Don't Let Me Go

You can call me Billy. I'm 23 years old and I live in an apartment here in NYC. I work at the "Wine Bistro" as a singer, only a few blocks away from my apartment. I don't who my parents or siblings are, if there's any. The only thing I remember is my aunt taking care of me until she died when I was 18...Then I began this independent life of mine.

I originally wanted to be an author before I moved here in New York. That was when I was still living with my aunt Marissa in Chicago. I can still remember our argument like it was only yesterday. She yelled things to me like, "You're too young for this" or "You're not moving". But I had no other choice, writing is my passion.

As I sit here in my motorcycle waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I glanced at my wristwatch with a groan: I'm already fifteen minutes late. My boss sure would threaten to fire me at that job. The only reason that I'm staying at that horrible place is that there's no other job available for me in the city. They said it's because of my "lack of education"...

And as sure as I was, my boss is already gawking at the window shouting words that I don't understand from afar. I parked my motorcycle and headed for the door with a heavy sigh.

"Billy! What's wrong with you?"
"I-I'm sorry Mr. Bowie. I slept late and got up late. It won't happen again.", I explained.
"You better.", he said as he pointed a stubby finger towards me. "Your shift's on."

I grabbed my guitar case and headed for the stage.

"Hey everyone.", I said at the microphone. "This song is called, "Never Say Never" by The Fray"

Everyone clapped.

"...You can never say never
Why we dont know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go..."

That was when the girl of my dreams came in.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's the first chapter of my new story! I do not own the song, "Never Say Never" by The Fray.

`daV. :)