Status: Active

Pick The Poison And Pour Yourself A Glass

The Scene Is Dead

After the long and tiring day at my café, I checked the net if there were any available flights to Los Angeles. Sadly, not even one.

I then decided to drink a cold glass of milk to ease my mind a bit. Oh the stress.

“This might kill me someday,” I joked myself.

There wasn’t much humor into it though. It sounded dead. That’s creepy, I made a pun. Whatever.

I just shrugged the thought off and called Spencer instead.

“Hey babe,” she said, sleepily. “What’s up?”

“Still no available flight to LA,” I said hopelessly and sat on my bed and turned on the television.

“Don’t worry,” she sighed. “I’ll think of something.”

“Thanks. I gotta go sleep now.” I said.

“Sure. Goodnight hon,” she said then hung up.

It kept me thinking, what is she planning? Would I approve to it? I hope it’s a good one. With that, I fell into a deep slumber.

The next day I woke up a bit like not myself. I ignored the feeling and went to work right away. On second thought, work could wait. I decided to visit Spencer first, maybe she had an idea planned out already. Hopefully.

I got in my BMW Sedan, which I got for my 16th birthday. I started the engine and drove of to Spencer's.

When I got to the intersection, traffic caught me.

"Traffic? This early in the morning?” I groaned and laid my head on the steering wheel, but made sure I was still looking at the road, just in case.

I waited a good 5 minutes before the road went smooth again.

Thank God.

Not long, I arrived at Spencer's apartment. I knocked on the mahogany wood door, and came to open it was a half-asleep Spencer.

"Wow, you didn't even ask who was at the door." I said.

"Yeah, yeah" she said and let me in.

Her room was just like mine, only messier. She went to the kitchen and opened her cupboard.

"Coffee or tea?" she asked.

"Coffee," I replied back.

"Alright," she said and started the coffee maker.

While waiting for the coffee, I started rummaging through Spencer's messy pile of magazines to find something I would like to read. Unfortunately, I just ended up with assorted music magazines. Rolling Stone, Alternative Press... hmm. To put up with the boredom, I randomly got a magazine and read the headlines.

"The Academy Is..." I said neutrally. What an odd name for a band. I thought.

I looked at the cover and studied it well.

"Hey, isn't this your friend?" I asked Spencer, pointing my index finger at the vocalist.

"Yup, that's Bill," she grinned and handed me my cup of coffee.

"Would you look at that. Beckett's a rockstar," I slightly laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny, Brooks?" Spencer asked skeptically.

"It's nothing in particular," I said and continued giggling. "I bet they're just some fag emo or whatever you call it band,"

I had no intention offending them. It's just that... that guy, could sing?

"You are underestimating their talent, my friend," she smirked grabbing the magazine from my hand.

She looked at it intently then she held it in front of my face.

"See this, you could only get into these kinds of magazines if you have sold millions of albums, the best reviews and a good reputation in the music business," she said it in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well sorry for not knowing that, Einstein," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I came here for more important issues." I said and took a sip of my hot coffee.

I looked at Spencer intently hoping that she was getting my point.

"Hey, why are you looking at me that way?" she asked. "Oh God, don't tell me you're having a crush on me and turned lesbian!"

"Am not!" I defended myself.

"My bad. Bisexual, I mean." she laughed. "I'm just kidding. Of course I know the reason why you came here. You came to ask me if I found any available flight to LA,"

"Have you?" I asked hopefully.

"I still haven't," she breathed heavily. "But don't worry, I'll come up with something."

"Alright, just call me if anything comes up," I said and stood up. "And by the way, thanks for your time."

"Sure thing, love. Don't worry, okay?" she assured me and lead me to the door.

"I won't," I said softly and left.

Evening came, and still no call from Spencer. Maybe I'm getting too stressed out about this vacation thing. Who could blame me? I miss home. So much, to be exact. The hot Californian sun, the beach and I get to see my parents again. I'm tired of cold Chicago. Tired of the stress. Tired of everything.

Wouldn't that be nice... I thought.

Right in the middle of my thoughts, my phone vibrated and looked at the caller I.D.

It was, Spencer?!

"Good news, we're going to LA!" she actually screamed in my ear. But I didn't mind.

"I knew I could count on you! So when's our flight?"

"We aren't going there by plane," she said.


"Hold on, do you expect me to drive all the way to Los Angeles? You're mad," I said in a pissed tone.

"Dude, chill," she laughed. "Neither of us are driving since we're going there by bus. Bill and the guys are having a tour and they'll happen to stop by at LA. It's scheduled tomorrow, so if I were you, I'd pack my things and be goddamned thankful to my best friend who went through all that shit just so you could go to Califronia,"


"Listen, I really am thankful for all the trouble you went through just for me," I said sincerely.

"Good," she chuckled. "We leave at 8 am sharp. So, have a good night's rest darling. You'll need it,"

She immediately hung up.

I threw my phone on the velvet chair that was just beside me and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and tried absorbing what Spencer said.

8 am sharp tomorrow. We'll go to LA by bus. With William and his friends.

"Oh that evil, evil girl." I said to myself.

Without realizing it, I fell into a deep slumber.
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Sorry for the late update. A lot has happened.
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