Newborn Life Replacing All of Us

Newborn Life Replacing All of Us

"So, just like that then?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Come on Belle, we've both known this was coming for a long time." he said, sighing.

"No, Jack, I honestly didn't! After six years, I thought everything was how it was supposed to be! I thought..." I paused, taking in a ragged breath. "I thought you loved me." I said, hardly above a whisper.

"I do.... I did.... I don't know anymore Belle! I just feel suffocated! And now this!? I can't deal with it all Belle!" he yelled.

"So you're kicking your pregnant fiance out onto the street?" I said, hoping to make the bastard feel guilty.

"Oh, knock it off Belle. We both know you're just gonna go stay with one of the guys. Don't try to make me feel guilty about this. Now please, stop being a baby, suck it up and just go, okay?"

I just stared at him. "Wow, you're such a man, Jack." I spat, pulling my engagement ring off and throwing it at him. I grabbed my duffel bag and left, going to my car and throwing it in. I started the car and went to the only place I wanted to be right now.

I pulled up into the driveway and grabbed my bag. I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited but there was no answer so I knocked again. I was about to give up when I heard shuffling behind the door. The front porch light turned on and the door unlocked and opened. "Belle?" Zacky asked groggily, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "It's two thirty in the morning, what's up hon?" I broke down in tears. "Jelly Belly! Sweetheart, what's wrong?!" he asked, hugging me.

"He....He k-kicked me out." I sobbed.

"Jack? Kicked you out? Why?" he asked, grabbing my bag and leading me inside.

I sat on the couch and he sat beside me, rubbing my back. " He said he j-just doesn't l-love me anymore. He's been un-unhappy for a long time and he's been s-seeing someone e-e-else." I cried.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I never trusted that guy." he said, pulling me into his chest and hugging me tight.

"Zack, who was it?" a voice said from upstairs.

"It's Belle, Brian. Jack kicked her out." he replied. There was a rush of footsteps and Brian joined us on the couch.

"Jelly, what happened?" he asked, taking me from Zacky's grip and holding me to him.

I sighed. "He cheated on me. And there's something else." I said, sitting up straight. They both grabbed one of my handsand waited for me to speak. "I figured out last week that.... That I'm pregnant." Silence followed my statement.

"Wow, Belle." Brian said. "What are you going to do?"

I shook my head, tears falling again. "Well, I was excited and I wanted it. But now I'm not so sure." I said quietly.

"Belle," Zack said, gently turning me face to look at him. "No matter what you decide, we're all behind you. But just know, if you do decide to keep it, you won't be raising it alone. We're all here to help you."

"Yeah Belle, this would be the most badass kid ever; 3 moms, 5 dads, and know how to play every instrument before it could walk!" Brian said, causing me to half laugh, half sob. "We're here for you Jelly Belly." he said and put his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

"I love you guys." I said.

"We love you too. Now come on, let's go get some sleep." Zack said, helping me to me feet. The three of us went up the stairs together, Brian saying goodnight at his room and me and Zacky going to his. "We'll get everyone over here tomorrow so you can tell them okay?" he said as I crawled into his bed. He got in after me and pulled me close, holding me tight. My eyelids felt heavy as I gave into the sleep that washed over me, safe in Zacky's arms.


As I lay there with this beautiful, amazing girl in my arms, I couldn't help but be a little excited. This girl has been the love of my life since we met 5 years ago. She had already been with Jack about a year and was head over heels for him. So for the last 5 years have sat by as the best friend, secretly getting butterflies when she smiled, my heart skipping beats when she touched me. Now here she is, in my arms. Even if she doesn't know how I feel, I am still so happy right now. I mean, I feel really bad for her because she is in so much pain, but I plan to do all I can to help her.

As far as her being pregnant, I couldn't be more excited. I've always dreamed of raising kids with her. Even if it's not mine, I would still love it as my own. I just have to convince her to keep it. I held her tight and drifted off into a blissful dreamland.


Matt, Brian and I were walking around the mall when I spotted a tattoo shop called 'The Dunegon'. "Dude, I wanna go get my lip pierced." I said.

"Sweet, I'll get my nose done." Brian said. We looked at Matt.

"Hey, I've already got my lip and ears done. No more for me." he laughed. We made our way into the shop and went to the front desk.

There, behind the desk, was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. She had black hair with red bangs covering her left eye, gorgeous blue eyes, a lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, and slightly guaged ears. "Hey guys, what can I do for you today?" she smiled and knocked the breath out of me.

"I want my nose pierced and Zacky wants his lip done." Brian answered.

"Okay, well my name is Belle and I'll be doing your piercings. Bob!" she yelled behind her. A middle-aged man came out of the back. "Watch the counter, I've gotta work." he nodded and she led us to the back room. "Okay, so whose first?"

"I'll go." Brian said. "I'm Brian, by the way. And these losers are Matt and Zacky."she smiled at us. He sat in the big chair and she got her stuff ready.

"You ready?" she asked, standing over him. He nodded. She pushed the needle through his nostril and fastened the ring. "All done." she announced.

"Really? I didn't feel it at all!" he said, looking in the mirror. "Dude, she's good." he said to me.

I sat in the chair. "So what are we doing?" she asked.

"Snakebites." I managed to say.

"Nice, my favorite on a guy." she winked. She made the marks and showed me. "Good?" I nodded. "Okay, number one." she said and pushed the needle through my skin. Wow, Brian was right, I barely felt it. "You okay?" she asked and I nodded. "Alright, number two." she said and repeated the process. "Okay, all done!" We went back to the front and she gave us the run down on caring for them and we paid.

I ended up going back a few more times, getting my septum pierced, and a few more tattoos, to see her more. We became good friends and hung out a lot. She got close to the guys as well.

