Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

There's Hope Yet

“I didn’t know you guys were coming back today.” I smile hugging my brother closely, trying my best not to look at Aiji.
“What? But he said he told you.” Maya pouts, gesturing behind him to the one person I was trying to avoid. “Aiji!” He growls, furrowing his eyebrows at the man.
“Sorry! I was rather distracted by the man she was screwing in the background.” He snarls shooting death glares at me, when I remember who else is standing behind me. Maya looks at me wide eyed, as my look of fury grows by the second. I’m ready to rip Aiji’s damn throat out. And I thought I loved him. Pfft. Love must be another word for hate.
“You know what you little dipshit, why don’t you settle this with me, seeing as how I’m obviously the one you have a problem with.” Toshiya steps past all of us, standing tall and superior next to the short, inexperienced guitarist. He narrows his dark eyes, and I can’t help but shiver at the chill working its way down my spine.
“Who said I have a problem with you? It’s obviously her that I’m mad at for cheating on me!” Aiji glares, anger directed toward me once again. It makes me feel crummy, knowing the man who supposedly loved me with all his heart can’t seem to trust me.
“Aiji, why would you think I cheated on you? How could you think that? I thought you loved me…” I whisper, clenching my fists tightly. I won’t cry. Not now. I’ll be strong and stand up for myself, no matter how this ends.
“Yeah? Well I thought I could trust you, but I see the way you look at him. And how much time you spend with him. Don’t think I’ve never noticed. It’s only a matter of time, and I’m not sticking around to find out when.” He sneers, shoving past me and out of my life. “We’re through.” A silence falls on all of us as I watch him walking away, shocked and wide eyed. That’s it? …I thought he was different…but he’s not. He left, just like the others. What do I do to deserve this? Is sex the only thing they want? The one thing I can’t give them? My disease is what’s keeping me from finding someone to care for me, and it’s only a matter of time until that takes its toll on me. I’m dying of a broken heart…and that’s going to kill me before anything else does.
“Remi…” His familiar, soothing voice coos, snapping me back into reality. Toshiya’s strong arms wrap around me tightly, doing their best to keep me together. “That was low…you deserve better. You’ll find someone…and you’ve got all of us.” He smiles warmly, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze, as well as everyone else’s. “It’s okay to cry…” He whispers gently, pulling me closer.
“Not for him.” I sigh returning his warm embrace. I feel another set of arms around me, and turn to see little Lizzie hugging me as well, tears falling from her eyes. “You’re too soft.” I chuckle gently, pulling her into our hug as well.
“Someone’s got to be.” She whimpers, a slight laugh to her tone. Before I know it, everyone’s joined in on our group hug, all making me warm, gluing the pieces back together.
“You guys are the best.” I laugh, squirming in the center.
“We know.” Die chimes in, a playful smile on his face.
“He was a douche.” Amber mutters. “You can do better.” She giggles.
“Much better.” Die smirks, nudging Toshi in the ribs, and I can’t help but notice the blush on his face, nor the fact that he has yet to let me go. I think there’s hope yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Be Continued in the sequal ^ ^ So look forward to that XP Sorry it's really short T_T Hope you enjoyed Love Bites :D I'm not sure what the sequal will be called yet, but that may take a wee bit-I've still gotta finish Finding the Heart :) Message me and let me know what you think :)