Life Of The Unwanted

Chapter 3

the day Jon turned thirteen he joined a cult, he was forced to do many things, such as walking on hot coal and letting them beat him. He was forced to get a tattoo, it could be anywhere on the body he just had to have it. He thought he'd join these people because it was a place to live when he didn't want to be at his grandmothers, it meant free food. Jon knew it probably wasn't right to be in this cult but he couldn't turn back now. 'At least now i have friends' he thought to himself. Many times after joining he would run away and stay with them, they would take him in for a few days and then he would go home. Back to the place he now despised. Days went by and he regually visted the place he called his second home.

"Where have you been going?" Andrew, his grandomthers boyfriend sneered at Jon, Jon was now extremily tall and bulky.
"It's none of you're business where I stay." Jon told Andrew, see if Jon told any body about where he was going or what he was a part of he would be killed, or thats what they told him anyway.
"Yes it is you stupid little-" Jon's Grandmother walked in and frowned at her boyfriend, demanding he left the room. She apologised to her grandson and told him to get ready for school. He did as he was told and got read. Not that he wanted to go to school. Even the teachers were now mean to him. He couldn't do anything right in their eyes.

More and more days went by and still Jon was being teased and yelled at, and with everyday the cuts on his legs doubled. The trips to this 'Cult' became more frequent. his gran worried for him more and more and Andrew only became more suspicious of his frequent disappearences.

One day his grandmother dropped him off at school. He was in year 6, but what he didn't suspect was what was going to happen within the next few minutes of his life, he got out of the car and went to kiss his grandmother on the cheek.
"And Jonathan, don't bother coming home tonight, we no longer have a place for you in our house." she told young Jonathan.
Jonathan's heart sunk as his grandmother shut the door and drove off. 'What did i do to deserve this?' Jonathan asked himself as tears rolled down his pale cheeks. 'I've always been good for her, yeah I ran away alot but I was good.' he thought as he sat down on a bench out side his classroom.
"Sook, your a sook!" A boy teased as he walked past Jonathan's weeping body.
"Why are you crying you baby." A girl around his age said as he walked out of the classroom. The teacher also walked out to find younge Jon crying his heart out. His dad did it. and now his Gran did it. who else was going to hurt him? Rip him to peices.

But what Jonathan didn't know was his grandmother still wanted him, but it was Andrew who had decided Jonathan's fate.
"I don't want him living in the house anymore, he takes up to much space." Andrew had told Marie.
"But we are the only family he has Andrew." she frowned at him trying to get him to change his mind. But it was no use, he wanted Jonathan gone and that was that. It was Andrew or her Grandson. This was the reason as to why she left her grandson at school all alone. With no-one to turn to.

He didn't want to go to the cult, he was scared of what they would say if they saw him. so he spent the next few days at his friends house until he was yet again put into that dreadful orphanage.
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yet again he was left on his own :'( poor Jon.

Cass & Crystal