Life Of The Unwanted

Chapter 1

2 years later
He looked around the front yard nervously. It was almost like he felt like he didn’t belong there. His grandma looked at him and smiled, unlocking the front door and ushering him in. He stopped and looked around in awe. The house was huge. He felt himself spinning around to look at everything. He stopped himself before he got too dizzy and broke something. He was so happy that his grandmother had adopted him after two years in the orphanage. He had been wishing for this day. For the day he finally got to have a normal life and go to a normal school. Make friends and be happy. His grandma smiled at her grandson and took his bags from him, motioning for him to follow her up the stairs. Jon followed her, shuffling his feet until she stopped outside a room. He looked down the hallway then back at the door, which was now open. He walked in and sat gingerly on the bed, almost as if everything was a dream and if you touch it, it will disappear. His grandmother, Marie, put all his bags down and stood in front of the small boy.
“Jonathan?” Marie called, pulling him out of his riviere
He looked up.
“Yes?” That’s the first thing he had said all day.
“Are you okay?” she asked, her face wrinkled with worry
He smiled lightly and nodded, “Yeah”
She nodded and left him on the couch while she went to make dinner. He looked back at the floor and started thinking again. How could he just leave me, Jon thought, what have I done. I’m not naughty and if I was I could have been good. Why did he leave me? Mum didn’t even say goodbye. Before he knew it he was crying. He wiped his blue eyes and got up, slowly finding his way to the kitchen. It had been so long since he had been here but he still knew his way. Even though he had his grandma and a house, he missed his friends back at the orphanage. It took a while but he made friends. The only friends he had known for 2 years. He even missed his father. And although he didn’t want to, he still loved him. He loved a person who left him on his own. A person who he hadn’t seen in 2 years. A person who though loved him, who left him for no reason. That isn’t fair, Jon sighed as he sat at the kitchen table to watch his Grandma cook.

“Honey, why aren’t you eating?” Marie asked, looking at the little boy who was picking at his food. He looked up with sad eyes, “I’m not hungry”
She sighed, “You should eat something honey”
“I’m not hungry” he persisted. She shook her head, “Okay”
He smiled lightly and got up, walking up to his bedroom. He sat down on the floor with his arms around his knees and stared at the wall. I wonder if I’ll see dad again, he wondered, but I don’t think I wanna. To think I thought I was going to a playground for a while. How could I be so stupid, he silently cursed himself. He sighed; let’s just hope I’ll be happy here. He got up and crawled onto his new bed, still fully clothed, and fell asleep. His sleep was filled with dreams of his longing. That he never left his home and he was back there with his mum and dad. That he hadn’t had to go through years of kids hating him and having no one to love him. He tossed and turned, calling out for his father to take him home. Marie came rushing up the stairs and into Jon’s room as he stopped tossing and fell into another restless dream.
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hope you guys like it