Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

My Girl

“I love you Aiji.” Remi whimpers, her glassy eyes brimmed with tears. I quickly find her arms wrapped around me. Or maybe mine are around her? Who knows? And who cares? All I’m preoccupied with is an answer. I mean, come on! Love? I’m no expert and I can hardly define the word myself. But being with her right now…to me it feels right. Is this love?
“…I don’t know what love is Remi.” I whisper, watching as her eyes sink in rejection and feel her body tense and pull away from mine. I hold her tighter letting my fingers drift through her hair. “But what I do know is that I want to be with you.” I speak softly, a gentle smile chiseled into my features. When I’m with her…that smile is the one thing I can’t get rid of. With her, I’m the real me. Her eyes still quiver, shimmering tears threatening to spill over…but this time, that face is accompanied by her wide, toothy grin, and a giggle so bright I wonder if I’ve ever heard anything so pure.
“Works for me!” She laughs, a sniffle erasing the final traces of what were her fears of rejection. Now, the only thing left to wipe away is relief…but that she lets flow. Tears stream down her gentle face. I don’t know why I find it so beautiful. I find her remarkable beyond words. Her smile, her long, flowing raven hair, those deep green eyes and button nose, even her ivory skin, everything about her seems perfect. I’ve found my dream girl, and I’m not letting her go.
“Be my girlfriend?” It’s more of a demand than a question, but she finds no arguments in it. Before I realize it’s happened, we’re sharing our first kiss in her dingy, small living room on a raggedy, beat up couch surrounded by piles of clean and dirty laundry as well as dirty dishes with the static of the television humming in the background. But to me…all I see is her and the festival of fireworks we’ve created with that one tiny kiss. It leaves me craving more. More of everything with her.
“That’s a yes in case you couldn’t figure it out.” She giggles, a blush in her cheeks. I love seeing her blush. She’s adorable. I hate to admit it…but just like her brother. Sigh.
“Wanna get out of here before Maya decides it’s time to wake up and bug the new couple?” I ask, still semi serious.
“Do I!” She exclaims practically bolting out the door. I chuckle following closely behind her.
“My place? I’ve got video games!!” I suggest, the smile still visible in both my face and eyes.
“You know me all too well.” She laughs, turning to face me, her face serious, contemplating over something. “What’s up?” I bite my lower lip, slightly worried that I’ve implied too much. Maybe I’m rushing things? I don’t know. I’ve never had much of a girlfriend. Just a bunch of chicks that found me hot, and unfortunately made me horny. She inches close to me, hesitantly taking my hand in hers, hiding her face from me. No doubt her cheeks are rosy red again. I can’t help but smile, squeezing our intertwined fingers lightly and placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“You’re too cute.” I chuckle as we briskly walk to my place just a few blocks away. It’s a sunny day, but the autumn air is chilling…cold enough for our puffs of breath to be seen. The wind whips around us lazily, leaves scattering down the almost empty sidewalks and spreading their scents throughout their surroundings. All in all, a wonderful day.
“Yeah!!! Take that!!! I beat your ass AGAIN!!! Who says girls can’t play videogames?!!!” I gloat triumphantly, throwing the control to the ground and dancing throughout the room triumphantly…again.
“I never said that.” Aiji pouts. Liar. Everyone says it. “And be careful with my poor controls. They’re only babies. They can’t take that kind of abuse!” He whines cradling his crying child. I can’t help rolling my eyes and laughing. Not that I’d be much better…then again…I’m not emotionally attached to inanimate objects. Again..oh well. Not every boyfriend’s perfect. Heh heh…boyfriend. Aiji’s my boyfriend!!! That fucking sexy J-rocker!!! ALL MINE!!!! “Sweet tart? You okay? You’re laughing maniacally…” He questions, his eyes wide in fear.
“Awwe!!! You called me sweet tart!!!!” I giggle like a giddy fangirl who’s just met, kidnapped, and tied the object of her affection to her bed post. But I wouldn’t do that. Not me. Aiji blushes like mad, quickly avoiding my gaze. He’s so adorable.
“Yeah…well…” He mutters, his voice barely a whisper. I chuckle, quickly hopping into his lap and pulling his face to mine in a kiss that started sweetly…next thing I know he’s on top of me breathing heavily and tugging at my pants lustfully.
“We can’t do this.” I whimper, immediately shoving his hands away.
“I’m sorry…I don’t know what came over me…” He mutters, eyes downcast. I can’t tell if he’s sincere or not…
“It’s okay Aiji, I’m at fault too.” I smile kissing his forehead.
“There’s always next time.” He smirks. This is the turning point…and I know it.
“Yeah…” I lie, quickly rolling off the couch and into his kitchen. “I’m hungry.” I announce, avoiding the subject. I’m not yet ready to lose him. Not like all the others.
“I was kidding about that next time thing by the way. And there are some pizza rolls in the freezer. I could go for some of those.” He smiles, batting his long eyelashes at me. I take it this is Aiji’s way of begging. I can’t help but laugh to myself as I throw the treats in the oven.
“Thanks.” I smile, referring to the original statement. He knows exactly what I’m talking about.
“You’re welcome sweet tart.” He grins using my pet name. I wonder what it means to him? “Wanna go on a date tomorrow? We’ve already made out and not even 24 hours have passed.” He mumbles bashfully, ashamed of his low will power. I’m just as bad.
“Hmm…tomorrow…I can’t. I have work.” I grumble.
“Awe. Damn job.”
“Well I’ve gotta pay for everything Maya scarfs down somehow!” I laugh. He smiles brightly moving to my side and playing with my hair. I love his touch. He makes me feel loved without even realizing it.
“Don’t worry, eventually he’ll be paying for everything you scarf down.” He chuckles. “Or maybe I will.” He whispers the last part in my ear before darting off to another room. What exactly did he mean by that? Ugh, Aiji. You confuse me so much!!!! I can hear his faint chuckle in the far away room and find myself smiling yet again. He always makes me smile.