Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

One Wild Night After Another

“Hey, Toshi...Do you mind if I stay here for the night again? Lizzie apparently isn’t home. I think she’s with Kaoru and Shinya.” I bite my lip, begging he says yes. I hate sleeping in that apartment on my own. It’s so different without the exhausting laughter of Maya. Speaking of, I wonder how he is. Both of them now that I think of it. I haven’t heard a word from either for a while now.
“Sure you can. Stay as long as you’d like.” He grins from the couch, a plate stacked high of Eggo Waffles on his lap and bottle of syrup hanging loosely from his fingertips.
“You’re sure? I don’t want to impose.” I shuffle from one leg to the other.
“Please. A sexy girl like you imposing? In my house?!” He laughs, head lolling back to catch my gaze. I only roll my eyes. I’d hardly call myself sexy. “Besides, it’s the least I can do.” He smiles sadly, obviously confusing me.
“Can do for what?” I ask cocking my head to the side. He only coughs momentarily.
“For…uh, convincing you to come drinking and then last night’s activities?” He grins again, oddly suspicious.
“You’re acting weird.”
“When don’t I act weird Remi dear?”
“True.” I giggle, plopping beside him on the couch, eyeing up both his waffles and big screen TV.
“Want some? I’m more than happy to share.” He smirks offering me a forkful of the breakfast treat.
“I can get my own, thank you very much.” I snivel taking the fork from him, helping myself.
“Anyway, I’ve got a photoshoot today…would you care to join us?” He informs me.
“Erm…” I mumble, desperately swallowing down waffles, “You’re sure the guys won’t mind? I mean this is serious stuff.”
“Nah, not this one. We’re just messin around and taking weird pics. The more the merrier.” He beams. His adorable face is one I cannot refuse.
“Okay.” I sigh. “But no shenanigans!”
“Girly, you’re in the wrong group to be ordering that.” A malicious smirk spreads across his features, and already I’m begging Aiji and Maya return home soon, or at least try contacting me. I swallow my doubts and worries with one last bite of waffle, and so begins my day.
“No no no! Wipe that terrified look off your face! You’re supposed to be serene, yet smug!!!! You’re ignoring him, and that’s driving him insane!!!!” The photographer orders in his stern voice, the veins throbbing in his neck.
“…B-But I don’t like Die being this close!!! It worries me!!!” Poor Shinya whimpers from underneath a bondaged Die.
“Awe, come on Shin-chan. You know you want me.” Die smirks, or at least I’m assuming he’s smirking from behind that mask. I’m not gonna lie, it is hot.
“Sorry Die, as I said before, you’re not my type.” Shinya haughtily replies.
“…SAY WH-?” But he doesn’t get anything else out before the camera flashes and blinds them both. “Agh!!! Couldn’t you warn a guy?!” Die screeches, now rubbing his blinded eyes.
“Sorry, but I had the perfect shot.” He beams. Die only growls, moving off the set.
“Ooh!!! Me and Shinya next!!!!” Toshi squeals skipping over to the man…er, well as close to man as you can get while wearing a dress, make-up, and curly extensions…man’s side. Though I can’t say much for Toshi either…sigh. Though he does have some majorly to die for thighs…jealous.
“Awe, you look so pretty Shin-chan!” He giggles plopping down beside him on a set of stairs, legs splayed. Yet again, I find myself envious of those damn legs of his. Why does HE have better ones than me?!
“Yeah yeah.” Shinya grumbles laying his head in Toshiya’s lap, who has a very shifty look in his eye. The camera quickly flashes just as Toshi’s hand reaches to pull Shinya’s frown into a smile. Thankfully it caught it as a sexy, hair caressing moment.
“Perfect! NEXT!!!” He shouts shoving Kyo on the set, who growls much like a lion. Eep.
“Don’t shove me.” He mutters. His grumbling persists until a certain someone interrupts.
“I can see your ass from down here.” Toshi smirks behind a fan, making Kyo go wide eyed. And again, FLASH! The camera goes and Toshi’s shooed off stage before he can do anymore damage. I really do feel bad for the rest of Diru now. “Hey!!! Let’s take a pic with Remi!!!! Mass orgy!!!” Toshi beams.
“NO!” They all shout in unison, Kyo whipping a fan at him. And with that, their interesting photoshoot ended…No, I lie. They did drag me into some rather awkward positioning pictures, and if Aiji had seen them…Eep! Big trouble. So sorry, but we’re not going into that. Teehee.
“Well…I hate to say it…but good job today everyone.” Kaoru sighs from the driver's seat, mainly at Toshiya who’s bobbing his head to his iPod and (unfortunately) singing along. Kyo’s curled up on the van's dirty floor (ew much?), already fast asleep, his heavy tons of make-up still on his face. Actually…I’m rather sure he just whipped off that entire costume and threw on some pants, then crawled back here. Poor little fella. Though I must say, he is adorable when he sleeps. As if knowing what I’m thinking, a tiny growl emits from his throat and I can’t help giggling.
