Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites


“Maya!!!!!” I screech, furious because he knows damn well I hate the ocean.
“Yes, darling little sister?” He smiles sweetly from a safe distance. I only glare in response.
“Don’t forget who you live with.” I snarl harshly. He quickly turns to Elizabeth, wide eyed.
“Hey, let’s go get married and buy a house.” He blurts out, semi-serious judging by his tone and facial expression. She blushes, again, and quickly glances toward me.
“I think that’s a risky idea.” She giggles noting my fuming exterior. Good cover Lizzie.
“What’s life without a little risk?” He grins picking her up until she’s on his shoulders.
“AH!!! MAYA!!!! Scared of heights!!!!!” She shrieks, clinging to his head tightly.
“Liz, your boobs are suffocating me!!!” He whines, struggling to help her down. At this point Aiji and I have snuggled up in the back seat of the car. Right now, sleep sounds like a great idea. “Come on you two!!! Sex comes after the date!!!!”
“Or never.” I grumble nuzzling my face into his neck gently, kissing the skin momentarily. He wraps his arms securely around me, resting his chin on my head.
“I like this part of the date.” He whispers, a smile in his voice.
“I like the parts where I’m with you.” I chuckle listening to his pulsing heart beat grow every second I land another kiss on his body.
“I’m always…oh.” He laughs making me roll my eyes.
“Such a smart cookie.” I joke.
“And I know someone who loves to eat cookies.” He smirks pulling me into a heavy kiss, his tongue fighting with mine and our breath already steaming the windows. Unconsciously, I wrap my legs around his waist when I can feel him getting excited. I can’t help but let out a drawn out moan as he passes a sensitive area. My eyes shoot open widely as I quickly pull away, breathless apologies escaping my mouth. “God you sound sexy Remi.” He whines kissing the top of my hand and forearm repeatedly.
“Sorry.” I repeat, a look of disappointment written all over my face. Aiji opens his mouth to say something, but before a single word can be uttered the car door flies open and my body is being jerked out of the car. I quickly find myself screaming, but realize it’s all for nothing as I’m face to face with…Toshi? “What are you doing here?” I ask cocking my head to the side. I can see Aiji exiting the car in my peripheral vision, a grimace plastered to his face.
“Keeping you from losing it to him in the back of a car in a parking lot.” He replies with a smirk on his face.
“Oh ha ha.” I sound out sarcastically.
“Well if you really want to know I enjoy watching you play in the water in string bikinis and secretly wish a wave would come and knock your…” I shut him up before he goes any further, an unamused frown telling him this isn’t the time. “Sorry. I’ve got a photoshoot not too far from here and saw Maya chasing his girl around. I figured you weren’t too far.”
“Oh.” Is all I reply with. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy hanging out with Toshi as much as the next person, if not more, but today is a day for Aiji…and we don’t get enough of those. Toshi had most of his life with me…plus I’m still a bit upset about the whole car incident. I hate not being able to give him everything…especially that.
“Well…anyway…you should probably hunt Maya down because I’m sure he’s running around with her swim top and she’s cowering under a rock somewhere.” He grins stepping away from me. I can’t help but giggle, a slight smile curving on my lips. “See ya around! I’ve gotta get back to work.” He grumbles storming off toward a nearby tent, stripping down to only his swim trunks. I can’t lie…he is gorgeous.
“You’re drooling.” Aiji gripes by my side. Jesus, how much of a bitch can I be? I jump on him, throwing him into the sand as we continue our not so quiet make out session. “This would be more fun if you had a bikini on.” He smirks in between nips and kisses.
“Would me wearing one make up for my sucky girlfriend-ness?” I chuckle biting my tongue.
“It depends on how tiny it is.” He grins maliciously.
“I’ll have to see what Maya decided to pack me in that case.” I giggle reluctantly rising from my comfortable position on his bare, well toned, and slightly glistening chest. It’s enough to make me want to pounce back on his, but I trudge to the car digging through the trunk. Apparently Maya was thinking of Aiji. Sigh.
“Aren’t you done YET?!!” He whines from outside the curtain of my dingy changing room. I can see him peeking inside occasionally and eventually sigh in defeat.
“I don’t care if you see me naked Aiji, but come in here and help with these damn straps!!! I don’t know what’s what!!!” I grumble, fumbling with the top in my hands. Faster than the speed of light, he’s by my side, his eyes lingering on my bare body.
