Status: I wrote this story many years ago, but I am updating it- making the writing better and adding details that it needs (plot won't change or anything)

Unshed Tears

Problem Number 38

Just then my phone beeped, a muffled sound coming from inside my skinny jean pocket. Reaching into my jeans and curling my fingers around the cool, smooth surface, I suddenly remembered the text message from I had received earlier from Jake, the one that I had chosen to ignore. Flashing on the tinny screen of my phone was yet another text message, this one from Susie. Closing that, I pulled a pillow up to my chin, hugging it tightly as I slowly inhaled and exhaled.

Flipping open my phone, I quickly found my way to the half empty inbox. I went to Jake’s message first, and then in one breath opened Susie’s and scanned the message. A quick intake of air filled my lungs and was released in a steady stream, bouncing long strands of nutmeg hair out of my eyes.

My fingers burned as one hand grasped my phone and the other one fluttered over Jace’s shoulder. As I clutched my phone, my knuckles washed white. Internally I thought over my options, fighting for balance. How could I put it into words? Finally I dropped my hands back into my lap and tossed my phone onto the floor, determined to keep my mind calm until I could sort out exactly what to do, but Jace noticed the change.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he turned to me, the movie half forgotten.

I looked away, scanning the back of my bedroom door. “Jake,” I mumbled as my eyes flickered over old pictures from elementary school and a mix of band posters.

“What did he do?” Jace sounded angry, and when I didn’t answer, he asked again, his voice rich and threatening. “What did he say, May.”

Again I tried to pick the smart answer, but I knew soon I wouldn’t even be able to speak, let alone think. Looking at him from behind strands of limp hair, I wished I had kept my cool. Jace should never have to be protective of me; he should never look ready to kill and slaughter. I knew it was wrong to pull my best friend into the middle of all of this, but I some small part of me wanted to smile and tackle him for being so wonderful. If only he would smile and laugh.

My eyes shifted back to the floor, then to my curled fingers. I already had the messages memorized.

“It’s over between us, and I’ve known that for a while. I just didn’t want to admit it to myself because you really are wonderful. I hope we can still be friends, no matter how cliché that sounds, and then Susie texted me to remind me of what a horrible person I am.” I cradled my head, and hair tipped over my cold shoulders as I tried to balance out my mind; Jace didn’t say anything.

The silence echoed, just like it used to when I was constantly alone. My room seemed twice as cold, and even sitting next to Jace I felt empty, alone; it was the same cold from before. It was the cold I felt when Jace left me for his more popular friends, and it was the same cold that over took me when Jena got hold of my notebook.

Finally I got up and opened my bedroom door with a soft sigh; looking over my shoulder, I said in a solemn voice, “Maybe you should go.”
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i know this chapter is short, but Unshed Tears is coming to an end; however, i'm going to begin working on another story for her tenth grade year