Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites


“Hey there little sister!” A familiar voice shouts from behind, instantly terrifying and making me jump, heart leaping out of my chest. These are the times I wish I were an only child.
“Oh my God Maya!!! You scared the shit outta me!!!!” I shriek bolting around, fist raised, ready for a pummeling.
“That’s how you greet your big brother?” He pouts, avoiding my clubbing. I hate how damn cute he is. Why can’t I be like that?! He’s so much prettier than me. No wonder he gets so many girls…everyone wants an adorable child.
“Damn your puppy dog eyes.” I grumble patting him on the head. At least I’ve got that advantage over him. I’m a good head taller…and believe me, he doesn’t like that. His irritated expression gives it all away. Grinning, I quickly tug at a pink lock. “So what are you doing home? I figured you’d be working on some new tracks.” He quickly looks away, his eyes downcast in shame. “Maya?! What did you do?!!!”
“Don’t get mad!!! I had my reasons!!!”
“Reasons for what?!!!!” He has me seriously worried. Without that job, how am I supposed to support the two of us?! I’m only a waitress!!!
“I left the band!!!” He cries. “I’m sorry!! I couldn’t take any more of it!!!”
“Maya!!! You ridiculous ass!!!” My screams are absurdly loud, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a neighbor knocking on our shabby door soon. “How the hell are we going to eat?!!! My tips hardly cover the bills!!!” I’m freaking out now, pacing throughout the rooms.
“It’s all good though!!! I’ve got it all worked out! Don’t worry about a thing Remi!!!”
“I swear to God this better be good, or you’re out!”
“It’ll work! I know it! Just meet us at this address tonight at 8:00!” He begs handing me a crumpled slip of paper. Examining it closely, I find that it’s an address to a local club. Sigh. I don’t know how to handle this. It’s all too much…Why didn’t he discuss this with me? Looking back up to meet his eyeline, I find that he’s bolted for the door. “Tonight! Okay? It’ll work, I swear on mom’s grave!”
“Don’t say that.” I whisper, tears screaming in my eyes.
“…I’m sorry.” He whispers, fingers streaming through my choppy, mangled hair. It’s still too soon. She was my mother for God’s sake. “It’ll all be okay. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. We’re still a family.”
“If you say so.” I whimper. I’d hardly call it a family.
“I do.” He giggles pinching my cheek.
“I’m not a baby.” I grumble swatting his hand away, a smile growing on my face as he eggs me on. He can always get a laugh out of me at least.
“Yes you are.” He chuckles, quickly slipping out of the house. I guess all I have left to do is wait…
Pulling into the club, I can already hear the upbeat music blasting. It’s entertaining. Catching a quick glance at a nearby sign, I discover that the band is called Lovely-Mocochang. Not quite as catchy as their music, but these names never stick. Checking my ID, the bouncer hesitantly allows me access. That’s right, 22 baby. This pretty, young face lies. Pushing through the crowds, I hastily scan the surroundings for my brother. He’s not in his usual place at the bar, nor is he stationed in his seat. Sighing, I’m about to give up when hear that recognizable voice, booming over the loud speaker.
“This next one is Rock the Lm.C!!! Are you listening Rem?!! I can see you out there!!!” He laughs, his voice teasing me. Staring in awe, I find that this band called Lovely-Mocochang, in fact includes my very brother as the singer for once. His dream. He was never happy being the one hiding in the shadows. He’s an individual who can shine, and wants to show that. An older looking teen stands beside him, his black and pink hair covering his left eye outlining his sharp features. I can’t help but blush as he notices me. I’ve never seen anyone so gorgeous. And the way he plays! He’s so into it. This entire band…I’ve never seen Maya so happy. It brings tears to my eyes. Way to go onii-san. Maybe I should try being happy for once…life’s only so long.
“Someone’s got the hots for Aiji!!!” Maya teases nudging me in the side as we hurridly return home. The wind has picked up. It’s going to be a brutal winter.
“I do not!!!” I retort, passing my growing blush off as wind burn.
“You’re a filthy liar! I saw how you were looking at him. You wanted to eat your meal off his big, slick…”
“MAYA!!!!!” I shriek, my face redder than the tight, night club top I’m wearing.
“What? I was gonna say guitar.” He grins. “Get your mind out of the gutter.” He giggles skipping ahead of me. Sometimes I could ring his neck. Sigh. But still, tonight was fun. I don’t have quite so many worries. And who knows…maybe something will develop? I can only hope.
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Sorry it's very short :s I hope someone enjoys it XD It'll get better (again...only hoping) I don't have much of a plot thought out for this one XDD But tell me what you think ^ ^ And I'm not going to have the characters introduce themselves, you can learn about them on your own---It's more fun that way XP See if you can figure out what's wrong with Remi before I tell you. Heh heh