Status: I wrote this story many years ago, but I am updating it- making the writing better and adding details that it needs (plot won't change or anything)

Unshed Tears

Problem Number 28

We pulled up to a grand house, overfilled with teenagers holding red plastic cups and swaying to the pounding pop music that was being pumped from the house’s very core. Somehow, I ended up inside, standing by a table and holding a red plastic cup of my own. The music wasn’t my taste, but after a couple of drinks it just blended into the background. Jake hadn’t touched a drink, but he had been pulled out onto the dance floor by Kate. So now I was leaning against a table, finishing another drink. I swear I don’t drink alcohol, never had been drunk, but there I was picking up a clear bottle filled with warm clear liquid called vodka. I had started with just sprite, but after seeing Jace and Jena, I felt like a little something more.

My eyes skimmed over the mob on the dance floor, and they didn’t stop until I saw Jace. His hot sweaty body was pressed up against a slender blonde whose hands were locked in his tangled hair. It seemed like every part of them had to be touching, all the way to their lips. I felt dirty watching them make out, so I took another swig, enjoying the burn as the vodka washed down my throat.

Time was odd to me, so, I don’t know when I went out to dance with a cute soccer player or when I headed back to the table for another quick drink. After that, I escaped from the crowded room, into the backyard. I took the liberty of using the pool to soak my sore feet. Rolling up my skinny jeans and slipping off the flats Susie had insisted I wear, I let out a sigh of relief.

Out of my pocket I fished for my pack of Misty’s and a lighter.

“That’s not very good for you,” Jace mumbled.

I turned my head, puffing out smoke and said, “Neither is drinking, and you’ve had more then I have. Of course to suck face with that little…” Turning back around, I yanked my feet out of the pool, wobbling to my feet.

“Jena's my girlfriend,” he said as he walked closer.

I glared. “Super. Wonderful. Fantastic. Oh and I ought to tell you, Jake and I are dating.”

“You’re dating him? Why?” Jace asked with a little laugh.

I was no longer thinking. “Because unlike you he cares about me. He doesn’t throw up some wall to keep me out, and he doesn’t treat me like I’m useless just so he can get with other people. Because no matter how much I love you, you’re never going to be there for me.” My voice had dropped to a whisper, but he heard me.

“It’s not going to work out well,” he laughed.

Throwing down my cigarette, I folded my arms across my chest. “When are you going to,” I hiccupped, “listen to me?”

“I do listen.”

I wanted to smack him, but I was buzzing and didn’t trust my actions. “You just don’t hear anything.”

Jena chose that moment to slip out of the house and curl her claws around his arm before politely telling me to fuck off. Then Jace was back inside the house, stumbling like a fool, and I was lighting another smoke.

Groggy and sore, I flipped onto my side. Something was ringing in the distance. "Fine. Fine,” I mumbled, sitting up and searching for the source. Flipping open my phone I rubbed my eyes and cleared my dry throat. “Hello.”

There was laughing. It hurt my head. “Not bad Spring. Of course pulling my boyfriend away from me was just plain old dumb, but not bad. I’m actually doing you a favor. After all, soccer play, dancing, you even managed to hold your liquor,” Jena laughed again and then continued to babble. I clicked the phone closed and tossed it at a wall, but I didn’t get the chance to fall back asleep because the bedroom door swung open.

“Wake up, May,” a soft masculine voice hovered over me.

I mumbled something unintelligent and wiggled up into a sitting position, glaring at a tall dark haired boy who was in baggy green shorts and no shirt. He looked familiar with a veil of inky hair brushing over his shoulder. My eyes trailed over him again, trying to put things together, until i recognized Jake. Slowly my eyes dropped down to his bare chest, and my heart stopped. “Oh Jake,” I gasped. I crawled forward, resting my hand on his side. I traced one of the scars covering his pale skin. There were so many of them, some shot and jagged other long and curved. Jake slid his cool hand under my chin and tilted my face up, drawing my eyes away from the scars. “How?” My voice was small and weak.

With a sad smile Jake shook his head. I opened my mouth to ask again, but he brushed his lips over mine in a light kiss. Letting go of me, Jake walked over to the dresser and quickly pulled a black shirt over his head.

I climbed to my feet and staggered over to him. After half tripping three times, I curled my arms around him, suppressing a shiver.

“You got drunk,” he said, changing topic.

“Sorry, but if it helps, I’ve got a pretty wonderful headache now.” Jake turned around, my arms still around him, and kissed the top of my head.

“Come on. I got to get you home.” He gathered up my things and rushed me out the door.

We sat in the car at a red light, me fiddling with the hem of my shirt and Jake tapping wildly on the steering wheel. “What are the scars from, Jake?” I asked suddenly. The tapping stopped, and I was worried I had angered him.

“It...” Jake took a deep breath, “it’s just old history.”

I watched as things begun to blur by again. “So I shouldn’t care?”

“Please just drop it May.”

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the Mustang pulled into another drive way. I said goodbye, and let him kiss me, even though I was angry he wouldn’t tell me. Don’t get me wrong, Jake was great, but he was keeping a massive secret from me.

I pulled open the front door and cringed as it clicked shut. Light, noises, smell, everything was stacking up on top of me due to the wonderful hangover.

“May,” my mother said, engulfing me in a hug. “Sweet heart. I’m glad you got home safe. You’ve been spending so much time at that boy’s house. I do hope you aren’t-“

“Mother!” I cut her off and stormed past her into my room. The rest of my weekend was a blur since I slept most of it. Once Jace called just to chat for a few minuets, but I was too groggy. Jake called at night to check in on me, but I was still angry at him and still had a headache so that didn’t last long. Sunday when Jake called things went better, but he still wouldn’t tell me about the scars, and the more I thought about them the more it nagged me. How could it be old news when some of the scars were fresh looking?
♠ ♠ ♠
What's Jake keeping from her? Why's he got so many scars?
tell me what you think
<3 MEgan