Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

My Flower Bud

It’s been a few months since Lm.C was formed. That’s what they call themselves now. Didn’t I tell you they all change their names eventually? Ha ha. It didn’t take long for them to be signed, and he’s ecstatic. Me? Not so much. Now my dear brother is never around. He’s constantly out partying. I never see him anymore…I miss him. Although he may be gone, I’m not alone. His initial support and love may have vanished for the time being, but his closest friend has mended that empty spot in my heart. That friend being Aiji. My dimwitted brother may like being immersed in the spot light…but Aiji is different. We’ve spent many hours alone together, just hanging out, talking, watching movies, precisely what close friends do. Aiji is now one of the few people I can say belong in my heart, and I hope I’m in his. As our bond grows…I find myself becoming more and more attracted to him. I’m not sure if I want this or not…
Returning home from work, I discover him passed out on the sofa again. Today wasn’t the best of days. Being hit on by drunk guys, my butt slapped or groped. And now this?!
“Maya!!! The least you could do is go to your own room!!! I’m working my ass off to support us until you start making money!!! And this is the thanks I get?!!!” I shriek throwing my smoky coat on his limp body, making him instantly bolt up and stare at me wide eyed. I find myself staring back, not at my brother…but at his band mate. Aiji, his arms thrown up in front of him defensively.
“Sorry! I didn’t know what to do!” His eyes dart around the room, finally landing on Maya’s closed door. “He was totally wasted and I had to get him home, but you weren’t here! I didn’t want to leave him in case something bad happened!” He stutters, his breathing accelerating by the minute.
“Oh my gosh! Calm down Aiji, it’s okay!” I laugh, amused by his utter distress. His eyes lock with mine, and I quickly find myself blushing.
“Sorry.” He mutters again, those eyes drifting down the length of my body. But there’s no trace of lust in them. And believe me, I know what lust looks like. His eyes are full of concern. He knows full well what the late shift at a shabby diner can bring a girl.
“Are you okay? You look exhausted.” I abruptly ask, shifting uncomfortably. These shoes are killing me.
“You’re brother is quite a handful.” He grumbles, the small hint of a smile hidden in the corners of his taut lips. I can’t help but laugh, knowing full well what he means. Maya has never been one to sit around and enjoy the small things in life. He’s all about action. My brother lives life to the fullest.
“I feel bad for you. You’re stuck with him.” I snigger working off my apron from work, along with the uncomfortable shoes.
“Well you’ve gotta live with him.” He chuckles, a yawn escaping his mouth. Poor guy must’ve been dragged around for hours.
“You can sleep in my bed. It’s the least I can do to repay you. You’re always there for me.” I smile warmly, desperately hiding my blush as I attempt to make eye contact. I must look pretty pathetic.
“No no! I couldn’t! I should head home!!” I’m surprised to see a red tinge in his own cheeks. Maybe…no, I’m being delusional. He couldn’t like me. I’m just someone to get free advice and food off of. But I can’t stop thinking about him. That’s the last thing I want.
“Aiji…it’s two in the morning. You know how these streets are at night don’t you? I don’t want you being raped, mugged, beaten, or kidnapped.” I pout. “Who else is going to put up with Maya?” Giggling, receiving another one of his crooked grins.
“If you insist. But I’m fine on the couch.”
“Well so am I.” I counter, eyes narrowing. His roll in response, as he lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Fine! You win this time!” He mutters trudging off to my room. I can’t resist checking out his ass. He does have a fine ass. Heh heh. Situating myself on the couch, I briefly catch a whiff of his musky scent. It brings back fleeting visions of my father, and I close my eyes, wishing those images away.
I’m not entirely sure why…but when I woke up, I discovered Remi wrapped securely in my grasp, her eyes puffy and tiny whimpers sounding from her throat. Even her body shivers vulnerably. I know she wasn’t in here when I fell asleep…so why is she now? Not that I’m complaining. It’s nice waking up to a beautiful girl keeping you warm. And she certainly keeps me warm. And not physically. Oddly enough, I find myself drawn to this distant stranger. I know she hides things from me. Who doesn’t? But I can’t stop myself from being curious. I want to know all about her. I want to know the true Remi…not the rough exterior. I can tell you for a fact, this scared, lonely, and vulnerable girl sleeping in my arms, is in fact the reflection of who she truly is. Deep down, Remi is troubled…and I want to be someone she can rely on. After all…that’s what friends are for, right?
Unfortunately, friendship isn’t what I have in mind.
“Dude! What the hell?!” Maya hisses from her bedside. “I leave you alone for one minute and you decide to bone my little sister?!!”
“I DID NOT!!!!” I counter, flipping the sheets back to reveal our fully clothed bodies as proof. “I just woke up and she was here!”
“Well why are you in her bed in the first place?!!!”
“She forced me!!!” This conversation seems to be getting worse by the minute. And I know we’re going to wake her up. No one can sleep this soundly. Maya lets out a shrill sigh, shaking his head fiercely.
“I’ve got my eye on you.” He growls, finger flexed in my face. You’re going to have to keep those eyes open 24-7. She can’t stay your innocent little flower bud for long. Eventually she’s going to have to bloom. And there’s a part of me that’s fighting to help with that. I want her to be my rose.
The sound of Maya stomping out of the room quickly alerts Remi that someone isn’t all too happy with her choice of sleeping arrangements.
“Morning Tiger.” I tease looking her in the eyes. She has gorgeous eyes, hazel with specks of green and gold shimmering inside them. I could watch her for hours. Every bit of her intrigues me, and I could spend days like this. I want to hold this tender girl in my arms. I want her to think of me as much as I think of her. I could grow to love her…and quite easily. I could be with her. She’d be my own tiny flower. Something to brighten every moment. Someone to bring out my true self.
She smiles tenderly, her gaze lost in mine and I find myself fighting the urge to make her my own.
“Ohayo.” She whispers dreamily. “Sorry I snuck in. I had a nightmare.” A blush finds its way to her already rosy cheeks, and she quickly tries to hide it. I wish she wouldn’t. I love how expressive she is.
“I’m glad you snuck in…” I confess, finding her eyes once again locked with mine, a look of surprise, confusion, and glee written in them. Slowly, her supple lips turn into a smile, and even her dimples pop out within her rosy cheeks. Somehow, that one comment truly made her happy. Unconsciously, my fingers find their way into her hair, weaving throughout the long, dark, silky strands and angling her face closer to mine, lost in each other’s eyes. Should I be doing this? The question pops into my head billions of times, as her lips lightly skim over mine and a feeling of euphoria sends electric pulses throughout my body. Why should I care about the answer? I’m milliseconds away from getting what I desire most. Her. Just as I’m about to press my lips to hers, the door flies open and Maya’s heavy mass bounds onto the bed…sending us flying of course. Dammit Maya. Sigh.
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Dedicated to DarkWingedAngel ^ ^ Thanks for your comments and support!!! :D