“God you’re hot.” He complains, lightly running his fingers down my arms and onto my hands, pushing the fabric aside.
“Aiji.” I whine, turning to face him, not that it helps anything. Surprisingly enough, his gaze is locked with mine in a soft manner.
“You bring it around from the back.” He smiles referring to my suit’s top and its complicated set up. Whatever happened to the good old fashioned one piece? Sure it was a pain when you have to take a leak, but other than that, no complaints here. I watch his delicate fingers brushing over my skin and tugging my body this way and that, glad that he hasn’t yet paid attention to the blush on my face. He’s never seen this much of me. Before I know it, he’s done and the damn confusing suit looks fantastic, if I do say so myself. I can’t help but grin, checking myself in the mirror. This is one of the few times I’ve ever felt this stunning. I’ll have to remember to thank Maya. “You look beautiful.” Aiji whispers, interrupting my gawking. I can’t help but blush again and quickly press my lips to his as we leave the room.
“Jeez, what took you two so long?” Maya teases carrying around a bucket of what appears to be assorted sea life for some odd reason.
“Make sure you put those back. We can’t keep them.” I scold.
“Man it must’ve been something nasty if she changed the subject.” He sniggers waddling past us to where he already has Lizzie buried up to her chin in sand. Aiji only rolls his eyes, his arm snaking around my waist in a possessive manner, but still more than enough to send shivers down my spine.
“Wanna build a sandcastle?” He smiles down at me taking my hand and leading me to the water’s edge.
“I love sandcastles.” I grin plopping down in the sand, already mounding it into a rather large bump.
“It looks more like a bedazzled volcano.” Aiji teases applying tiny, colorful shells here and there.
“You look like a bedazzled volcano.” I counter, a pout on my face.
“Yeah, but at least I’m a sexy bedazzled volcano.” He smirks, his focus on our castle.
“That’s what you think.” I grin triumphantly. He only rolls his eyes, standing to wipe the sand off his hands, then trunks until he eventually gives up and plows into the ocean. I can’t help but chuckle as he leaps back out.
“It’s COLD!!!!” He shrieks making his way toward me, the icy water dripping off his bumpy skin. Thinking quickly, I run the other way hoping to keep myself from getting chilled. Unfortunately, I have to admit that Aiji is much quicker than me. By the time I’ve risen from the sand, he’s already tumbling over me so that we’re both freezing our asses off.
“Yes love.” He grins rolling around with me, his lips at my ear so that I can hear his husky voice and shallow breathing, again, turning me on.
“Never mind.” I grumble feeling body heat racing through me as his silky skin comes in contact with mine. It’s not until now that I’ve realized how close to naked we actually are.
“You’re blushing.” He chuckles kissing my cheek. No need to state the obvious.
“Look how beautiful.” Elizabeth sighs in Maya’s arms, her gaze fixed over the ocean to the setting sun.
“It pales in comparison to you.” Maya chuckles.
“That was so cheesy.” She giggles snuggling closer on his lap. I look away from the scene, my eyes drifting to the sun.
“It’s not that big of a deal.” I grumble kicking at the sand and finally taking a seat, tracing patterns on the ground with a stick, arm snug around my knees.
“Something wrong babe?” Aiji interrupts, head cocked to the side as he joins me.
“No.” I lie.
“You’re a terrible liar.” He giggles taking hold of my chin to look me in the eyes. When I see him, it’s as if the truth just spills out of my mouth. I can’t hold anything back. I can’t hide things from him.
“Why aren’t we like that?” I whimper glancing toward Maya and Elizabeth cuddling in their own little world, laughing at Maya’s stupid jokes. Aiji grimaces biting his lower lip. Suddenly I notice the daisy between his fingers. He grins bashfully once realizing I’ve seen it.
“It reminded me of you.” He mutters handing it to me, his free hand resting on the back of his neck.
“Aiji.” I whisper taking it gently, a smile growing on my once solemn face. Sure, we may not be the most heartwarming, romantic, so cute you’ll melt into a puddle of yourself couple, but it’s the little things that matter most. Isn’t it? “I love you.” I grin pecking him on the lips.
“I love you too.” He smiles kissing my cheek and taking my hand scooting closer beside me until the fireworks light up above us. Overall, not a bad first date.
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Yay! Chapter 11 XP This (yet again XDDD) is dedicated to DarkWingedAngel :) Hope you all liked it :) (Though it went better in my head....) Chapter 12 should be up sometime this week hopefully XDDD