Status: This story is dead, man. Deaaad.

Star Wars + Knight Rider = Star Rider

Pain For Stain

"I can explain!" Luke Skywalker said, frantically. He didn't know where to start. He didn't know how to tell Leia. Would she believe him? "I DON'T CARE. Whatever you say won't change how I feel now. GAH! I feel so SICK." This is complete bs!, Leia thought to herself. My first time and I get friggin' WARTS!! Leia. Was. Pissed. She was pissed the fuck off. It wasn't even that good of a go, either. You know how they say "first impressions last"? UHM. NO.

She couldn't get that sight out of her mind. She tried thinking of different things, like when C-3PO tried breakdancing and got stuck. Didn't work. The thought of Chewbacca trying to shave himself with a little ladies' razor couldn't make this better. She sighed, gave Luke one last death glare and got out of the car. She slammed the door so hard it woke up K.I.T.T. "LEIA, BABY, COME BACK. PLEASE, LET ME EXPLAIN!" Luke yelled, hanging out of the window. Then, a voice so great, so loud with such angst chimed in... "What. In the. Motherfuck. Is going on here!?" yelled K.I.T.T. Oh boy. K.I.T.T. was going to shit engines.

He was tired, groggy and confused as hell. He was shocked at Luke, in the backseat, naked. "Oh damn, K.I.T.T., I.. I.." Luke stuttered. He was so embarrassed.. by everything! Luke faceplamed. "Why.. are.. you.. naked, you idiot? Why are you in my backseat naked!? and WHAT IS THIS?" K.I.T.T. exclaimed. "A stain!? A STAIN ON MY SEAT. THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING? Of all places you had to come here to jack off. What? do you find my radio sexy or something? Do you like my tires? You came here hoping to change my oil, perhaps? What the hell, Luke. What the hell!"

K.I.T.T. wouldn't let Luke get a word in. He kept rambling about the stain. "and.. oh.. my.. damn. WHAT IS THIS? What in the hell is all over your mansack of toys!? STAR WARTS? Why are you naked, in my car, making stains with STAR WARTS down there. I can't believe this. Luke, you little bitch, get OUT!!!!" Luke got dressed quickly, got out of the car and hauled ass. He didn't know where he was going and he didn't care. He had to get away from everything. FML, he thought to himself. I need to see a doctor ASAP.

The sound of an angry engine roared. Luke slowed down a bit, casually looked behind him and saw K.I.T.T., pedal to the metal, on his ass. Luke sped up, but he knew he wouldn't outrun him. K.I.T.T., faster than ever, ran Luke the hell over. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. PAIN FOR STAIN, BABY. PAIN FOR STAIN!". K.I.T.T. spun around twice and off he drove in the other direction, laughing manically. Poor Luke was considerably effed up. He thought of only one thing before he blacked out: Changing K.I.T.T.'s oil.