Childish Games Affect Us Later in Life


Trixie never heard from Jake ever again, for all she know he got with Susan and married her. Which was totally cool with her, she had her friends that’s all that mattered. As for her and Gerard, their relationship was the strongest it has ever been. One night they were lying on the couch together when Gerard broke the silence growing between them.

"Do you remember when I asked you to marry me?" He asked.

Trixie giggled. "Yea, I remember very well. It was on the play ground I think."
"Trixie!" Gerard yelled running to her and the girls who were playing hop scotch. Trixie groaned in frustration.

"What do you want Chubby Smelly Gee?" She asked looking at him.

"I gotta ask you somthin." He said taking her hand and walking her to where they can't be heard.

"EW! What did I tell you about you touching me? I don't know where you been!" She said wiping her hand.

"Sorry," He said hanging his head down.

"Well what do you want?" he asked.

"Well I know you don't like me and all but I can't help but like you a lot Trixie." He said shuffling his foot a little.

"What are you getting at?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I was wonderin if would marry me and be my wife." He said looking at her with his big hazel eyes Trixie gasped in shock and almost slapped him.

"You want me to WHAT?!" She asked in horror.

"Please Trixie, I really like you and you know the rules!" He said. Of course the stupid rules the crew had together. What the crew had was like their own society, if one asked the other to marry them you have to. If one told them they wanted them to be their significant other you have to it's the rules.

"So...I have to?" she asked Gerard nodded his head. Trixie sighed looking over and Brenda and Maggie who were watching the whole thing.

"I guess I have no choice." She said rolling her eyes. Gerard screamed with excitement and hugged her kissing all over her face.

"GERARD WAY!" The teacher yelled at him. "Stop kissing Trixie!"

"Sorry," He said but smiled at Trixie. "You ain't gonna regret it sugar!"

"Don't call me that." She said through her teeth and walked away from him smiling cheekily.

"I was a little mean." Trixie said looking at Gerard.

"Well we've come a long way since then." He replied.

"We sure have." She replied.

"Trixie?" He asked gently stroking her hair.

"Yea?" She asked.

"I was wondering if maybe you would like to...."Marry" me again." He said smiling at her. She looked at him smiling big.

"Are you serious?" She asked he nodded his head.

"Well of course I will." She said kissing him.

"Good, cause that's where everyone is come on." He said taking her hand and the walk to the woods where everyone played.

"Bout time!" Maggie said smiling and putting the same lacy table cloth on her head.

"But I don't wanna marry him." Trixie said sarcastically.

"You have to you know the rules." Brenda replied.

" love him." Maggie replied.

Trixie laughed as all three walked down where they did before. Trixie stood next to Gerard as Frank pulled out a Harry Potter book and smiled.

"Well here we are! We're here to marry these two yet again," He said. "Now who's got those rings?"

"Well we don't have rings anymore." Mikey said.

"What do we have then?" Frank asked.

"A bag of Skittles." Mikey replied causing Frank to almost drop the book.

"Well, take only two and leave the bag to me." Frank demanded as Gerard and Trixie took two skittles.

"Now repeat after me," He said "With this skittle, I thee wed."

Gerard smiled putting the skittle in Trixie's mouth. "With this skittle I three wed."

Trixie chewed on the skittle putting on in his mouth. "With this skittle I thee wed." She repeated.

"VOW TIME!" Frank yelled. "Gee! Do you take Trixie to be your awful wedded wife to have and to hold? To always have sex with? To never leave you for a Trump man forever and ever?"

"Hell yea." He said smiling.

"Sweeettt, Trixie!" He yelled. "Do you take Gerard to be your awful wedded husband? To have and to hold. To have sex with. And to not be mean to him ever again. Forever and ever?"

"I have no choice." She said smiling at Gerard.

"Alright!" Frank said throwing the book down.

"DUDE! I just bought that book!" Ray yelled.

"I announce you married!" Frank yelled soon being chased by Ray in the process. Trixie smiled as Gerard pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply on the lips.

"Looks like you're stuck with me for good." He said smirking.

"Well this time I'm not complaining." She said.

"Yes Wifey." He said kissing her again.