Status: I wrote this story many years ago, but I am updating it- making the writing better and adding details that it needs (plot won't change or anything)

Unshed Tears

Problem Number 42

Jerking up right in bed, I whipped my head to the side, cracking my neck and flinging dark hair into my eyes. Blinking wildly, I opened and then closed my mouth, searching for words as I looked into a set of dark, sharp brown eyes that were set into smooth light skin. A small, thin girl bounced up and down, grinning beside me. Her long brown hair swished back and forth as her smile grew and grew.

“What are you doing here? Get off my bed,” I said with as mush distain as I could muster in my gloomy state.

The girl wiggled off my bed and begun fiddling with her thumbs. “Your mom didn’t tell you? I’m moving in till I graduate. Home was just too hectic with my parents always arguing, and all my friends were so dramatic.” She squealed and spun in a quick, tight, little circle. “This summer is going to be great!”

“Get out of my room Jill.” Lying back down, I threw a blanket over my head and sighed disheartened, disgruntled, and disconsolate. Once the door clicked softly shut I slammed my fist into the nearest wall causing a throbbing pain to shoot up my arm as I muffled a short scream.

Problems seemed to avoid or pile up on me in no kind of balance, and now I had my cousin moving in to top off every thing else. Jill was always over dramatic, loud, and girly, by all comparisons the opposite of me. When this summer was over she would be a senior, two years my elder. She was a little over five foot in height though, and her behavior mingled with every grade level. Until now she had lived three hours away, only a pest on special occasions and when my mother demanded it; now she was going to be one more problem to pile up on me.

“Stupid boys. Stupid cousin,” I mumbled into a pillow. Closing my eyes again, I let out an exasperated sigh and wrapped my chilly arms around my stomach. My silence had been interrupted, and now I could here them talking, probably in the kitchen.
“She’s fine, just tired,” I heard my mother say.

Jill then said, “She just seems so grumpy. It almost looked like she had been crying.” I wanted to yell for her to keep out of my business. Who was she, thinking she could come right in here and mess up everything?


“Yea,” Jill said, “she was all curled up and make up was smeared on her cheeks. Why is there a whole in her wall?” Damn! That bitch was going to ruin everything. I rolled over in bed; I didn’t want to hear my mother’s response, but I doubted that a blanket over my head would help.

“Hmm, I didn’t know that was there,” my mother was surprisingly calm. Then I heard a loud thud, fallowed by a slow drag I recognized as my fathers walk. There was no way he would be as calm as mother. He passed my door.

“Good morning,” he yawned. I held my breath, waiting for an explosion that would obliterate my life.
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<3 Megan