Jonas, will you be mine?

California Here We Come.

It seemed like I was the only one happy to be moving. A new start would be good for us, I just hope that if the band takes off, that it won’t be hard at a new school for people to accept us.

I got out of the Californian cab, and starred at our brand new house. It was so much bigger than our last – so much more expensive looking. I found a bedroom I wanted, and started to unpack. It wasn’t long till I went to sleep considering both my brothers had gone quiet from the moment we got on the plane.

I awoke, sweaty. It was hot in California and I had to get used to that. I got dressed and ready for school, which I wouldn’t normally mind, but today just felt like a bad day for a first day at a new school.

Downstairs was my two brothers, sadly eating their cereal, my happy mother who was unpacking, and my father rushing out the door for work. We moved here for two reasons: firstly, was because dad got transferred. Secondly, was to be closer to Hollywood. We had a young, good band, which was so close to fame we could almost smell it.

“Good morning,” I smiled at my brothers, “ready for school?”

They both glared at me, and so I finished getting ready.

“Hey Joe, how’s the first day going?” I asked, when I saw my brother in the cafeteria.

“Bad. I don’t have Lisa, I just have a heap of girls hitting on me,” He rolled his eyes at me. “Sit down.” He sighed.

I sat by him, and Kevin soon joined us. “How about you Kev, good day so far?”

“Not as bad as expected, got an invite to a party for the three of us.” He smiled.

“Awesome,” I said, when I noticed a girl playing guitar outside by herself. She was pretty, but very excluded. “I’ll be back.”

I walked out to her and listened, before confronting her. “You’re really good,” I saw sitting by her. “I’m Nick.”

“I’m Sonny.” She smiled, “wait, you’re Nick Jonas.”
“Uh, yeah. The new kid.” I said awkwardly.

“Oh, no I meant because my manager has been showing me your music lately. He really likes it. He’s been showing it to producers.” She laughed.

“Your manager is Jimmy?” I asked, shocked.

“Well, he’s my uncle. He just tries to get my demo in to people here and there.”

“You deserve it, you’re really good.” I said goofily.

“Thanks,” she said whilst putting her guitar back in it’s case. A boy a year or two older than us approached and kissed her hello.

“Who’s this Sonny?” The guy asked.

“This is Nick Jonas, he’s new at the school. Nick this is my boyfriend, Jarred.”

“Hey man, nice to meet you.” Jarred said, shaking my hand.

“I’ve got to get back to my brothers, so, it was nice talking to you both.” I coughed, of course she had a boyfriend.

“Bye,” Sonny said politely, before kissing Jarred passionately.
♠ ♠ ♠
awh. Nick.