Daddy's Little Girl

Entry 7: October 12, 2007

October 12, 2007

Dear Diary,


Okay, so girly isn’t a mood, but I don’t know why, I have the urge to go paint my nails pink and stuff. I blame this on Howard. I donno but I feel extra happy all the time. I giggled at the most random things yesterday like at a puppy. I mean who giggles at a stupid puppy? I mean they are cute and all but, seriously, what makes them funny or deserve the recognition of being cute? Whatever, but it was great, a great time. No talking about God, A.K.A. Gerard Way or Jesus A.K.A. my dear old dad.

Hey, if my Uncle is God, and my Father is Jesus, what does that make me? A Hercules type of person? Hercules was kinda bad ass by the way, except for the fact he fell in love with the stupid Meg girl. Everyone could spot that she was bad a mile away, why couldn’t he? Does that mean…that Howard is bad too? Is he just faking not knowing My Chemical Romance? Ugh, why do I always do this? I always have something good, and then I think about it way to hard, and then turn it fucking pieces. Now when I see him, its going to be so much different, especially if I think I am right, which I always do.

So enough about the fact I might dump Howard on the first date. We went the art museum, and it was really cool. I never thought about art in the way I did that day. We saw a bunch of replicas of amazing pieces of art like the Mona Lisa, and Starry Night by Van Gogh. Then we got lunch, I saw a Starbucks and almost had a mini coffee withdrawal attack.

This is a side note.

Coffee is my best friend. The only thing that seems to get me up in the morning, besides money. Without it I would probably either die or die. No excuses, I blame this on Mom. She drinks more coffee that Dad does, and when he comes home after being away for a long time, let us just say, she drinks a little more than the aloud daily dose. And when mom is on a caffeine high, she is a very interesting person. Anyway, so from a young age, Coffee and Existence are basically on the same plane of necessity. And I’ve been trying to pull my self off of the stuff, but just smelling it almost gave me a heart attack.

Side note is over

Its getting kind late and I haven’t finished my homework. But I really don’t care…at all. I need to do it thought, because God knows I cannot play as well as dad. I’m more of a drummer if I do say so myself.

If you can keep this on the hush hush, Bob Bryar happens to my idol. One of the best drummers that the world has ever seen and HE’S BLOND AND HAS BLUE EYES LIKE NOBODY ELSE IN HIS BAND! I always that that was great, he was the odd one out, and I always feel like I’m the odd one out.

If you’re wondering how me and dad are doing, better. Right now, we are sitting outside looking at the stars. He’s strumming something on Mimi, and mentioned something about the boys coming over for a jam session and I should invite some friends. I snorted at him and shook my head. I don’t have a lot of friends. As I said, it’s hard to decipher who’s a friend and who’s a foe in today’s world. So I don’t let it even be an issue. Maybe I need more friends. Maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here, bitching about everything in my life to a fucking book. I’m so fucking pathetic! My god! Why don’t you just kill me now while I’m at least ahead. I wish I knew about how stupid I was long ago. I wish somebody would’ve told me, at least, I could’ve changed the error in my ways. But…I suppose, now that I know the errors, I can fix them myself. But that’s no fun is it?
^^^^That is what goes on in my head when nobody else is around.

I am not an Emo kid, I don’t believe in stereotypes. Because to think that everyone belongs in a type of people is stereotypical. I am whatever I say I am. I am stupid, dumb, fantastic, hysterical, the child of Jesus. Not many people can say that. Oh look, its God. Haha, how sacrilegious is it of me to call them Jesus and God? I suppose every fan girl that has ever wanted to do Gerard doesn’t care.

Alright, I know you can’t answer me but maybe it could clear my thoughts. Why would anyone want to do 30-year-old guys seriously? I mean, I don’t see what drives girls to throw their bras at Uncle Gee on stage. And him wiggling his hips and sticking his hands down his pants, really doesn’t scream, attractive to me. Neither does my father and him kissing, that one really weirds me out. I mean, yes, boys making out is hott, but not my father. Ugh, thinking about this is making me sick.

