Daddy's Little Girl

Entry 6: October 10th, 2007

October 10th, 2007

Dear Diary,


Alright, so this is the first time you’ve ever seen me be excited so far, but I am so excited! I can hardly write without giggling. This has to be the best day ever. I mean, seriously. Great. Fantastic! Why do you ask, I’ll tell you why, I got asked out by a boy who doesn’t even know what My Chemical Romance is. When I told him about them, as a check you know, he was so confused. Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Bob Bryar, Ray Toro, Mikey Way! They were all foreign to him! All of the names, the music, the lyrics, no clue! He had no clue who the hell I am! All I am is the cute chick from his fifth period English class, with the weird last name that nobody can pronounce. As soon as I came home, I screamed and picked jumped up and down. Mom just kinda looked at me, but I don’t even care! He likes me because I’m me! Because I am A.J.! Oh, you don’t know how beautiful this feeling really is.

Name: Howard Jacobson. ((Alright, not the coolest name in the world, but hey, I’ll deal with it.))
Age: My age!
Hair: Kinda short, kinda long brown hair.
Eyes: Green, but they are the type of green that you could loose yourself in.
Likes: Music, ME!! English? ((I donno)) Art!
Dislikes: Pop…((again, I donno)) Gum, or anything sweet.
Other: His birthday is April 9th. ((I busted out laughing when he told me this, but I never actually told him why it was funny. You know right, Daddy’s bff’s birthday is that day…right? Or his birthday April 8th? Shit.))

So this is how it ‘went down’

Howard: Hey, Ashlee?

Me: How many times do I have to tell? I am A.J.

Howard: *sighs* Fine, A.J. So we’ve been friends for a while right?

Me: *nods and goes back to drawing. What was I doodling? Doesn’t matter I suppose*

Howard: Well I was wondering, do you wanna go to the art show with me?

Me: *looks at him and raises an eyebrow* You and me?

Howard: *nods and blushes* Yeah.

Me: *nods and hugs him* Sure!

ISN’T THAT THE CUTEST? Okay, now that I look back on it, it is not as cute as I remembered but it is great. Now, to go to the art show with out Dad wanting to interfere.


OH! Didn’t tell you. Daddy is on a new quest for us to be friends again. I just told him, call more and stay home please. But he thinks I want more than just that. Yesterday, we went to a b-rated horror movie, ((which was fantastic, except for the teenies finding us out and chasing us half way down the block. Yeah…that was great. OH! I’m on Wikipidea now. Yep, the love child of Frank Iero! Apparently, I love chocolate ice cream, I hate it, and I wear a size 11 shoe, 8.5 much. Okay, Wikipidea is stupid and doesn’t know anything. I was half about to edit it, but then I got busy singing a song. Anyway…)) basically, me and him are…okay


Now, back to Daddy not interfering.

I could lie and tell him I’m going to the library, and take the train with Howard. Nah, he’d see right through that. On the other hand, maybe not? Its not like he knows my study habits. ((hehe, there are none)) Or, I could just tell him? I mean what is he gonna do? Go to the art museum with me? Even mom isn’t that crazy, but then again, I don’t tell my mother that you ‘fucking ruined my birthday.’

I still feel pretty bad about that. I apologized and he just smiled and rubbed my head saying,

It’s okay, Pumpkin, I mean A.J.

Pumpkin head…he calls me pumpkin head. I think he calls me that because I’m born in October. Not that I have a pumpkin shaped head, God, that would be awful. Couldn’t you hear the yells… “Hey, lets carve her head open!” wow…that’s kind of gory and depressing. Nevermind then.

The big date is tomorrow! I promise to write about it, but Dad wants to talk to me…again.

Much Love,

A.J….((Pumpkin Head))