“Hey, let’s go hang out at Kaoru’s. I’m bored.” Toshi suggests, loudly.
“Take your headphones off before you talk.” Die mutters.
“WHAT? Couldn’t hear you!” Before he could answer, Kyo pulls the accessories from the iPod itself.
“He said to take out your damn headphones before you talk! God you’re so loud.” He grumbles falling back to his heap on the floor.
“Oh…well, Kaoru’s?”
“Why does it have to be my place? Can’t you go trash your own? I just cleaned.” Poor Leader-Sama whimpers.
“Cause mine’s already a disaster zone!” Toshi grins toying with his music yet again.
“It’s true. I’m surprised it hasn’t been condemned yet…” I mutter, feeling slightly awkward being crammed in this tiny van with all these, gorgeous, J-rockers. It’s different from Lm.C…they’re experienced, and strangers. I hear a chuckle from beside me, and turn to see that it’s from Shinya. I can’t help but smile, knowing I said something amusing to him. The man hardly ever smiles.
“So back to the party situation…whose place?”
“Well, not mine. Amber would have a panic attack. Probably not best for the baby…” He mutters. Already, I’m ready to jump at the opportunity for baby talk. I love babies!!! Sadly, they continue their plans, eventually coming to the conclusion that it will be at Kaoru’s and Die will pay for someone to clean up their mess. They make a few side trips, stopping to pick up Die’s and Toshi’s girlfriends, along with Elizabeth. Now it’s a party. As if. Already Toshiya’s girlfriend, Danni, is shooting daggers at me. I can’t seem to go anywhere without making enemies. Sigh. I plop myself down on a recliner, next to where Die and, Amber I think it was, are cuddled closely poking at her stomach. Her gaze briefly shifts to me, and I hadn’t noticed until now that I’d been staring.
“Oh my gosh! I didn’t mean to stare!” I quickly blush, hiding my face in my hands.
“What did she say Die?” She mutters in broken Japanese, a heavy American accent.
“She apologizes for staring.” He replies in english. So she doesn’t know Japanese? At least I know English. School did some good things. Ha ha.
“It’s okay!” She smiles. “It’s hard not to when someone’s got their hands all over you.” I can’t help but laugh as she squirms in Die’s arms.
“Hey now. That’s not nice.” He pouts, his lips meeting her neck. It makes me miss Aiji all the more. Still, not one word from him. Suddenly, Amber erupts into giggles screaming ‘uncle’ as Die tickles her.
“Stop!” She laughs desperately, “You’re gonna upset the baby!” She whines, instantly making him stop, his face set into a worried frown.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He rubs her stomach carefully when I turn to them.
“How far along are you?” I smile watching as Amber pats Die’s hand.
“Uh…a month? I think. It hurts when I move around too much for some reason.”
“Hm…” I move to say something else, but Kaoru quickly interrupts, Elizabeth tagging along behind him like a duckling. Her, Kaoru, and Shinya have gotten extremely close while Maya’s been missing. They’re like parents for her. Ha ha. Bet you can guess who wifey is?
“Die, come help me get Kyo out of the bathroom. He got drunk and locked himself in there, and now Toshi’s gonna piss on my carpet. Expensive carpet.” He adds, sternly dragging Die from his comfortable spot at his girlfriend’s side. She looks slightly lost without him. Poor girl.
“Mind if I sit by you? I feel kinda out of place here.” I admit. She welcomes me with a warm, motherly smile, and already I have second thoughts about this party. And not negative thoughts. Before the night’s over, we all partook (meaning forcefully) in ridiculous games that resulted in quite a lot of fanservice. Not that I’m complaining, tehee.
“You okay Rem?” Toshi slurs stumbling over to my side. We somehow made it back to his place in one piece, and now tonight’s antics are taking their toll. I’m bushed.
“Yeah.” I lie examining my phone to find, yet again, not one message or missed call. I really wonder if he does care at all.
“You can have my bed. My name’s all over the couch.” He grins, his warm hand resting on the small of my back. I can feel the slight blush pinking my cheeks.
“No, I couldn’t.” I grin up at him, and he only rolls his eyes slothfully.
“No ifs, ands, or buts. It’s the least I can do.” He mumbles falling on to the couch, all ready out cold.
“You’re hopeless.” I chuckle draping a blanket over his slumbering body. He reminds me of a child in his sleep.
“I love you Remi.” He mutters in his sleep, alarming me. But looking closer, I can’t find a reason to be frightened.
“…I love you too Toshiya.” I whisper ruffling his feathery hair and padding off to his room, sleep immediately overwhelming me, as well as images of the gentle man sleeping just outside the door. I wonder how long I have loved him. And Aiji. Sigh. Love bites.


Heh heh, I can't not laugh at this picture anymore XDDDD
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Oh god!!!! NO IDEAS!!!! *cries* I hope you thought this chapter was okay *sniffle* Message me if you'd like to see something-I need fillers :<
