Status: I wrote this story many years ago, but I am updating it- making the writing better and adding details that it needs (plot won't change or anything)

Unshed Tears

Problem Number Ten

I was shocked, but I didn’t push away. Pushing into him, I deepened the kiss. His tongue ran over my lower lip asking for entrance. Hands gripped my hips and pulled me all the way on top of him. We where still separated by the hospital sheets. I smiled into the kiss, and he nibbled my lips. Pulling back, I looked down at him. Jace’s light brown bangs had fallen over his eyes. He pouted and pointed to his lips. Slowly he rubbed up and down my thigh with his other hand. I slammed my lips down on his, taking a turn at biting. He smiled into the kiss as I bit his lower lip. Slowly I dragged my lips from his mouth to kiss his jaw and then his neck. Taking my time, I drew a line of bite marks. I sighed as I reached the curve of his neck. Right there is where I began sucking. Jace had a quick intake of air and he stiffened. The hand on my thigh froze and held tight, and his other hand was squeezing her hip very hard. He tried and failed to stop a deep moan. I smirked, noting that spot before moving over his collarbone. My lips stopped at the base of his throat and I bit the skin, lightly at first, then harder. When he begun tracing little eights on my back, I began to kiss that spot. His warm hands slid further up my shirt, tracing patterns over my cool skin. The kisses slowly turned into me sucking on his skin. Once again he moaned, this time digging his nails into my back. Smiling I stopped. Jace didn’t like that, so he rubbed my sides and then ran his fingers down my back and cupped my ass. I was already on top of him, my face at his throat. I spread my legs so I could straddle his waist and began sucking the base of his throat again.

“Ma-may,” he moaned, encouraging me. Jace bucked his hip, and I could feel him. Pushing, he ground into me. A shiver ran down my spine.

It was my turn to moan. I had stopped and pulled my head back a little. My eyes where closed, and his hands where gripping my hips. Hot breath covered my neck. Jace’s lips tickled the soft skin on my throat. He gave delicate kisses as out hips rocked back and forth. He was getting pretty hard. I dragged my hands from beside his head and ran cool fingers down his arms and onto his chest.

My eyes fluttered open, and I expected to look down at the top of his curly hair, but instead, I saw jet black hair tumbled around a pale face. Gasping, I felt a little nip on my skin.

We weren’t in a hospital bed, but pressed against a brick wall. My hands grasped and pulled at his hair, and he licked from my neck up to my ear. Once again i shivered. He tugged at my ear and kissed my jaw line.

“J-j,” I tried to get out a name but couldn’t find the air. My hips were rocking against him. Some how, our lips met. I was pushed harder into the brick wall. My knuckles hurt from gripping his hair so hard. He bit down on my lower lip and I felt hot blood trickle from my lip, but before it could fall far, his tongue was lapping it up. Then he brought his lips back to mine and sucked on my bottom lip. Letting my fingers loosen, I twisted a strand around my finger. He bit down again, and I gasped. The pain wasn’t so bad, I was just surprised. Jake took that moment to slide his tongue into my mouth were we fought for dominance. His fingers pressed into my skin as mine slid over his neck and down his back. We were a mess of twisted arms and, pressed against a rough brick wall, locked together at the mouth.

I opened my eyes and groaned. A little light managed to pass the blinds, and it burned my eyes. My head moved up, and I looked around. I was still clenching the front of Jace’s hospital outfit in my fist. One hand rested in his bed-head. He was sound asleep. I did notice that some how he had gotten his arm around me and was pinning me to his side.

Slowly, and as quietly as I could, I removed his arm from around me and got off the bed. Running my hands frantically through my dark locks, I sat back in the chair trying not to think of my most recent dream. The clock on the wall said 7:30 am. I hung my head. If I left now I could jut make it to school, but I had no way of getting there. Obviously my parents had come and convinced the good doctors to let me stay, but now it seemed they weren’t around. Standing up, I pulled out my cell phone. My mom would be willing to pick me up if I asked, but I would be late to school. I headed out into the hall to make the call, and I saw a familiar head of black hair. Jake walked over, stretching his long limbs, and met me out side of the room with a glum look. He tried to smile.

“I’m going to take you to school,” he said. His eyes got large and he stuttered, “I-I mean, y-you can come to s-school with me. Uh I-I to-told them, you-your parents I-I could get you. You know, so you co-could stay here be-because I came a-after school to-to give you your stuff and see t-that you were o-okay. Didn’t want to uh w-wake you up.” He finished and rubbed the back of his head, light pink shading his deathly white cheeks. Light brown eyes scanned my face. Besides being embarrassed, Jake was filled with concern. It was the same thing I had noticed in class. Even though he didn’t know me very well he was looking out for me.

I took a second to look him over. He wore a plain black shirt and normal lose but not sagging jeans. His ink black hair was messy and he had dark circles around his eyes like he’d been up all night. I noticed now that the small chain around his neck was a delicate cross. It bothered me a little that I still didn’t know if his ears were pierced, but that was a small concern tucked into the back of my mind.

I hugged him. “Thank you,” I whispered.

“I put your stuff in there when I came by,” he said once I let go. His cold hand rested on my arm like he was trying to steady me.

Nodding, I turned around and went back into Jace’s room. Jake entered behind me, closing the door softly. I picked up my and turned to leave, trying not to look back at the sad sight of Jace still sleeping. That stupid dream hung like a fog over my mind, and no matter how hard i tried to forget it, it kept coming back. Making sure I had everything, I determined we were good to go and took another step towards the door. Just as I opened the door to leave, there was a sound of movement. Quickly, I spun around. Jace was sitting up in bed, his tired hazel eyes looking at me. Shaggy brown hair fell in his face and was exceptionally messy. It was a rather hot look if some one could forget they were in a hospital.

He asked, “Where am I?”

My heart stopped as I thought of something. Large hazel eyes just watched him for a moment as I mentally smacked myself. What I wanted to do was run out the door and track down some one who could explain what happened to him in medical terms because I hadn’t even thought that he could have hit his head hard enough to get amnesia.

“The hospital,” I said after a short pause.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay took me a couple of hours..
hope you guys love it (or like it)
Comments? Subscriptuons? and love to all the readers/coments/subscribers
<3 Megan