, but.....I love you." I smiled after awhile and said, "You've finally come to your senses." I leaned in and kissed him again. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that." He said, smiling, too. My Romeo had finally realized I was his Juliet
♠ ♠ ♠ it? next chap. is the final......epoligue..or however u spell it.....
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