Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

Dammit Maya

“Wakey, wakey love birds!!!!!” That oh so familiar voice squeals bouncing on my tiny bed so that Aiji, yet again, falls onto the floor. My poor boyfriend.
“Ugh…good morning Maya.” I grumble sitting up and rubbing my sore forehead. I have a massive headache from all the crying. “Good to see you.” I mutter, my eyes adjusting to the blinding morning light and gaze shifting to the lump of Aiji.
“Guess what!!!” He laughs falling onto my lap, and oomph escaping from my throat. I can hear Aiji moaning in agony from the floor. Neither of us are morning people I suppose.
“Maya, shut your glory hole.” He snarls crawling back into the bed and under the covers snuggling close to me. Maya only ignores him and continues bouncing on him…or both of us now I suppose.
“What?” I sigh meeting his eye line.
“We’re going out.” He grins.
“We…as in?”
“You.” He points to me. “Him.” He jabs his finger into Aiji’s cheek…resulting in my dear brother being bitten. “Me.” He gestures to himself, cradling his throbbing appendage and sniffling. Aiji only chuckles snuggling closer to me. “And Elizabeth.” He concludes.
“Fine. Just give me more sleepy time.”
“Awe, were the lovers up late being naughty?” He snickers maliciously.
“Maya, don’t.” I whimper wrapping my arms around Aiji listening to his gentle breathing. He’s asleep again.
“Did you tell him?” He whispers, a sudden change to his usually chipper mood.
“…Yeah. We should be okay…for now at least.” I stroke his cheek gently, begging that he be the one that stays with me.
“Now is all that matters.” Maya smiles warmly as he kisses my forehead. I suppose he’s right.
“Okay. Well wake me up when you want us to start getting ready.” I smile.
“K. Love you little sister.” He grins again skipping out of the room, fishing for a piece of candy hidden in his pocket.
“I wish I could be carefree like that.” I grumble into Aiji’s neck.
“I hear ya.” He chuckles in his soothing voice.
“I thought you were asleep?”
“Don’t assume.” He smirks. “It makes you an ass.” He giggles, his eyes still shut tight.
“So true.” I smile, closing mine again and drifting off into dream land.
“Remi?” His sweet voice whispers in my ear, his breath tinkling my skin. I can’t help but giggle breathlessly. “Was someone having a good dream?” I can hear the smirk in his voice. Obviously I was talking in my sleep again.
“I can have dream sex if I can’t have real sex.” I pout chuckling, opening my eyes to see his bright face and gravity defying hair. “And what the hell is that on your head? I think I left the window open and the birds decided to nest on you.” I laugh pulling him closer, his arms holding my body tightly.
“Don’t you like it? I’m excited to the eggs to hatch. I love chicks!!” He sneers kissing my nose.
“I know you’re talking about birds sweetie.” I frown, receiving a devilish smirk from him.
“Maya’s calling you.” He sniggers.
“Don’t go changing the subject!” I scold ready to shove him off the bed when I hear Maya’s shrill scream.
“REMIIIII!!!!!!! GO GET YOUR DIRTY HOE BUTT IN THE SHOWER!!!!!” I can hear his thundering footsteps make a beeline for my door. Oh shit. This is gonna hurt. Before I can stop him, he’s hurdled himself into the two of us. Dammit Maya.
“One of these days you’re going to be so fat you can’t do that. I look forward to that day.” I grumble rolling onto the floor and dragging my sore self to the shower. I hurry, but that doesn’t stop my dear Aiji from peeking. Accidentally he assures! Accident my ass. Sigh.
“Ready to go?!!!” Maya squeals, jumping around the house with poor Elizabeth, or who I assume to be Elizabeth, slung over his shoulder.
“Maya!!! Put her down before you bust her ovaries!!!” I scold, noticing a severe blush on her tiny face. Examining her briefly, she’s an adorable, tiny American with long brown hair. It’s her large, baby-doll bright green eyes that catch me though. “Awe!!! She looks just like a doll!!!!” I squeal resisting the urge to glomp the tiny girl, who’s blushing like crazy now. She hurridly scuttles behind Maya, gripping his shirt shyly. Awe.
“So where are we going anyway?” Aiji interrupts, throwing his heavy arm across my shoulders. Don’t get me wrong, I love the gesture…but god is his arm heavy!
“It’s a surprise.” He answers maliciously, a grin playing on his face as he shuffles to the door, Elizabeth following closely. Her eyes glance back to me quickly, then dart away as she sees the obvious irritation.
“Damn you Maya.” I grumble following reluctantly, dragging Aiji along.
“You love me.” He chuckles lacing his fingers together with Elizabeth’s and making her smile bashfully. “Oh, and I’ve got all the crap you need…so no worries there.” I only roll my eyes sighing. Why I follow even I don’t know.
“All right! First off, movie!!!!” He boldly exclaims shoving us into the dark theatre. I can hear people shushing us all ready. This is going to be a long day.

“Maya?!!! Who the hell picks a scary movie to see on a date?!!!!” I whisper harshly, noticing Elizabeth who’s eyes I didn’t think could get any larger.
“Aw, that wasn’t even scary. You could see the zipper!!!” He pouts, patting her back gently
“It’s true.” Aiji adds, his fingers traveling through my hair, not paying attention to much of anything but the movie screen. Why? I don’t know…it’s only the credits…sometimes I wonder about his sanity.
“Well is everyone ready for stop two?!!!” Maya shouts, receiving shushes from those around us.
“FOR GOD’S SAKE PEOPLE!!!! IT’S ONLY THE CREDITS!!!!!” I shriek standing tall. Aiji only grunts shoving me back into my seat, hurting my bum in the process. So abusive.
“Where are we going?” Elizabeth questions in her small, gentle voice. I think this is the first time I’ve heard her speak all day. Maya’s face lights up.
“It’s a sec…”
“Maya, if you say secret I’m going to make sure you never have children. Besides, stupid people shouldn’t spawn.” Aiji grumbles biting at his thumb. Maya only snaps his mouth shut, obviously plotting.
“That information is confidential.” He murmurs under his breath, loud enough for Elizabeth to hear and chuckle to at least. She stands, quickly taking his hand and thankfully pressuring him into leaving the musty theatre. She’s okay in my book.

Elizabeth and I sit in the back of Aiji’s car while Aiji grumpily drives, Maya pestering him all the way. The two bicker like old ladies. I’m amazed the band has stayed together this long! Jeez. Turning my attention to the girl beside me, I decide to make the best of our time together.
“Hey Lizzie? You mind if I call you Lizzie?” She turns her attention from outside the window to me, her giggle splitting the silence barrier between the two of us, obviously amused by my obvious accent. Her name must sound like Rizzy when I say it. Sigh. But Erizabet is sooo annoying to hear.
“I don’t mind.” She smiles fixing the wrinkles in her skirt.
“Good.” I grin.
“You look like your brother.” She chuckles.
“What? No way. He’s way prettier than me!”
“That’s what you think.” She whispers, leaning close to me. We both glance to Maya who’s currently choking on a lollipop and Aiji only rolling his eyes scolding him for trying to eat and sing horribly at the same time. We both laugh hysterically, the first layer of our close friendship forming. I can tell today shouldn’t totally suck.

‘Or maybe I should rephrase that last sentence?’ I think to myself, hesitantly exiting the car as we reach our final destination. The beach. Dammit Maya.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Be Continued...Teehee >:DDD

For my good buddy DarkWingedAngel ^ ^ Thanks for all your help, support, and great ideas :DD Chapter 11 should be up some time XP But I'll be in there will definately be a delay :< Sawy XP