And now, 5 years later, here we are.


I woke up the next morning alone in Zacky's bed. I got up and took a shower, straightened my hair, did my makeup and went downstairs. Everyone was already over. Jimmy saw me first and ran over, giving me a big hug.

"I love you Jelly Belly! I'm so sorry about that douche bag! You know you deserve so much better than him!" I hugged him back. Then I turned to Zacky.

"How much did you tell them?" I asked.

"Not everything. I'll let you do that." he said.

"Wait, there's more?" Johnny asked.

I nodded. "You guys might want to sit down." I said. Everyone sat somewhere. I took a deep breath. "Jack also dumped me because.... Well.... I'm pregnant." I said.

Matt immediately stood up, causing Val to fall on her ass on the floor. "That's it! I knew I hated that pussy ass mother fucker! Now I have a real reason to kick his ass!!" He said, clenching his fists angrily.

"Easy turbo," Leanna said from Jimmy's lap. "Why don't you help your beloved up off the floor and sit your roid-rage ass down." Matt just noticed Val on the ground and picked her up, cuddling her as he sat back on the couch. "So what are you gonna do Belly?"

I sat on Zacky's lap on the armchair and he wrapped his arms around me. "I don't know. I mean, I've always wanted a baby, but not if his dad's not around."

"Belle, you know that we're all here for you." Johnny said. "Plus, if you decide to have this baby, it would be the most loved and spoiled little shit ever!" We all laughed.

"He's right." Zacky said. I turned to look at him. "We'll be here. Always." Something his eyes told me he mwant more then just helping with the baby, but I shook it off.

I sighed. "Alright. I'll keep it." I smiled. The room exploded into cheers and Zacky squeezed me tight. "But you guys get to put up with my bitchy pregnant ass for nine months!" I said, causing everyone to laugh.


"Belly, what do you want from Round Table?" Matt's voice carried up the stairs. I came out of Zack's room and went downstairs. I was about a quarter of the way down when I got light-headed. I grabbed for the railing but missed, falling head-first down the stairs. I heard screams and the last thing I remember before complete darkness was Zacky's face.


I opened my eyes and saw nothing but white. "Hello?" I called out. I wandered around a little bit until I heard a familiar voice.

"Please, please Belle, just wake up. I.... I don't know what I would do without you. Please Belle, I love you so much. I would give my fucking life for you! Just please, please come back to me!"

"Zacky?!" I called out. "Zacky, where are you!?" I yelled, frantically searching for him.

"Please Belle. I've loved you since that day in the tattoo shop. I've stood by for five and a half years, but I can't just stand by anymore! I love you, Belle! I want to marry you, have kids with you, grow old with you! Please Belle, wake up!" he sobbed.

I sprinted in the direction of his voice. "Zacky! Zacky, I'm here! Where are you?!"
Suddenly a blinding light flashed before me and I ran to it without hesitation.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw I was in a hospital room. I felt a weight on my arm, as well as moisture. I looked down to see Zacky crying on my arm, holding my hand tightly. It was at that moment that I let myself realize that I DID love him. I've spent the last year and a half convincing myself that I was just confused; that I didn't have feelings for my best friend. But now I realize.... Zacky is the one.

I reached my other hand over and placed it on his face. He took it abd kissed it, not yet realizing that I was awake. I giggled and his head snapped up, his beautiful green eyes red and bloodshot from crying so much. "You're awake!" he yelled and hugged me tightly. "Oh god Belle, I thought I'd lost you! I was so scared!" he sobbed into my neck.

I wrapped my arms around him. "You'll never lose me, Zacky. I love you too much." I confessed.

He looked at me. "Y-You do?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded and he smiled. "Oh god Belle, I love you more than you'll ever know!" he said and kissed me.

"I heard you, you know." I said once we broke apart. He looked at me, confused.
"Wherever I was, in the white room, I heard you talking to me. I couldn't find you though. I kept running until I saw a really bright light and I knew it would bring me to you so I ran through it as fast as I could."

He smiled at me and my heart almost melted. "I love you so much." he said, kissing me passionately.

"About fucking time, you two!" Brian said from the door. We looked over to see all the guys, Val and Leanna walking in. Zacky groaned and hid his face in my neck, while I grinned. "Did you tell her yet?"

I felt Zack shake his head. "I can't."

"Tell me what?" I asked, worried. Everyone looked at each other. "Tell me what you guys?" I asked again.

Johnny came over and sat by me on the bed, taking my hand. "Belle, sweetheart," he said and took a deep breath. Then he looked in my eyes, tears threatning to fall from his own. "You lost the baby. I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes and and let the tears fall. I felt everyone come over and hug whatever part of me they could get their hands on (Jimmy ended up hugging my feet lol).

"I felt like something was wrong." I cried.

"It's okay honey. Now you can have a baby with someone who actually cares for you and wants it." Matt said, looking at Zacky.

I smiled. "Thank you guys. I love you all so much."

"We love too, Belle." Johnny said from beside me.


The guys were all over, as well as Val, Leanna, and Brian's new girlfriend Michelle. They were all downstairs drinking and playing video games. Zacky and I had been together since that day in the hospital and we couldn't be happier. "Zacky?" I called from our room.

He walked into the room. "Yeah baby?" he asked. I motioned for him to come on the bed with me. "What's up honey?" he asked, a little worried. I took a deep breath.

Five minutes later, I was laughing hysterically as Zacky was runnung around the house screaming at the top of his lungs, "I'M GOING TO BE A FUCKING DADDY!"

Oh yes, I love that man. Even if he is a bit of a child himself, I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have one with.
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Alright, here it is! Like I said, some of you may have read this before! Let me know what you think!
