Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites


Oh my god!!! Was Aiji seriously about to kiss me?!! Dammit Maya!!!!! Why do you have to ruin everything?!!! Narrowing my eyes at him, I quickly find that puppy face looking back. He obviously wants something.
“Is my wittle Maya hungry?” I tease, inching out from underneath the thin sheets. I hate layers of blankets. They’re so constricting. I’d rather sleep in the nude any day…but something tells me that wouldn’t be such a good idea…My gaze slips to Aiji whose eyes travel down the length of my body. I can’t help but blush.
“Maa~aaybe.” He snickers, a huge grin on his face. The boy never could cook…even a bowl of cereal would be too much. I feel bad for whoever’s stuck marrying him. If he manages to find anyone that is.
“Well get off me so I can cook. Or make Aiji do it.” I grumble, trying to shove his heavy ass off me. No luck.
“Maya’s too picky.” Aiji grumbles rolling out of bed and onto the floor with an oomph.
“True that.” I giggle, the brief image of him about to kiss me sends my face into a wave of blushing. Why do I always think of the awkward things? Sigh. Hastily, I retreat to the kitchen, immediately hunting through the cupboards. We need to go shopping.
“I’m stealing your shower for a while. Hope you don’t mind.” Aiji momentarily announces, already disappearing behind the bathroom door. Again…I find myself fighting the images that cram my mind, my blush visible yet again. Bad Remi…bad. Maya inches closely to me as I fiddle with his breakfast.
“So why are you all smiles and blushes?” His lips break into a sneer as he pokes at my side, taunting me. I slap his hand away, evading more prodding.
“That’s for me to know and you never to find out.” I smile to myself, eager to know something he doesn’t.
“Oh? Does it have to do with you and Aiji’s game of tonsil hockey?” His grin grows, as does his teasing.
“We were not!!” I deny.
“That blush on your face begs to differ.” His eyebrows raise as he bites into an apple.
“You just ate the sticker Maya.” I inform him. I don’t even have to look away from the skillet…I just know he’s eaten it. Somehow he manages to every time. Sigh.
“It’s a good source of fiber.” Right…good excuse. “Anyway, no changing the subject!! So did he steal your v-card or what?”
“MAYA!!!! You know me better than that!!!! I can’t and wouldn’t do that!!!”
“I’m just sayin! Heat of the moment my little sister.” He flashes hsi infamous smirk at me, and I can’t help but role my eyes.
“Anyway…you know I can’t ever do that.”
“Sucks to be you. You’re missin out.” He informs bluntly, taking another bite so that his words are muffled.
“My little man-whore.” I giggle.
“I’m just making up for your loss.” He justifies. As if. “But anyway, are you two together? I won’t have him using my little sister. You deserve the best.”
“Maya, calm down. We’re just friends. Earlier…that was nothing. We didn’t even kiss. It was just an awkward moment. Sure…I like him…but I doubt he’d want to be with me for long. He’s a rockstar. He wouldn’t have time for me. He’s going to want to have fun with his life.” I mutter, my eyes downcast. Every word hurts more and more. How I wish I could have him…I’d love to love him. I want nothing more than to feel cared for. To be the one girl he thinks of constantly. I’ve already lost my brother to his new life of fame…so who do I have to care for me now?
“Remi…you shouldn’t be so quick to make judgments…He’s not like others…” Maya explains, setting his disheveled apple on the counter, his hands resting on my shoulders. “And besides, I’m more than certain that he likes you.” He flashes that heartwarming smile, and I instantly find myself believing everything will be okay. Why am I so easily deceived? But I don’t care…right now…I’d like nothing more than to believe his lies. I hear the bathroom door click open, accompanied by a dripping, almost naked Aiji. If it wasn’t for that towel…man oh man. He’s got one hell of a body. “You’re drooling.” Maya chortles, his elbow finding its way to my side yet again.
“Oh shut up.” I blush. “You wish you looked like that.” I snarl, barely a whisper.
“So mean.” He pouts as Aiji disappears into Maya’s room.
“I’m borrowing you clothes dude!!!” He announces, yet again from behind a closed door. Thank god he didn’t hear any of our conversation.
“Remind me to burn them later!!!” Maya laughs.
“Fuck you.” Aiji grumbles, and once again, I can’t hold back my giggles. What a man.
“Wanna mess around at my place? I’m bored.”
“AIJI!!!” My face is beet red at his suggestion.
“No!!! Wait!!! Sooo not what I meant!!!! I was just talking about video games!!! I don’t want to fuck you!!!”
“Well now I feel great about myself.” I pout.
“No! Not that I don’t want to!! I’d do you any day!!! You’ve got a hell of a body…I should just stop before I get ahead of myself.” He grumbles, a blush growing on his face as well.
“Dude, you were ahead of yourself in the beginning of this conversation.” I giggle and catch a glimpse at one of his rare smiles. He’s such a beautiful person. “But thank you. It’s good to know I’m hot.” I laugh.
“As if you didn’t know.” He rolls his eyes, picking at his bangs and spiking portions of his hair. I don’t answer, hoping not to lie to him. In truth…I’ve never thought of myself as beautiful. Just a menace. I’m going to make everyone miserable in the end. Sometimes I wonder what the point in me being born was…besides an oopsie done by the parents. “You okay? You look kinda down.” He mutters, his face inches from mine. I hadn’t even realized how close he’d gotten.
“Sorry, I’ve just been thinking.”
“Bout what?”
“Nevermind. I don’t want to bother you with it.”
“Remi, you could never bother me.” He smiles again, and this smile…I know I can trust. “I’m always hear to listen.” So I find myself lost in his dark eyes again, not even realizing what words spew out from my mouth. Most likely shit dealing with losing my only family, being lonely, hating myself, and wanting someone to care for and return those feelings to me. Never once did his gaze leave mine. Never once did he yawn or roll those eyes. Never once did Aiji show an inability to care. And for once…I realized how close that person was I cared for and how close I was to getting him.
“I love you Aiji.” I whimper, my glassy eyes tearing over. Did I really just say that? To this man who may as well be a stranger? His eyes grow large in astonishment, and before I know it, I find myself hugging him tightly, wishing him never to go. Stay with me? Please?